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    The ride could’ve been really awkward, but it wasn’t. Ken seemed okay, he had a sense of humor which made it a little more comfortable, even though he was basically a stranger to us.

    Aria toned down the flirting, which I was very thankful of because I would be really uncomfortable being the third-wheel of my sister and her older date. I prayed they wouldn’t forget me and kiss while I was in the backseat. Gross.

    “So, what else do you do besides bartending?” Aria asked curiously, twirling a piece of her messy blond hair with her index finger.

    “I go around to other. . . companies and talk to their workers.” He said simply and I wondered who he worked for.

    “So you’re like a businessman.”

    “Yeah, you could say that.”

    I continued to stare out the window, watching as the unruly trees passed by and the road narrowed. It was very dark out, pitch black with an exception of scattered moonlight.

    “What company do you work for?”

    “I actually work for my parents.”

    “Oh. By the way, how old are you?” I wanted to face-palm, I couldn’t believe she didn’t ask his age sooner. He could’ve been a fourty-year-old criminal!

    “Twenty-one.” He said matter-of-factly and Aria gasped.

    “If I had met you before today, this would’ve been illegal.” She laughed.

    “It was illegal as soon as I gave you alcohol.” Ken grinned and I noticed that he was constantly looking in his rearview mirror.

    “Hey, I’m very mature for my age.” Aria said lightly while smiling and I could see she really liked him. She isn’t afraid to give a guy the hint. Usually, she went through guys in a few weeks, she had a rule where she won’t date the same guy for more than three months.

    While I’ve never had a boyfriend.

    “I’m sure you are.”

    “I’ll show you how mature I am.” I didn’t like where this conversation was going, I wanted to stop being the third wheel.

    Suddenly, I noticed that we’d been driving longer than I thought we would. I tried to find a street sign or some hint as to where we were but there was nothing but trees, trees and more trees. I didn’t even know this part of town existed.

    Something didn’t feel right.

    Aria realized the same thing a minute after I did.

    “Hey, where are we?”

    Aria took out her phone and I looked around, feeling a little anxious. I didn’t recognize where we were but I knew that we definitely passed our street.

    That was when Ken locked the doors and floored it.

    “What the hell?” Aria screeched, her phone almost flying out of her hand. She tried unlocking the door but to no avail. I tried unlocking it too but it wouldn’t budge.

    That’s when my fear spiked.

    “Sorry about this,” He apologized sincerely and I widened my eyes, desperately trying to unlock the door, “Please relax,”

    “What the heck, how can we relax when you’re acting like a psycho killer who’s taking us to the woods to kill us?” She swore, violently tapping on her phone.

    “This won’t make much sense but just trust me, okay?” Ken cleared his throat and looked sideways at Aria and then back at me. He didn’t have the eyes of a killer.

    But I didn’t trust him.

    “Stop the fucking car and unlock the door.” Aria demanded loudly.

    “I can’t do that.”

    My heart hammered in my chest, feeling sick.

    “Where are we going?” I asked as calmly as possible but my voice still shook.

    “I’ll explain once we get there.” That was all we got.

    “Why can’t you tell us what the hell’s going on?” Her voice scratched my ears. He winced at the harsh tone of her voice but he didn’t explain.

    Ken sped through the woods, cutting a sharp left turn onto a dirt path.

    Aria met my eyes in the rearview mirror and I caught the subtle look in her eyes. She wanted me to run as soon as he unlocked the door.

    After an agonizing ten minutes, Ken drove us up a hill and there, sitting on the top was a gigantic castle. Verdant vines climbed up the black-bricked fortress and as we got closer, I saw that there were three figures standing infront of the tall doors to welcome us.

    Or kill us, I didn’t know which.

    As soon as Ken turned off the car and unlocked the doors, Aria and I instantly opened the doors but they were right there. One grabbed Aria and another grabbed me.

    I silenced my terrified thoughts and instead studied them carefully.

    The one who was holding me had soft blond hair and a kind, youthful face. He had a few faint freckles sprinkled across his nose and forehead.

    And the one holding Aria. . .

    I blinked to double-check but it was him, the guy watching us earlier at the party. I knew I sensed a strange vibe coming from him.

    He was bigger than I remembered. Aria struggled to get out of his hold but he was too strong. I was afraid he’d snap her in half.

    “What on Earth is going on? Why isn’t there any service up here?” Aria held up her phone to the sky, hoping to find a signal, but the one with the short brown hair threw her phone to the ground and shattered it with his foot.

    “No phones.”

    Aria didn’t say anything. She must’ve been scared by his outburst, just like I was.

    “Let’s go,” He gave the orders and the blond man pushed me forward.

    I shot Aria a look but she shook her head, telling me not to run.

    I forced myself to walk, holding my breath as we left our world behind and entered another.

    “We’ve told you a million times,” Aria sighed in frustration, “Our names are Aria and Hazel Brook, our parents are Leon and Lori, we’ve lived in Appleby since we were born. Now what the hell do you want with us?” She demanded.

    I stayed silent, looking down at the floor.

    I knew better than to get in the way of my sister’s wrath.

    The three men who “escorted” us, including Ken, were now interrogating us. They’ve asked us question after question about our lives, which didn’t seem relevant. Maybe to a killer but if they wanted to kill us, they would’ve done it already.

    “Stop, they’ve answered all the questions.” Ken finally spoke up, he’d been quiet the whole time.

    I was about to have a panic attack from all these personal questions.

    “Yet, we don’t have any real answers.” The one with the short brown hair, whose name I learned was Harry, muttered.

    “Maybe they’re not the ones.” The kind boy with the blond hair suggested.

    “I don’t understand what any of these questions have to do with kidnapping us. Like, what the hell,” Aria scowled and I shared her anger. I just tried not to show it.

    I looked into the fireplace, watching the embers dance. Without the warmth, I’m sure my body would’ve been bitten by the cold.

    “They’re the ones, Beta,” Harry looked at the blond boy, who looked between Aria and I. I still had no idea what they were talking about.

    “The ones?” Aria asked, “The ones for what?”

    “Maybe we haven’t been honest with you.” He frowned at his fists.

    “Start off with your names.” I blurted and everyone looked at me.

    The three looked at each other, as if reading each other’s thoughts.

    “Very well, I’m Harry, that’s Abigail and you already know Ken.” The mean one with the short brown hair introduced. “Where should I start? Oh, maybe the part where we’re werewolves would be a good place. . .”


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