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    Annabelle’s POV

    “Anna” someone lightly shook me. “Time to get up” I slowly opened my eyes and saw my mom standing over my bed. “Elliot’s here. He’s waiting for you” she informed me. I nodded and she walked out. I carefully got out of bed, making sure that I didn’t wake up Ford. He stirred, but didn’t awaken. I sighed and got dressed for the day.

    I walked to the kitchen in light gray sweats, a white crop-top, and my white converse. Elliot was sitting at the table with my parents. All three heads snapped up to me when I walked inside the room. I dragged my bags to the wall and sat at the table. “Are you ready?” Mom asked. I honestly have no idea.

    I was ready to leave. But am I ready to meet my mate? The one person who loves me forever. My other half. Someone who was literally made for me. I want to meet him. But does he want to meet me?

    ‘Of course he wants to meet us! He’s our mate!’ Mia, my wolf, shouted at me. I blocked her out, so I wouldn’t be able to hear her voice.

    I nodded at my mother. “As ready as I’ll ever be” I gave her a small smile, which she returned. Elliot and my parents slowly stood up. My mom walked over to me and engulfed me in a bear-hug.

    “Be careful. Call us when you get to the first pack” Mom whispered in my ears. I nodded and she pulled away. “Good luck” she said with a small smile. I wrapped my arms around her waist one last time, and she kissed my head.

    “Honey, she’ll be back soon. A few months top” Dad said. Mom nodded and let go of me. I quickly turned to my father and buried my face in his chest while he hugged me. “Stay with Elliot at all times. Never go anywhere alone” I nodded in his chest and he pulled away. “I love you, Princess” he kissed my forehead.

    “Love you, too Dad” I said and grabbed my bags. I turned to Elliot who was patiently waiting for me.

    Dad walked up to Elliot and they firmly shook hands. “Take care of my daughter. I don’t care that you’re my best friend. I will hunt you down and rip off your head with my teeth if anything happens to her” Dad threatened. Elliot paled and nodded. “Have fun” Dad said with a smile on his face. My father changes emotions very quickly.

    I hugged both my parents and walked out with Elliot. “We are gonna be staying with each pack for a few days” Elliot informed me as we slid into the car. I nodded and rested my head on the window.

    I tried to go to sleep, but my mind wouldn’t let me. I kept thinking about my mate. What he looks like. How old is he? What rank is he? What’s his favorite color? What’s his favorite movie? I sighed and gave up on sleep.

    “We still have another hour until we get to the pack lines” Elliot told me.

    I shifted in my seat so I was sitting criss-cross in the chair. “What pack is first?” I asked. Elliot grabbed a piece of paper from the center console, and handed it to me. It was filled with dates, names, and packs. “Midnight Howlers” I read the first name.

    Elliot nodded. “We have to go to a meeting with them when we arrive” I looked at him confused and curious.

    “We?” I asked. Elliot just nodded. “Why am I going to be there?” I questioned. A meeting sounds boring. Exploring and finding my mate sounds much better.

    “As the Head Alpha, I have to inform them about a new law. But you’re gonna be there because I don’t want you alone” he said.

    I nodded in understanding. He has to protect me. “What’s the new law?” I asked. Elliot’s eyes got darker and his grip on the wheel got tighter. “Elliot?” I asked. He looked over at me and his expression softened.

    “Only an Alpha and his true mate can lead a pack as their Alpha and Luna” Elliot stated.

    My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “Why are you upset? Aren’t you all about that mates being together?” I questioned.

    “I am. I just can’t believe that an Alpha would choose someone, who isn’t his true mate, as his Luna!” he said exasperated. “If she was supposed to be a Luna, then the Moon Goddess would have chosen her to be his mate! It’s not like his mate was unfit to be a Luna. He’s just another power-hungry Alpha!” Elliot ranted.

    “Someone who isn’t meant to, took the place as a Luna?” I asked shocked. Elliot nodded. “Why would they even do that?!” I threw my hands up and dropped them on my lap.

    “Cause they wanted more power” Elliot’s grip on the wheel got tighter, so his knuckles were turning white. “Two Alphas made a treaty. Their son and daughter will marry, to join the packs. But both of them had already had mates. They just weren’t fully mated” Elliot explained. I nodded for him to continue. “So the son and daughter mated, and they united the pack. But they both have Alpha blood, so the pack suffered”

    Two born Alpha’s can’t rule one pack, especially if they’re not mates. If they were true mates, there would be a possibility it would work; however, it would be difficult. All Alpha’s are dominant. They wouldn’t want to work together. “So that’s why the Council created the law” I said. Elliot shook his head. “So why?” I inquired.

    “That is only part of the reason. The pack suffered, but so did their mates. Their mates died” Elliot said. I gasped. “After you meet your mate, there is instantly a bond created. You can feel each other’s emotions and pain and physical things. When the Alphas mated, their true mates felt it. They lost a part of themselves” I nodded, unable to form words. “That’s not even the worst part!” Elliot shouted.

    I gaped at him. “It gets worse?” I asked. Elliot rubbed the top of his head with his hand and sighed.

    “She was pregnant” he stated. I looked at him confused. “The son’s mate. She was pregnant when she died” Elliot said softly.

    My blood boiled. “So their stupid treaty killed two mates and an unborn child?!” I shouted.

    “That’s why we got the new law” Elliot finished. I let it all sink in.

    A child?! Just for power! All of that for power. Letting your pack suffer. Killing your own mate! Killing a child! That kid didn’t even have a chance to live. Didn’t have a chance to meet its mate. Didn’t have a chance to shift for the first time. The kid didn’t even get to meet its Mom. They ruined lives. All for nothing. Their plan failed, and they just suffered.

    How could someone do that? To their own flesh and blood. To their family. To the one person that was made just for you. Elliot and I sat the rest of the ride in silence.

    “We’re here” Elliot stopped the car just outside a forest. I nodded and he took out his phone and dialed a number. “Hello. It’s Alpha Garfield. We’ve just arrived”

    “Alright. I grant you and your guest permission to enter my territory” a male voice said through the phone. Elliot thanked him and hung up. After he hung up, I borrowed his phone to quickly call my parents. We continued driving for another half-hour, until we stopped in front of a three story mansion. Typical pack house.

    Most people would stand in front and gape at the building. But I don’t. I live in a castle. I’m used to fancy things. It’s also not the best pack house I’ve seen. Don’t get me wrong, it’s beautiful. But I’ve seen every other pack house, and its not the best. It has a lot of character though.

    “Come on. We’ll get the bags later” Elliot said, walking toward the front door. We stopped at the front and Elliot turned to me. “Do you smell anything?” he asked.

    I inhaled through my nose. I smelt werewolves, pine, chocolate, and cookies. Yeah. Chocolate. Its not my mate though. Elliot’s scent smells like chocolate. It always makes me hungry. My stomach growled and Elliot chuckled.

    “Do you smell anything other than my scent?” He said with a grin. I shook my head. “He’s gonna be in one of these packs” Elliot gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back and he knocked on the double doors.

    A woman with dark brown hair and bright hazel eyes opened the door. “Hello. You must be Alpha Garfield. I’m Hailey Woods, the Luna” she stuck her hand out for Elliot to shake.

    Elliot took her hand in his. “Please, call me Elliot. Alpha Garfield makes me feel old” Elliot joked. Hailey laughed and Elliot turned to me. “This is my niece, Annabelle”

    ‘Niece?’ I asked Elliot through our mind-link.

    ‘Your father wants your identity to be hidden. No one needs to know that the Princess is out of the castle’ Elliot replied. That makes sense. Not everyone likes the King and Queen.

    “Hello. I’m Hailey” she introduced herself again. “It’s nice to meet you, Annabelle”

    I cringed at my full name. “Just Anna, please” I said with a small laugh. Hailey nodded and opened the door wider, motioning for us to come inside.

    “Justin is in his office. Would you like something to drink?” she asked. Me and Elliot shook our heads. “Alrighty then. Follow me” she walked up stairs and stopped in front of a wooden door.

    “Come in” a male voice said from inside. Hailey opened the door and we walked inside with her.

    I glanced around the office. There were shelves of books and pictures. He had a shiny dark brown desk that matched the dark brown coffee table and a black leather couch. “Alpha Garfield is here” Hailey stated.

    The man turned in his chair, so he was facing us. “I’m Alpha Justin Woods” the man stood up from his chair and took two steps around the desk.

    “Elliot Garfield” Elliot shook hands with the Alpha. “This is my niece-“

    God, not the full name. “Anna” I cut him off. I shook hands with Justin and he motioned for us to sit on the leather couch. Hailey and he sat in the love seat as Elliot and I sat on the three-person couch.

    “You said you have news from the Council” Justin said, getting straight to business.

    Elliot nodded. “Are you two mates?” Elliot asked. The couple looked at each other and smiled, then turned back to us and nodded. “True mates?” Elliot questioned.

    “Yes. Where are you going with this?” Hailey asked confused and slightly wary.

    “The Council has passed a new law. Only a true Alpha and Luna may lead a pack” Elliot said. The couple didn’t look surprised at all.

    The Alpha nodded. “This is about the Forest Wanderer and the Hollow Moon pack” Justin stated. Elliot nodded. “Those poor kids” Justin said sadly.

    “Was that the only news?” Hailey asked.

    Elliot nodded. “If it is no trouble, my niece and I would like to stay for tonight” Hailey quickly nodded her head.

    “No trouble at all. The Head Alpha is always welcome in our home” Hailey said. “We actually have gotten two rooms set up already” she stated.

    “Hailey wanted to be prepared for your arrival. She even stocked the fridge and told the teens not to eat any of the food. She used her Luna voice” Justin laughed.

    Hailey turned red from embarrassment and slapped Justin’s arm. “Would you like a tour?” Hailey asked. Elliot said that he needed to discuss some final things with Justin. She turned to me. “Want a tour? I can introduce you to some people” Hailey offered.

    I looked at Elliot, who nodded at me in approval. “Sure. Thanks” I said. I followed her out the office and into the hallway. She gave me a tour of the second story, that consisted of other offices, a few bathrooms, and hospital rooms.

    The house was a pretty basic pack house. There were rooms for teen girls, rooms for teen guys, rooms for mates, and there was a whole floor just for the Alpha, Beta, and Gamma families.

    “Are you hungry?” Hailey asked. I nodded eagerly, causing her to laugh. Its not my fault I’m hungry. I didn’t eat breakfast. “We can make some sandwiches” Hailey said while we walked down the stairs. She led me into the kitchen were someone was making food.

    He looked to be around my age. He had dark colored hair and his abs were visible through his white shirt. Saying he was hot would be like saying sugar is kinda sweet. The understatement of the world! He looked up and noticed Hailey and I. He smiled at me, but paled when he saw his Luna.

    “Loren Hills!” Hailey shouted. I awkwardly shifted from foot to foot. “What are you doing?!”

    “Making a sandwich” he said in a duh tone. Hailey walked to his side of the counter and smacked the back of his head. “Ow!” he exclaimed.

    “What part of ‘no one better eat the food or I will personally rip your head off with my human teeth’ did you not understand?” she crossed her arms and waited for him to answer. When he didn’t, she continued. “I will not rip your head off since you are my son’s friend, but you will make this girl a sandwich” she motioned to me.

    Loren’s head snapped up to me. “Hey. I’m Loren. Ant for short” he winked at me. Flirt much?

    I looked at him questionably. “Ant? Like the bug?” I asked.

    Hailey chuckled. “Cause he likes to bug the crap out of people” Ant and I stared at her while she laughed at her own joke. “Tough crowd” she mumbled, walking out the kitchen.

    “So… That was weird” Ant stated while starting to make another sandwich.

    I sat on the stood by the kitchen island. “Yeah. Is she always like that?” I asked. Ant chuckled and nodded.

    “Most of the time. She’s kinda scary sometimes” he admitted. “So, what’s your name?”

    “Annabelle. Anna for short” I mocked his words. He smiled and handed me an plate with a sandwich. “Thanks”

    “No problem. Are you new?” he asked.

    I shook my head. “Just passing through” I stated vaguely. Ant’s eyes went wide and he stared at me.

    “You’re her aren’t you?” he asked with a smirk.

    I looked at him confused. “Who’s her?” I questioned.

    “The Princess!” he shouted. I put my hand over his mouth and he licked it. I shrieked and wiped my hand on his shirt. Gross! Why would you lick someone’s hand? Especially if you just met them! “So you are?!” he exclaimed.

    “Shut up” I scolded him. He frowned. “Sorry. It’s just that no one is supposed to know who I am. How do you know?” I asked.

    Ant shrugged. “Word travels fast around packs” I gaped at him.

    I’m in such big trouble and danger. And trouble. No one was supposed to know that I left the castle. “Anna?” Elliot’s voice echoed through the kitchen. I couldn’t say anything.

    “She’s in the kitchen!” Ant yelled. Elliot walked into the kitchen and looked from me to Ant. His mouth was moving, but I couldn’t hear him saying anything. Black dots started clouding my vision.

    Nothing mattered. People knew that I was out. People would be out to get me. It wasn’t safe anymore. I would probably have to go back home, mateless.

    Elliot stood in front of me and gripped my shoulders. “Annabelle. What’s wrong?” concern was clear in his voice. I knew what was happening. I was going into shock. I could only force two words out of my mouth.

    “They know” then darkness took over.


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