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    I leaned against the head board and listened to it creek. I had a very fuzzy memory of what had happened within the last few hours. My fingers twitched, as my eyes scanned every last inch of the room.

    I wished that I had woken up, and have all of this as just some twisted dream. Have my mother and father laughing down stairs, and have Laura singing along to one direction on the radio.

    Instead- I could only hear my beating heart, and my uncalm breathing. I could hardly fit the pieces together.
    My head turned towards the door as it creaked open, and a small red head walked inside. A smile clearly plastered on her face once she saw me.

    “How are you feeling?” She carefully made her way to my bedside, and I watched as the bed sunk in as she sat on the edge. I blinked, and stared blankly at the woman.

    She didn’t get angry, but gently laid a black V-neck T-shirt and some yoga shorts on a blanket. “Josh thought you might want to take a shower and then I could make you something to eat?” Her smile widened again.

    I nodded, and raised my hand to my face with a struggle. Before I could wipe the hair from my face- she did it for me.
    “I’m Isadora, but you can call me Dora. I’ll give you some privacy- but please come speak to me. I’d love to meet you…properly…”

    She sat there for a minute for a response, but gave up after a few seconds. Standing to her feet she turned on her heels and walked out shutting the door behind her.

    I stood to my feet, almost wanting to smile because I hadn’t walked in so long. My legs wobbled to the door Dora had walked out of and I locked it. Then I turned to another closed door- the closet was on the other side of the room, I already stared inside of it.

    When I turned on the light, I was shocked by what I looked like. My hair was stained with dust and blood and very greasy. My face was covered in bruises and the corners of my mouth were cut. My cheeks were stained with tears that had defiantly dried out my skin.

    After awhile of twisting nobs on the shower, I finally figured out how to work it. Gaining the right temperature I climbed in and gave a relieved sigh.

    The cool water beat against my skin, and a smile appeared on my lips. My tongue escaped my mouth to catch a few drops of water, and it was the best feeling in the world. I took my time washing the pain and dirt from my body.
    I climbed out of the shower, and began putting on my clean clothes. Luckily, Dora had folded a pair of under wear inside along with a bra that was almost too small, but it would have to work for now.

    I put on a black T-shirt one size bigger than me, and ran a brush through my hair.

    I headed towards the bedroom door- then I paused. Slowly turning I took in everything that I had missed. The smell, the view, and the picture sitting next to the television.

    I swallowed and stared at the picture. Two little boys were playing soccer outside, both seemed so familiar. I knew them from somewhere- it’s on the tip of my tongue.

    A knock on the door startled me. “Hello….? It’s Dora, you ready?” Unlocking the door, the friendly redhead smiled. I gave her a weak smile back.

    “What’s your name darling?” She asked, she stopped walking and turned to face me.
    “Jan-” I paused and cleared my throat, “Janet.”
    “Janet. Pretty name, nice to meet you. I’m very happy you are with us, and I’m very happy for Josh as well. I’m sure you do not know anything I’m talking about correct?”
    I nodded.
    “Well, I’ll inform you over lunch.”
    Taking two flights of stairs, rounding two corners and going through at least four different living rooms we stepped into a kitchen.

    She smiled and began to spread some meat and cheese on her bread. It didn’t take long for her to complete a Turkey dam made of cheese, tomatoes, Onions, lettuce and mayonnaise. Honestly, once I had a bite, there was nothing stopping me.

    Dora took a bite before speaking.

    “This,” she expanded her arms talking about the entire place, “this is the Frost Bite’s pack house. You my dear, you are very lucky to be here. Although this pack has had very Bad stories told there’s nothing to be afraid of. They save captured packs, and take them in. Very protective. Anyways, the alpha is Vincent. He will be stepping down very soon for Josh to become alpha. When Josh comes back, he’ll explain things to you.” She stopped to catch her breath. I don’t know how this girl can talk so much.

    “What makes you think I’ll stay?” I didn’t mean to make the question so blunt, but I couldn’t take it back.
    Dora shook her head quietly, “why would you even want to leave? This pack protects one another we-“
    “I have no need for a pack, so what- those guys rescued me and now I’m part of this pack, no option?” My wolf was at bay, but she did agree with some of the things I was saying.

    “No! I just assumed…” Dora began but I cut her off for the millionth time. I did want to be set free, but I did not want to become a part of anything ever again. I didn’t know what I wanted- but a pack wasn’t it. They were not there for me last time- and they won’t be this time.

    “Assumed what? That I’d stay here and feel captive again? Dora!” I yelled, two men entered the room and I sunk back towards her.

    “It’s like the last rogues. They stole me away from someone else- I. You-” I shivered, and stumbled backwards into a chair- falling onto my butt.

    The two men laughed, and I stood up quickly. If they touch me, I’ll do it to them.

    Instead, they stood there laughing. Dirt was all on their face, and the two looked like brothers. Standing there I growled.
    “Janet, I thought you would want to stay because Josh is here.”
    I scoffed at the idea.
    “How can I trust a mate if I can’t even trust myself? I-” I sighed. I never once took my eye off those men.
    Although Dora had reassured me several times that they were pack members, I was still afraid. Every move they made caused me to flinch.

    “What happened to your eye?” One of the men said with a smile, trying to get a better look at me.
    My Wolf instinctively growled at him, and I reacted quickly, grabbing him by the neck with one hand and pinning him to the wall.
    “Janet no!” Dora shouted, “He’s not worth it.”


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