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    I’d started to snoop around the castle trying to find out where exactly they were keeping that certain pack member. I presumed that it would be around the omega area. I hoped it was around the omega area.

    I wanted to talk to her. She seemed young – my age – and scared. I wanted to reassure her that I was going to help her one way or another. If not that, I would try and prevent other pack members from being taken.

    I was surprised at first that I was accepted into the Royal Pack and my perspective changed slightly due to the pack members but the rumours were as bad as you hear. Everyone seems to avoid the fact that in the background they were essentially using other packs as their disposable servants.

    The thought made anger fill my body. I glared at the wall ahead.

    Down the corridor, down the stairs, turn left, down the stairs and then you should be there. I had got instruction from Alyssa who had gladly helped me. She had told me that she didn’t directly want to get involved but was happy to help with little bits. I was grateful.

    As I was about to reach the stairs, I bumped into someone. I clenched my fist to try and decrease the anger that I felt in that moment. I plastered a smile on face and turn to the person who was staring at me with an innocent look.

    “Sorry.” I felt like a bitch since I was giving him a small glare and a tight smile. “I’ll be off.” I was about to move forward before he grabbed my arm.

    “You aren’t going to the omega area, are you?” He asked offering a small smile.

    “No. The kitchens this way.” I spoke in a ‘duh’ tone. I should’ve answered honestly. Surely he wouldn’t of had an issue with me visiting the omegas? Right?

    He chuckled. “You’re obviously new.”

    “Because I don’t know where the kitchen is?” I questioned.

    “That and I haven’t seen you before.” He offers. “I’ll show you to the kitchen.” I nodded following him, trying to act confused.


    We soon made it to the kitchen and he stood there waiting for me to speak. I avoided him and made my way to the fridge. Opening it and peeking at what I could possibly take. A lot of the food was labelled so I had to avoid them.

    The only thing I could really take was cheese so I did.

    He raised an eyebrow. “Cheese? You wanted to get cheese?”

    “Yes.” Slicing a bit off and shoving it into my mouth.

    “Whatever.” He laughed. “I’m Lorin.”

    “Nice to meet you.” I responded. I then put the cheese back in the fridge. “I’m Ma-“

    “May!” I turned around to see Alena running into the room. “You need to get a dress for the ball.”

    “The ball?” I sneered. “Seriously, who has a ball?”

    “The King?” Alena suggested. She then peeked behind me and her eyes widened. “That’s Lorin.” She whispered.

    “Yes.” I whispered back.

    “He’s the King’s brother.” I turned to the boy who stood there awkwardly.

    “Doesn’t look like a King’s brother.” I remarked in a whisper.

    “I can hear you.” Alena and I stood up instantaneously and laughed at ourselves. “Girls are weird.” He remarked.

    “Sorry Prince Lorin.” I snorted when Alena said this with a bow but she gave me a lot.

    “I’m sorry Prince Lorin.” I taunted slightly. He shook his head with a roll of the eyes.

    A girl soon came into the room. She had blood red hair and a smile on her face. She’d overheard that much I could tell. She walked over to Lorin and kissed him.

    “That’s his mate.” She whispered to me and I nodded my head. I could see that.

    “We should go.” I said to Alena wanting to avoid the heated discussion going on in the front of us.

    She nodded. “Besides we got to get you a dress for the ball.” I nodded as she dragged me out of the room.


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