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    For a while, you keep on trailing kisses down his jaw and neck, occupying yourself by fumbling around with the hem of his shirt before even daring to think about the question of

    ‘Can I touch you?’.

    But you do grow bolder, just as he does. His shirt comes off, followed by yours and you stare at the tattoo on his chest. It’s as if you’re looking into a mirror. An exact copy of yours.

    You can’t stop yourself from reaching out and running your fingertips along the contours, your touch soft and delicate, as if you were afraid of hurting him. Then you kiss it, the skin under your lips flushing and heating up at the contact. His zipper is undone and your fingers slide into his pants, lusting after his skin. You wonder how he’ll feel in your hand, what kinds of sounds he’ll make once you touch him. You want to know everything. From the faces he makes when he feels good to the way he tastes on your tongue. 

    Porco sucks in a sharp breath as he feels your fingers wrap around his shaft, pulling him out of his underwear and on full display for you to inspect. You want to rip the rest of his clothes apart, see and touch every part of his beautiful being.

    All of his body deserves to be loved and cared for with everything you have. But you don’t want to push him, letting his head fall onto your shoulder and snuggle into your neck as you slowly start pumping him.  Up and back down again. You take your time, drinking in every small shudder and tremble his body makes. 

    “Don’t do that,” you chuckle, feeling him bite the junction of your neck to suppress a moan. “I want to hear you.

    ”Porco nods, mouth falling open as pleasured sounds come to the surface one after another. His eyes are focused, watching your hand movements with an intense stare. “Fuck!” He groans when your thumb circles over his tip, the flesh flushed with arousal, begging you to touch it. Hips bucking forward as you pick up your pace, his embrace tightens. 


    “It’s alright, let go…” 

    The nod against your neck tells you he understands and sooner than expected you hear him moan into your ear. His head tilts back, mouth falling open in another throaty sound of ecstasy.

    Porco twitches in your hand, his white cum covering your fingers and dirtying his own pants. After you let him ride out his orgasm, your clean hand comes up to rub reassuring circles into his back. You feel a warm drop land on your shoulder, first it’s only one, but soon others follow it. The man sobs into you, his emotions finally overwhelming him.

    He feels so delicate and vulnerable, his body wants to curl into yours, seeking the protection of your embrace. 

    Reaching for your shirt, you wipe your hand clean before cleaning him up as well and wrap your arms around him tightly. “Hey… don’t cry. I’m here,  I’m not going anywhere…” Your soothing voice seems to have at least a bit of a positive effect on him as the trembling dies down.  “Are you okay… with me and you…this whole soulmates thing…”The words are a little slurred as sobs and heavy inhales interrupt his speech. But you understand him. He’s still scared that you’ll leave him, deciding to stick to your previous rejection after all. 

    “I wouldn’t want anybody else… I’m yours, you’re mine.”

    “Mine…” You spend the rest of the day and almost the whole night kissing his fears away, holding him close and showing him as much care and love as possible.

    In the end all of the doubts leave his mind, leaving only trust and happiness behind


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