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    I heard a howl of distress, I knew it was Elliot. They must know I’m gone which means I have less time than I thought. This only encouraged me to run faster.

    After running for about an hour I had to sit down to take a quick break. Werewolves stamina is pretty good when they aren’t malnourished.

    I sat there until I was able to catch my breath before I started to run again. It wasn’t long before it began to get dark so I slowed down, walking instead of running.

    And then I felt it, the first crack. I dropped my bookbag to the ground as I felt another crack, and then another one. I tried to bite my tongue and be quite, but I couldn’t. I let out a cry of a pain as I continued to feel my bones continue to break. I dropped to the ground as pain consumed me, closing my eyes as everything went black.

    I slowly opened my eyes, looking around cautiously. It was like everything was much more clear now, I could see all the particles in the air and hear the bugs moving around in the grass below me. I slowly stood up, trying to balance on my four legs. It was strange. I walked around in circles until I was used to it. I grabbed my bag in my mouth before starting to run again in order to get as far form Blood Longman as possible.

    I ran all day, only stopping a few times. I had so much more strength now. I finally stopped by a little river, shifting back. I cupped my hands and dipped them into the water, drinking from it quickly. I laid back on the grass and stared up at the stars.

    I hadn’t been laying down for very long when I heard footsteps. I jumped up and grabbed my bag, but not quick enough. Before I had time to run I was knocked to the ground by a black wolf, power radiating off of him.

    He shifted and stood up, glaring down at me.

    “What are you doing on our land, rogue?” He growled.

    “I’m sorry,” I said quietly, “I was just running. I didn’t realize I was on anyone’s territory.”

    “Well you are, so you’ve bought yourself a one way ticket to the Alpha’s office.”

    I just nodded and slowly stood up. There were four other wolves behind him. They all watched my every move very carefully. He grabbed my arm and practically dragged me along with him.

    It didn’t take long for us to get out of the woods, I hadn’t realized I had gone this far onto someone’s territory.
    I followed him inside a huge house, wondering if I would make it out of this alive. Normally packs are not forgiving of rogues.

    “The Alpha is waiting for you,” he said as he pushed me to door.

    I slowly opened it and stepped inside, looking around nervously.

    “Whats your name,” the Alpha asked.

    “Hannah,” I said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

    “Well Hannah, why are you on my land?”

    “I didn’t mean to,” I shrugged, “I was just running. I didn’t realize I was on anyones land. I’m sorry.”

    “Why were you running,” he asked.

    “Because I have to. Please just let me go, I wont ever step foot on your land again. I need to keep going,” I pleaded.
    “Who are you trying to escape from?”

    “I don’t want to explain, okay. I just have to go.”

    “Well,” he said, “you don’t have a choice.”

    “My mom died when I was 3,” I began, “she was protecting me in a rogue attack. My dad couldn’t live without her so he killed himself shortly after. I was blamed for their deaths. The beta and his mate died because of me. That’s when the hitting began. As soon as I was old enough I became the slave basically. I cooked for m sister and brother, I cleaned up after them. I would go to the Alpha’s house and have to do chores there too. I turned 18 2 days ago and found my mate. He rejected me so I left. I’ve been running since.”

    I wiped the tears off my cheeks and slowly looked up at him. He was staring at me intently,

    “Your mate rejected you,” he asked.

    “It was the Alphas son,” I nodded, “he said I was too weak to be the Luna.”

    “I am so sorry Hannah,” he shook his head, “I lost my mate in a rogue attack last year, I know how it hurts.”

    That’s when it clicked, I knew exactly where I was and who I was talking to. Carlos Thomas. He’s the Alpha of the White Crescent pack, known for his cruelty to rogues due to his mates death.

    “I’m sorry,” I said quietly.

    “It’s okay,” he said, “I’ll have Gary take you to one of my spare rooms. You can stay here as long as you need to.”

    “Thank you,” I said.

    “Don’t thank me. You deserve so much more than the life you were given. I am truly sorry for the way you have been treated.”

    The man who found me in the woods, who I’m guessing is Gary, came in and waved for me to follow.

    “I’m sorry for being so aggressive earlier,” he said as I followed up the stairs.

    “It’s okay,” I shrugged, “I understand.”

    “Alpha Carlos is a kind person,” he said, “you’ll be treated the right way here.”

    Thank you,” I said, following him into one of the rooms.

    “No problem. Carlos said he’ll be up in a few minutes to show you around.”

    I nodded and sat down on the bed as Gary left the room.

    The room was huge. I wasn’t sure what to do with all the extra space. There was a giant TV hanging on the wall, the bed was 3 times the size of my old bed. There were 4 windows with nice curtains. The dresser had 8 drawers rather than 3 like I had. There was a nice black rug in the middle of the floor, a desk next to one of the windows with a rolling chair next to it. I’ve never seen this much stuff in one room before.

    “Knock knock.” I was snapped out of my thoughts when a girl walked into the room. “My brother had Alpha things to take care of, so he sent me. My names Hellen.”

    “Hi,” I said quietly, “I’m Hannah.”

    “Carlos told me,” she nodded, “that is such a pretty name and you have such a pretty face.”

    “Thank you,” I giggled, “you have a pretty name and face too.”

    She smiled at me and waved for me to follow her.

    “So,” she opened one of the two doors that were in the room, “you have a ton of room in the closet.” She opened the other door, “and this is your bathroom. So you can shower and get cleaned up if you want.”

    I nodded and followed her out into the hallway, “this is my room so I’m right next door to you if you need anything. Carlos is down at the other end of the hall.” We walked down the stairs, “you’ve been in his office,” she gestured to the doors I walked through not too long ago. “This is the kitchen, whatever you see is up for grabs. If it’s hidden it’s probably best that you leave it where it is. Carlos is very protective about his snacks,” she giggled, “the living room is here and that’s the dining room. Now, Carlos calls this the ‘man cave,’ but it’s actually just where him and Gary play video games. And that’s it, thank you for joining Hellen’s beautiful tour,” she smiled, “now let me help you get your room looking like yours.”

    I followed her back upstairs and into the room that was supposed to be mine now. How long would I be here?
    “Is this all,” she held up my small bookbag. I nodded and she shook her head, “we are definitely going shopping tomorrow. For tonight you can go ahead and shower if you want and get some rest.”

    “Okay,” I nodded, “thank you.”

    She smiled at me before leaving the room. I decided to take her advice and got up, grabbing my bag and taking out a pair of shorts and a tank top.

    I went into the bathroom and found the towels in one of the cabinets.

    Being under the water and getting clean felt so nice, but I got out eventually and got dressed. I threw my hair in a bun and looked in the mirror. There were bags under my eyes from my lack of sleep. Now that I had washed he makeup off you could see the bruise on my jaw. I sighed and shook my head. My tank top had a hole in it so I took it off, walking back into my room to grab a different shirt out of my bag.


    I screamed and jumped in surprise, throwing my hands over my face in a defensive position.

    “I am so sorry Hannah,” I didn’t realize,” he trailed off.

    “Alpha Carlos,” I sighed in relief, “you scared me.”

    “I’m sorry,” he said, “but just call me Carlos please.”

    I nodded and then realized I didn’t have a shirt on.

    He also seemed to notice as he looked at me and growled.

    “Why do you have so many bruises,” he asked quietly.

    I quickly grabbed a shirt out of my bag and slipped it over my head, “I told you what happened,” I muttered.

    “They actually put their hands on you,” he growled.

    I flinched back at the sound of his voice, taking a step away from him.

    “I’m sorry,” he said, “I’m really sorry Hannah.”

    “It’s fine,” I shrugged, “It doesn’t hurt as bad as it did at first.”

    “It’s not fine,” he shook his head, “don’t tell yourself that. The way they treated you is a way no one should ever treat a member of their pack, especially not a she wolf.”

    “I know,” I said quietly, “I’m really tired Carlos. I’m going to go to sleep now if that’s okay.”

    “Yeah,” he nodded, “of course.”

    He turned and walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him. I turned the light off and climbed into the gigantic bed, snuggling into the blankets and quickly fell asleep, feeling safe for the first time in my life.


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