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    I didn’t end up going with Alena to get a dress. Partially due to the fact that she was called over by her mate to help with some work. They had an extremely cute relationship which made me instantly jealous. I wouldn’t be able to do that.

    I ended up going with Alyssa, she’d told me that she needed to get a dress and I happily obliged. We went to a few places but I fell in love with a navy blue dress. It was a simple trip.

    Alyssa had decided to go with a red dress courtesy of her name. It was a long gown which was understated but looked absolutely gob-smacking on her which I presume is what she was going for.

    It didn’t take long for the ball to come right around the corner. As pack members – from Alphas to Omegas – bundled into the ballroom for a chance to the Alpha King. His appearances were rare but done in such an elegant manner.

    In my eyes, I don’t see why people want to see such a disgusting pig.

    Making people from packs leave their families to work as a lowly omega. I’d rather become an omega than let an innocent pack member do so. I was outraged. My anger clear.

    I hadn’t felt this way since my rejection.




    I hadn’t realised that he would be here. He had to be right? He was the Alpha’s youngest son so he must be here along with Maddie.

    Regrets were made.

    Alyssa was standing next to me with the posture of a lady about to dine with the Queen. In a way she was.

    “Alyssa, I need to go.” I whispered. My voice going extremely quiet compared to the music playing distantly.

    “What? Why?” She questioned in confusion. She pouted her lip slightly.

    “Look, I haven’t told you the complete truth.” I admitted. Her full attention was turned to me. Her eyebrows furrowing. “I was rejected a few months back.”

    Her eyes widened as she pulled me into a hug. “I didn’t realise.” She told me. She pulled back. “If it makes you feel any better, I haven’t met mine and I am two years over due.” She laughed humourlessly.

    In a way it did make me feel better knowing that I was not the only once experiencing bad things revolving around a mate but it made me sick thinking that also. “I’m sorry.” I scratched the back of my neck.

    “No it’s fine.” She waved off. “Just wasn’t meant to be, eh?” She chuckled lightly and I nodded smiling a tight smile. A scent washed over me. “He’s here, isn’t he?” She questioned.

    “Yes.” I squeaked.

    “You have just got to put on a brave face. Don’t let him walk all over you. Remember, he left you.” Thanks for the reminder.

    I remember his scent. The smell was slightly rotten now but it still held its delicious qualities. The breath of natures was dancing cruelly against my nose. I knew he was approaching. I wanted to hide. I wanted to leave but I know that I had to face him at some point.

    Soon I saw him. The dashing man who was meant to be mine. The one who was ripped from under my nose. He was alone though. No Maddie in sight.

    “Ace.” I acknowledged. My emotions on haywire. I hadn’t noticed that Alyssa was across the room speaking to an old friend.

    “Megan.” He tried to keep his voice neutral but the crack had made his vulnerability clear.

    “Uh.” Awkwardness set in the air. “Where’s Maddie?” I swallowed my pain whilst saying her name. The one who took away my mate.

    “Here’s the funny thing.” He looked quite emotional, quite tired. I smiled at this. He deserved it. “She found her mate.” He breathed out. My eyes widened with surprise. “She left me. Apparently the baby wasn’t even mine.” His eyes cracked. A tear fell.

    “Not my fault.” I spoke harshly. “I gave you three months. Three months.” I stated. “At least Maddie knew that a mate is meant to be someone above all.”

    “I want to start over.” Ace confessed. “I want us to be mates. Have pups together.” I snorted.

    My mind started to think back to that day. The day of rejection.

    You’re a great girl.

    You’ll find someone better.

    I’m sorry I disappointed you.

    You’re a beautiful girl with lots of potential.

    “Do you know the hardship that I’ve been through to get here?” I started. “I did not suffer all that pain just to got back to you. No!” I growled out. “You’re a son of a bitch that only wants me because Maddie is off smooching her own mate.” I shouted. “I bet you feel like an idiot now, huh?”

    I hadn’t really noticed the overwhelming crowd around us. I was about to shout more snarky comments his way when a voice stopped me. “Now presenting his Royal Highness; Alpha King Cliff.”


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