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    I quickly ran inside the women’s bathroom, hoping that he did not follow me. My heart was beating like crazy, I found my mate but what if it’s the enemy? Then my pack would kick me out. I didn’t want that to happen but for me to be with my mate it has to happen.

    I looked at myself in the mirror. “Vivian, calm yourself down,” I mumbled to myself but no words could calm my wolf down, there was only one person who would calm her down and that was the person I am trying to ignore, my mate. I groaned in frustration as my wolf kept howling for me to go back to the library and kiss him again but it took all the strength in me to not go back. I texted Apollo then we met back at the cafeteria.

    “Something wrong?” Apollo asked me as he pushed his messy hair back. “I should be asking you that,” I said as I sat in front of him. “I don’t know what’s happening to me. My wolf keeps acting up,” he said as he leaned his head on his palm. “I found my mate,” I whispered making sure nobody heard me. Apollo’s head snap back up to me and asked “And? Who is it?” I bit my lower lip and said “He is from the enemy’s pack,” Apollo’s face broke and he looked down. “I know, we made out in the library and made a mess but… I ran away from him. I don’t know how to feel about this, I can’t say I love him since I barely know him but desire and lust is building up in me.” I said, Apollo then grabbed my hand and said “Well, he is your mate. That’s how you’re supposed to feel. Don’t worry! We’ll figure things out,” I smiled and pulled my hands back until someone came to the table and slammed her hands on the table.

    “Ey Mate!” a girl’s voice said, I looked to the girl and she was slim and had curly blonde hair. She was tall and she looked like a hippie as she had loose green pants, black shirt with brown jacket, converse and she had s green sling bag. Suddenly Apollo tensed and he growled “Mine,” was that common? In a blink of an eye Apollo wrapped his arms around the girl’s body but the girl pushed him back making him growl more. “Calm down mate! I know you’re mine and I’m yours! Nobody is gonna fight or fuss over that! so chill,” the girl said making my eyes widen. “I don’t know your name and your friends name, Hi! My name is Amelia Michalka! I’m from the Elite Pack.” she said, mine and Apollo’s eyes widen. “What are we gonna do Vivian?” Apollo said as he sat back down with a face that can break anybody’s heart.

    “No problem mate! we keep it a secret till our packs have made a bond.” she said confidently. “You know your Alpha can kill us and you, if our Alpha doesn’t get to us first.” Apollo said, “You’re just over exaggerating!! Now come here and let’s get to know each other before the meeting starts for both packs.” Amelia said as she grabbed Apollo, you could tell she was strong by the way she grabbed Apollo and literally dragged him else where.

            After a hour of waiting for the meeting to start, Amelia and Apollo came back walking side by side obviously coming back from a make out session. Amelia smiled and waved at me as we three sat together and waited for the two Alphas to start the meeting. Suddenly Donald came up stage looking almighty and all. Some girls squealed as he walked on stage but the next person who walked on stage, the enemy’s Alpha just made my heart sunk but soar at the same time.

    My mate…


    the enemy’s Alpha.

            My heart just stopped as my world stopped spinning, “Mine.” I whispered to myself, Amelia and Apollo only heard. Apollo’s eyes grew wide but Amelia just smiled widely. Apollo’s eyes told me that my mate was dangerous, too dangerous to even be with but Amelia’s smile told me I was lucky and she thought it was cute since the Alpha is powerful and serious and here was his mate, someone who can make him weak.

    “You’re lucky then,” Amelia said, she looked at Apollo and said “Yeah, Yeah, I know you think he’s dangerous for her but I promise you that he’s not. Our Alpha looks scary but he knows what he is doing, he is overprotective with his pack but he keeps us safe. He is like a brother to me since my parents passed away with his parents. He promised his parents to take care of me.” Apollo growled and Amelia growled back saying “He is my Alpha, you should respect him if you’re my mate.” Amelia growled. I looked back on the stage and as he came to the middle of the stage, people were screaming and squealing making the girls go crazy and his pack members mostly guys cheer for him.

    Donald was the one who did the introductions and then he said “I just have a few rules, Your pack is not allowed to mate with one of mine and is certainly deadly not allowed to run anything that goes on with the school and the rest of the territory.” my heart dropped and Amelia and Apollo’s face dropped, clearly sad about the non-mating thing with the other pack, even mine was. The enemy’s Alpha quickly shot a quick glance at me and he said in his smooth but oh sexy voice “I only have one rule, hurt one of my pack members physically or emotionally then you shall face the worse.” some people flinched but I tried my best to not moan by hearing his voice.

    “Amelia, what is your Alpha’s name?” I asked, “Franklin. but we call me Alpha Frank.” she said, Franklin and Frank was a sexy name. The name wouldn’t stop repeating in my head. “And what if someone breaks the rules?” someone shouted in the crowd. I saw Donald smirked, but Frank quickly said something before he could “We talk about it and–” but before he could finish, Donald cut him off by saying “Off with their heads.” making everyone’s throat went dry. Even mine, I could tell that Apollo and Amelia tensed. At the corner of my eyes I saw that they grabbed each others hand. I envied them because Apollo has it easy, they could hide it easily but mine just had to be the Alpha.

            The day passed by quickly and it took every ounce in Apollo to not mate or claim or mark with Amelia. She told me that she wants to mate with Apollo but the situation that she is in, the situation that we are in is impossible. So she told me to keep Apollo away from her in public even if I had to lock him in a janitor’s closet, I had to at least do that a couple of times and sometimes shove him against the wall and pretend that we just made out which made me want to puke.

    but I would do anything for my friends, Amelia and Apollo. Audrey didn’t come up to me neither did Donald but not that I expected them to but it was just a thought that could be possible. I walked in the school’s empty halls. I was keeping an eye out for Amelia and Apollo as they made out in a room but it turns out that they went outside the window. Now the school was empty leaving only the click of my heels in the hallways to keep the silence away from killing me but as I got outside of the main doors of the school, I smelt a scent that was so familiar, that used to mesmerize me before that used to be the smell that I wanted to wake up to, but not anymore.

    I turned around to see him, “Donald,” I breathed out, as he was leaning on the school building with a smirk that’s plastered on his face. A smirk that used to make my heart soar up to the sky but now was just a normal and usual smirk. “Hello Vivian,” he greeted me bringing out the ‘low’ in hello. “Miss me?” he asked arrogantly. I snorted and said “No… Alpha, By the way, What are you doing here?” he started to walk towards me. “Making sure each of my pack members leave the school safely without having the enemy killing them or mating with them.” he said as he was just a few meters away from me, making me feel uncomfortable and not the usual butterflies invading my stomach. “oh,” was all I could say. Feeling like an idiot thinking that he stayed here just to see me or talk to me.

    “Have you seen Apollo anywhere? I didn’t see him leave the school.” he said, I tried my best not to look nervous or obvious that I know the truth. “Uh, yeah! He already went home. He went in the forest because he didn’t want to be in the presence of the enemy so he went to the forest, taking a run I guess to let out steam.” I lied. “Ah, many people don’t like that the enemy is here, neither do I.” he said. “Well, I got to get going Alpha, it’s getting late.” I said as I turned around to walk away but before I could I felt his hand grab my arm. Before I would melt and squeal at this but right now I just want to shift and run away.

    “Now, now Vivian. We haven’t seen each other in two years. We need to catch up,” he said, seriously getting on my nerves. I sighed as I faced him and said “Donald, since when do you ever want to hang out with me, You said it yourself before that you will never in your whole life like me,” “Yeah, but that was before.” he said as he came too close for my liking. I gently pushed him away but he wouldn’t budge. “Too close!” I said then to my horror he was leaning in, I tried pushing him but he was too strong. “Donald! Stop! Get away from me! Just… please leave me alone!” I said as I tried my best to push him. “That’s not what you said before,” he said, I was starting to shout ‘Stop’ and ‘leave me alone’.

    but then a voice boomed through the night,

    “She said leave her alone!”

    he then growled.



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