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    I then noticed his lips on mine an my lips on his – my first kiss. I then pulled away looking at our positioning. I attempted to shove him off me, yet my feeble attempts to move his body seemed effortless.

    “Get off me you bag of meat.” I growled at him, he swiftly was up in all his glory. I squeezed my eyes shut covering my body – even though I was not fully naked and in my underwear.

    I felt something thrown at me, I looked down to see a large shirt. I put it on quickly and squeezed my eyes shut once again. My face flushed red as I moved away from him blindly.

    “I have trousers on.” He spoke. I opened one of my eyes suspiciously. I was relieved at the sight as I dropped both my hands.

    “Why are you running in the woods naked?” I asked him – anger clear in my features.

    “I was about to shift!” He countered. “Why the hell did you shift back to your human form?” He asked with a similar annoyance to myself.

    “If you didn’t catch my wolf and I off guard then maybe I wouldn’t have shifted back.” I growled out.

    “Stupid girl.” He spoke under his breath.

    “Inconsiderate bag of dirt.” I countered in a louder whisper.

    With extremely adorable eyes that I could just melt in.

    “Spoilt little brat.”


    Who has a really beautiful smile tat makes my heart miss a beat.

    “Little bitch.”

    “Bloody twat.”

    Who has the most magnificent brown hair.



    And a name to match.

    “Megan.” I nodded in response still wary of this new character.

    “Ah, you are the newbie to the Royal Empire.” He grinned and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

    “Empire? I thought this was a pack?” I questioned and he rolled his eyes.

    “Of course you do.” He responded. “The Royal Empire consists of a lot of packs. The Royal Pack – which you are currently in – and many more. The Royal Empire takes over packs who can’t pay the taxes anymore. The Alpha King makes it seem as if the Alphas of those packs have control but in reality they don’t.” My eyes widened slightly at this news. “Basically the Alpha King uses those packs as little slaves; the maids in the Royal Pack are from the packs within the empire.”

    “What?” I coughed out. “How come I was never aware of this?” I asked him.

    “You’ve been living under a rock my dear.” I rolled my eyes at his term of endearment.

    I have been living within my house for around three months, that is most likely how I wasn’t told of this misfortune. I felt empathy on those within this empire and I swear I will help them.

    He let out a sigh and racked a hand through his hair. “Let me take you to my house-“

    I held my hands out. “Whoa dude, hold up.” I spoke. “We just met.”

    He rolled his eyes. “I meant to change, if you hadn’t noticed, you are not wearing underwear.” I blushed a crimson red.

    “Of course.” I nodded following him towards where I had previously seen the lights and colours.

    Once I reached the town, I noticed all the people out celebrating. It was a truly spectacular and nothing like the Royal Pack. Everyone here seemed so much more relaxed and I was loving every part of the variety of music that was playing. My eyes brightening. I noticed Sebastian chuckle beside me.

    “Come on.” He whispered deeply and I nodded following him towards his house.

    As I made my way over this his house, a woman gave me a warm smile. She was wearing clothing that could be similarly described as rags but she was happy. She was dancing along the streets embracing everything as if it was her last day.

    I entered Sebastian’s quant home. It was nice and quite open. It was a studio home – it was cute and homely. Sebastian went towards his wardrobe pulling out a couple of girl’s clothing. I let my eyebrow form an arch.

    “Is that your mate’s clothing?” I asked but my mind didn’t think before I spoke the words. There was no lingering female scent in his room – of course it wasn’t his mate.

    “Put this on.” He spoke disregarding my question completely and I was glad that he did. The awkward air would’ve been way too much.

    I nodded moving towards his bathroom. It was a small bathroom – quite filthy as if someone hadn’t cleaned it for a while. I swiftly put on the clothing – that was slightly too big on me but it’d do – and walked back into the bedroom/living room/kitchen area.

    “Let’s go.” He said with a smile. I tilted my head in confusion. “You’ll miss the festivities.” He smiled brightly grabbing my arm pulling me behind him.

    In all the confusion, I let a smile appear on my face and started to move my feet to meet his pace.

    In front of us was a small performance by actors. They were fairly good – a few were sadly awful and inexperienced but most were excellent captivating me in their show. They were performing the story of a fallen King and Queen which I presumed was based off the real Alpha King and Queen who died eighteen years back.

    I felt Sebastian pull me along again. I let a surprised squeal come from my mouth as we continued to discover the surrounding town. A play of music met my ears as I turned to see a younger boy serenading a younger girl. They were smiling in content.

    I turned to Sebastian. “What is this festival for?” I asked him intrigued. His smile flattered slightly.

    “A festival for the Alpha King, of course.” He whispered. My eyes narrowed slightly. “We must show his highness respect for the last day of every month – this also means a person from the pack is selected to work at the Royal Pack.” My eyes widened. “Hooray.” He spoke sarcastically.

    “Why do they celebrate though? Can’t they just deny the King’s request?” I asked curiously.

    “A pack did that once…” He trailed.


    “And that’s it, they were gone. Haven’t seen the since. Bye bye Red Moon.” He did a waving gesture. “Besides, the people enjoy this as a going away present for the person chosen.”

    “I don’t like this.” I admitted.

    “You are in the best position Megan, you are in the Royal Pack.” He told me. “Everyone can smell the Full Moon pack still – the scent of the Royal Pack is nonexistent on you.” He informed.

    “I want to help-I want to…”

    “The only way you’ll help is if you keep quiet and stay down when they arrive, okay?” I nodded in response. “I should’ve got you out faster – they’re already here.”

    He grabbed my wrist tightly moving him and I towards a garden hedge. There was a small hole that I could see through as I watched the scene unfold. It was as if everything and to a halt.

    The music ended.

    The actors feel to their knees.

    The dancers stood still.

    The street was a deathly quiet.

    And soon I saw wolves appearing through the trees, weaving and taunting the town. I gulped in fear as I stared a them, one lacked fur on its face.

    I wanted to help and reach out. I wanted to stop these wolves coming. I wanted to help and I wanted to make them happy but I couldn’t.

    I then turned to Sebastian, his face full with determination as he stared through the hole. He was biting his lip.

    And for some strange reason I suddenly thought about the moment where Sebastian and I had accidentally kissed.


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