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    “Come on, Daisy. We’re gonna be late.”I yelled and grabbed my skateboard.

    “Coming!”She yelled back with her own skateboard in hand. It’s been two weeks since I’ve been rejected by Kyle. I’ve been missing a couple days of school, telling my mother that I wasn’t feeling well. Now I decided that it was time for me to come back to school, even if it will hurt. Daisy and I skated to school laughing. Once we were there we didn’t stop, we continued skating in the halls.

    “Madeline! You’re back!”Fred exclaimed stopping me. I tried to break free from his hold and failed.
    “Stupid wolf strength.”I muttered with a pout. He glared at me.

    “You are finally back! We all missed you these days. I almost thought you died or something.” He frowned at me. Fred is my best guy friend. Well, not gay friend, you know. He’s straight. He’s just really crazy. Fred had bright blue eyes and jet black hair. He was very fit because he went to the gym everyday. He was two years older than me and currently was single.

    “Ugh! Here they come.”Daisy whispered into my ear. I looked at where she was looking. Kyle and Kaylee. Wrapped up in each other’s arms.

    “Don’t worry about them babe.”Fred wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I leaned into him with a frown on my face. We started walking to my locker.

    “Come on, Daisy!”Fred shouted as we turned around. Kyle eyes snapped to mine, I could see happiness in them. It faded away once his sights landed on my shoulder. His eyes were filled with angry and jealousy. Why is he jealous? He rejected me! I glared at him and tugged on Fred’s arm.

    “We should go.”I whispered and looked away from Kyle.

    “Why are you looking at her?!?”I heard Kaylee yell. We turned around to see what was going on.

    “I wasn’t.”Kyle stated, frustrated.

    “But you were. I’m your mate not her!”She shouted. I saw Kyle eyes get dark and his jaw was clenched. He chuckled darkly. It scared me, shitless.

    “You know what? I’m done with all your whining and complaining.”He said. Kaylee was red with anger or embarrassment. Her eyes started to turn glossy.


    Everyone’s attention was on the arguing couple.

    “You’re not my mate. Madeline is.”

    Gasps filled the quiet halls. My eyes were wide and my heart was beating fast.
    “You lied to me. Why?”Kaylee cried as tears began to fall from her eyes. Mascara was running down her cheeks. I felt bad for her. She was being used.

    Kyle stared into my eyes and smiled walking over to me. I pulled away from Fred.

    “Kyle! Do you think now that you have dumped her, so I’m going to run into your arms and forget that you rejected me?”I snapped at him and shook my head. He frowned, stopping a feet away from me.


    I glared at him and walked to my next class.

    “Wait! Madeline!”

    “What!” I turned around, annoyed.

    “I’m sorry.”

    “You are not sorry”

    “I made a mistake.”He pleaded, following behind me.

    “Yeah, you did!”

    “Come on, Madeline. Please forgive me!”



    “What do you think, you dumb?”

    “Watch your tone. I’m still your Alpha.”

    “I’m not even in your pack.”

    “Yes, you are. Madeline, you’re the pack’s future Luna.”

    “No, I’m not.”

    “Yes, you are.”I turned around and glared at him.



    “No!”He growled at me. His eyes were pitch black but I continued to glare at him.

    “Madeline.”His voice was deeper than normally. I know what that meant his wolf took full control. He threw me over his shoulder and walked out of school, students looking at us.

    “Kyle. No!”I screamed and hit his back, repeatedly.
    “Ken.”He corrected me and ran into the woods.

    He kept running on and on. Finally, he decided to come to a stop. I was still over his shoulder and I felt sick. He laid me on his bed and hovered over me.

    “Mine!”He growled and attacked my neck with kisses. I gasped and my hands went on his shoulders while his hands roamed my body.

    “Ken.”I whispered. My brain was telling that this wasn’t right but my body didn’t listen. I wanted to stop but I also wanted to stay like this.

    “I love you, Madeline. Madeline, you’re perfect to me.” His words made me blush and hid my head into his chest.

    “This is the first time I even got to meet you myself. I’m glad I did.”Ken’s voice was filled with happiness.

    “I wish Kyle was like this with me. I feel like he doesn’t love me.”I frowned. Ken’s black eyes met mine.

    “We love you, Madeline. Sometimes it is just hard for Kyle to show it.”He smiled at me. I nodded and buried my head in his chest.


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