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     Just say somethingplease…  Resting your forehead against his, you close your eyes. As you take in his scent and warmth, you feel more helpless than ever before.

    He doesn’t make a move to touch you. No sound leaves his body during the heartwrenching couple of seconds you spend wishing you had a way to explain the wide array of different feelings that hold your heart and throat in their talons. Your hands fall from his neck as you pull away, figuring he was probably too upset to want to have you anywhere near him. Blinking away the moisture from your eyes that threatens to fall down your cheeks at any moment, you tilt your head back, focusing on the pure color of the ceiling. 

     “Maybe I should go…”Even as those heavy words fall from your lips, you’re unable to stand up, reluctant to leave the presence that feels like you belong.But you made a mistake.

    And it looks like he still needs time. “One more thing,” your voice is shaky with emotions. “I don’t know why I never paid attention to my feelings for you. I always thought it was hate… But I missed you this week… so much Pock.

    ”Still nothing, not even a sound of surprise. It’s heartbreaking, not knowing where you stand, how he feels, if he still even wants you or if he’d rather have you out of his life. Too taken by your own thoughts, you startle when you feel the unexpected touch of his  fingertips on your cheek. The warmth spreads into your whole body in just a mere fraction of a second as he cups your face. You lean into his touch, not concerned with how desperate you must look in his eyes. No point in hiding it from him.  

    Both of his hands caress your face, brushing the stray hairs away from your forehead and behind your ear, thumb cosseting the apple of your cheek as he holds your gaze. Just as startling as his touch is the soft peck his lips press into yours. Surprising but not unwelcome in the slightest. 

    His kiss lingers, mouths only a couple of millimeters apart as you look into his dark, stormy eyes.

    Fingers threading through your hair carefully, delicately scratching at your nape, he presses another soft kiss to your lips. His moves are hesitant, as if he’s afraid that if he touched you any firmer, you’d vanish from his embrace forever. 

    Your own hands itch to touch him, palms settling on his thighs, fingers rubbing circles into the muscles through the fabric of his pants. As your mouth pushes against his, the careful touches become much more sure, arms wrapping around your neck and shoulders, bringing your body closer to his, the urge to mingle with you having grown too strong to keep contained.  

    The air feels electric, the space between your bodies suddenly too big for your liking. Your hands slide up his legs, onto his hips and wrap around his waist, tugging him into your lap. His body comes to rest flush against yours, chest to chest as you hold his hips in place, thumbs slipping underneath the fabric of his shirt, rubbing circles against the sensitive skin.

    “Forgive me,” you whisper into his neck, kissing and sucking marks into the flesh that belongs to you. 

    Porco nods, letting out a breathless moan in response. He knows what you’re apologizing for, not just the harsh words you said without thinking, but everything. The fights, the glares, how oblivious you’ve been to both of your feelings. And he’s sorry too. Sorry for not being able to tell you and pushing you away, sorry for being scared, sorry for wanting you so much he didn’t know what to do with himself and ended up lashing out.  

    As you feel his body shudder against yours, you both know that you belong to one another. Nobody else in the world matters, not now at least, not while he is in your arms, pressed so close you can hear him inhale and exhale, feel every twitch of his muscles against your body. “I want you Galliard, so fucking much.”

    Porco almost whines, the low rumble in your voice taking over his mind and wiping your previous statement of ‘not wanting him’ from his memory. Your teeth catch his lip, nibbling on the soft flesh while your hands push his hips against yours. The more heated your kisses get, the hotter the fire in Porco’s core.

    Tongue slipping into his mouth, you take his breath away, one of your palms sliding up the center of his back, making his spine tingle and arch into you. The unconcealable stiffness in his pants presses into your lower stomach as his hips move ever so subtly. 

     He wants you just as much as you want him, the small gasps and moans of pleasure getting noticeably louder the more you touch him.

     “I want you too.” He manages to say.

    “I’ve wanted you for such a long time…”

    As if in emphasis, he pushes his erection against you, groaning at the friction. 


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