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    Sitting in front of her desk, Helena taps the surface rhythmically with her fingertips, recalling her past life.

    The more she thinks about it, the more frustrated she becomes, causing her tapping to become irregular and her brow to furrow along with her increasingly cold eyes.

    Suddenly clenching her fist, Helena struggles to break free from her memories and takes several deep breaths before standing up.

    Approaching her wardrobe, Helena opens the doors and looks at the clothes she brought with her, shaking her head.

    In her previous life, she had only been at the York family’s house for two days before guests arrived and she was criticized from head to toe, despite wearing her favorite clothes.

    Lngrm gave her a monthly allowance of 30,000 yuan, which was a hundred times the 300 yuan she received before coming to the York family.

    This bewildering sum of money, combined with the ridicule of others, slowly made her more and more vain.

    She began to buy designer clothes that didn’t suit her, and after graduating from high school, she began buying large amounts of high-end cosmetics, spending money like water.

    In ill-fitting clothes and exaggerated, outdated makeup, she sought luxury at the expense of appropriateness, believing that this would prevent others from looking down on her.

    Closing the wardrobe and slinging her casual shoulder bag over her back, Helena leaves the York family’s home.

    As soon as she sets foot outside, someone informs Vanessa and her daughter that Helena has left the house.

    “Mommy, where do you think she’s going?” asks Theresia, furrowing her brow.

    “Wild girl, she didn’t even tell her parents before leaving the house,” she adds angrily, recalling the events at the dinner table that humiliated her.

    “Theresia, there are some words that aren’t appropriate for someone in your position to say,” Vanessa responds, frowning.

    Thinking of Helena’s name, Vanessa’s gaze lingers on the front gate.

    She will not let Yolanda’s daughter go unpunished.

    Meanwhile, it takes Helena half an hour to reach the city center and after getting help from the villa’s security, finally calls a taxi.

    She heads to Summit Plaza, the place where she used to spend the most money in her previous life.

    All the luxury brands she knows are available there and the California Oxford Street pedestrian street adjacent to Summit Plaza is a comprehensive street, providing everything from food to shopping for all types of consumers, from high-end to low-end.

    In a stationery shop on the pedestrian street, Helena carefully selects the stationery that she will use after starting high school.

    This is a new beginning for her, and she wants to approach it with a new, serious attitude.

    She then heads to the cellphone counter in Summit Plaza and chooses a women’s phone.

    Compared to the smartphones she used in her previous life, the function of the phone now is much lower.

    Therefore, Helena’s requirements for the phone are limited to durability, low power consumption, and strong signal. After spending two thousand yuan on the phone and buying a SIM card, she decides to look around the mall since she has some time.


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