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    All in all the day I have spent with Lena was good. We cooled down with the help of the banana split, then Lena persuaded me to buy some shorts, although I chose the model that was reaching my knees and successfully covered my ugly thigh. Shorts were a good idea, and as soon as I told that to Lena, she became as proud as a captain that lead her ship through a first ride across the ocean. We drove back home, Jonathan and Dianna were supposed to come sometime later, and Lena had patrol, so I was left to my own thoughts. I grabbed a bottle of juice from the fridge and went to sit on the veranda in the back yard. The sun was already setting, it wasn’t as hot as before and the weather was now more relaxing, than frying. I started going through my plans for the week in my head – apart from the work in the clinic, I had to go for another checkup with the doctor concerning my baby, and then, sometime in the middle of the week Doc Evans promised to take a drive with me to the other town, where the university was, so that we could start finalizing my papers and I would finally get my degree. Apparently the university was situated on another pack’s territory, so he needed a permission from their Alpha to enter.

    That whole werewolf thing was pretty exciting, I must admit. They have their own territories, they don’t leave them just like us humans. It’s actually similar to the concept of a country, but on a smaller grade – the pack is the country, and if you want to enter or exit, get a visa. A good thing for me in  this case is that I’m human, I can go wherever I want and pack members will not approach me, they are very concerned about their safety, therefor try keeping their existence off the radar. I damn well understand why. I mean, I do remember my reaction and I was scared to shit, I can imagine what would happen to the rest of humanity…

    When I woke up from my thoughts it was already dark and was getting a bit chilly, so I decided to relocate. I picket up my empty juice bottle and my cane and went to the kitchen. The site I’ve seen there was, uhm… shocking and quite disturbing. The moment I entered I was met with an open fridge and… a naked male but. Of course my first reaction was to scream and throw an empty bottle in the direction of the ass.

    “Who the fuck are you!!!!!”, I screamed in a very high pitched voice.

    The owner of the naked but was more than startled and jerked up, but successfully has hit his head on the shelf of the fridge, food started falling out and that was my moment to attack! I approached as fast as I could and started hitting him with the first thing that came to mind – my cane on wherever I could reach, screaming bloody murder all the way. I can’t believe it, but

    in that moment my war cry sounded quite impressive.

    “What the fuck, lady!!!!!”, he screamed back at me, trying to cover from my angry cane, while I continued hitting him. Soon enough he got bored of me and jerked the cane right out of my hands, but that didn’t stop me and I started throwing at him whatever I could find on my way – a frying pan, pack of nuts, apples, a basket from the apples, everything, while he was trying to get out of my sight using my cane as a baseball bat and defending himself from my sophisticated bombs.

    It continued for sometime until Jonathan’s roaring voice screamed “Enough!” over my head and both of us froze in our spot. Slowly I turned towards Jonathan, still keeping the naked guy in the line of my sight.

    Jonathan was standing at the entrance to the kitchen, hands on hips, brows furrowed together, seeming angry, but much to my surprise, a glint of amusement was sparkling in his eyes.

    “Someone please explain, why does my kitchen look like a war zone?”

    I took in a deep breath and started explaining, somehow feeling like I was 7 again and guilty for organizing and participating in a food fight with a couple of neighboring kids:

    “Well, you see, this naked creep was raking the fridge, not to mention that he broke in to the house, I tried to kick him out…” as soon as I finished Jonathan started laughing. A mask of confusion settled on my face, which made him laugh even more. I crossed my arms under my breasts and tried to maintain some dignity and a stoic facial expression, which was oh so hard…

    “Daaaad, will you please explain, why is there a crazy woman in our house?”, sad the naked dude, thankfully he was clever enough to start covering his manhood with the same fruit basket I threw his way just minutes ago. Who the fuck did he call crazy? I’m not crazy, I’m protecting my home. The nerve, ooh the nerve this dude has… Wait… Dad?…

    “Jonathan?…” I said, confused to the limit.

    “Simon, would you please go to your room and put some pants on?”, Jonathan said to the creep and approached me, putting his arm over my shoulders. “Kiddo, this is my youngest son Simon, he came home for holidays and, apparently, he just ran in his wolf, that’s why he’s naked.”

    I was frozen, paralyzed. And embarrassed. I just went ape shit on Jonathan’s son… I felt my face turning tomato red.

    “Ooooh…”, was everything I could say. “Well, I’ll just clean this mess up then…”, I awkwardly broke from Jonathan’s embrace and went to pick up the trash, but he stopped me.

    “No need, darlin’, Simon will do that,” he said, grabbing my hand gently.

    “Oh, no, it’s totally my fault, I should clean up…”, I avoided looking into his eyes, instead staring at my feet.

    “Dear, Dianna will slaughter me if she sees you cleaning up, you just sit down and relax, ok?”, with that he guided me to the chair and I sat. Simon walked back into the kitchen dressed in some sports shorts and a simple whit t-shirt. I must admit, he was cute – emerald green eyes framed with thick dark lashes, dimples on his cheeks, which gave him this cheerful childish look, tanned skin, messy curly brown hair that stopped under his ears. And he was as huge as Jonathan, just looking him in the face made my neck sore.

    He started picking up trash alongside Jonathan, from time to time throwing suspicious glances my way. The silence that ruled in the kitchen was more than awkward. I was picking my nails and feeling soooo very uncomfortable, but what would one expect? My own stupidity was what was getting to me. Damn, Evelyn, you were always the rational one, first analyzing the information, then acting, but no, no you had to go all Rembo on Jonathan’s son. Not that I knew that moment who he was, but seriously – in a town where literally everyone knows everyone what were the odds of a naked guy trying to rob a house? Could have figured that he was not a regular stranger.

    I was so caught up in my self pity that didn’t even notice how a cup of steamy herbal tea was placed in front of me and Jonathan along with Simon placed their butts across from where I sat at the kitchen table.

    “So, who are you?”, said Simon with a wide grin and undeniable interest in his eyes. Jonathan just crossed his hands over his chest, leaned back in his chair and waited for my answer, clearly amused. Damn, do I have to answer?

    “Uhm… I’m the new vet?…” I said pretty unsure in what to say.

    “Uh-uh, you work with wolfs?”, Simon asked. I’ve noticed that it sounded a bit as a test or something, I figured Jonathan hadn’t told him about me and that I know about werewolf’s.

    “Uh, yeah, with wolfs. Both kinds.”

    I decided to stand my ground for once, after all he was an animal and would pick up on my fear. His eyes narrowed my way, clearly, he didn’t get my point.

    “You mean like male and female species, right?”

    I snorted at that, c’mon, male and female? Dude….

    “No, I mean wolfs… and werewolf’s.” At this his eyes bulged, I gather it’s not common for a human to know of were’s, he just sat silent for a while, then turned his gaze to Jonathan, and whispered to him as if I couldn’t hear:2

    “Is she for real? She’s human, dad!”

    At that point Jonathan couldn’t contain his laughter any more and with tears in his eyes pointed a finger right into Simon’s face.

    “Damn! If only you could see your face right now!”

    After a long moment of laughter Jonathan finally calmed down and told Simon a short version of how I got there and soon we found ourselves enjoying a cup of tea together, the naked butt incident turned into a joke to join family archives.


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