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    See the end of the chapter for notes.

    Suddenly, Candace was conscious again. That’s just how waking up works. Her eyes were closed, but she could tell that she was in a dark room.


    She sat up, immediately realizing where she was. The memories of yesterday came flooding back.

    “I’m still inside the school?”

    She got out of bed and flicked on the lights. The red patterned walls of the room surrounded her like a cage. After a brief flash of panic, a thought crossed her mind.

    Maybe they found a way out of here while I was asleep! 

    Candace dressed herself as fast as she could, eager to see what the others were up to. She hopped around the room on one foot as she struggled to slide her sock on. After putting on her shoes, she reached for her Monophone on the floor.

    Candace paused and stared at the cracked screen. She felt like she was on the verge of remembering something important.

    When did it crack? Why couldn’t she remember?

    She rubbed her neck, unable to come to an answer.

    Whatever. I’ll worry about it later.

    She pocketed the device and approached the door. Sure enough, it was locked, just as she had left it.

    Wait a minute.

    Candace slowly walked to the bed and flopped backward onto it.

    I saw someone last night, didn’t I? There was somebody in my room.

    The thought lingered in her mind.

    They stepped on my Monophone, which was on the ground, and cracked the screen.

    Candace’s theory gave her a strange feeling of déjà vu, but she quickly realized some facts that didn’t quite fit with that explanation.

    I locked the door last night. It’s still locked now.

    Her search of the bedroom made her confident that there was no other method of entrance, and she knew that the door lacked a keyhole for lockpicking. Candace was stumped, so moved onto the next thing that bothered her.

    They came into my room, but why? Did they steal something? I doubt there’s anything in here that you couldn’t find in the other bedrooms.

    Still lying on the bed, she raised her damaged Monophone above her face.

    Could they have tampered with it? 

    She examined the sides and back, but there were no visible ports or seams. She checked the photo album and profile, but they were exactly the same as she remembered.

    I don’t think my Monophone was their objective.

    That thought made her think inward.

    …Did they break in because of me? Did they do something to me?

    A chill ran down her spine, and the Monophone slipped out of her hands. 


    Getting antsy, Candace left the bedroom. As she entered the hall, she noticed Jaiden was leaving at the same time.

    “Oh, hey, Candace,” Jaiden greeted. “Are you hyped for the election?”

    “That’s today? Don’t campaigns usually last longer than a day?”

    “In real elections they do,” Jaiden chuckled. “If you’re taking this one seriously, you’re gonna be disappointed. Nobody will actually respect their leadership position, regardless of who wins.”

    “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Candace said, finding it difficult to think about so many things at once. She thought about bringing up Jaiden’s emotional state or the existence of a bedroom intruder, but decided to open with a different topic. “Say, did you happen to get a video on your Monophone last night?”

    “What? Uh… No, I don’t think so,” Jaiden cautiously replied. She pulled her device from her pocket and checked. “Nope, nothing… Wait. Was it called ‘video_a’ or something?”

    “Yeah! That’s what I got,” Candace said, moving behind her to see the screen over her shoulder.

    Jaiden tapped the file, and a video started playing. Several pale people of various ages were in a kitchen preparing some sort of meal. “M- My family,” Jaiden blurted, clearly confused. “When was this video taken?!”

    “I dunno, but I got the same video!”

    “W- What? Why did you get a video of my family?”

    “It wasn’t your family. It was mine! My brothers were out playing in the yard!”

    “Okay, well, that’s, like, really bad, right?”


    They stared at each other for a few seconds.

    “There’s, uh, not much we can actually do about it, now that I think about it,” Jaiden muttered, scratching her cheek.

    “I think you’re right,” Candace replied. “Not while we’re stuck in this school, at least.”

    “Damn,” Jaiden mumbled. “You don’t think they’re in danger, do you?”

    The thought hadn’t crossed Candace’s mind. The thought of her brothers being in actual peril seemed like an impossibility. “I’m sure they’re fine,” Candace said.

    Jaiden didn’t seem convinced. She smacked her hands against the wall. “God. I need to get out of here, fast. This place is messing with my head.”

    Candace felt a little guilty about bringing the video to her attention, but before she could say anything, Jaiden turned back around.

    “…Whatever. Let’s get something to eat.”

    Candace and Jaiden walked into the cafeteria. The place was noisy, and it smelled like breakfast. Candace observed its occupants. Garfield was seated in front of a mountain of Egg McMuffins, gorging on them with a massive grin. Batman sat alone in the far back corner of the cafeteria, shrouded in shadow. Sheldon was staring at him from across the room for some reason. Barbie, Black Widow and Maya were at a table laughing, though the spy shot occasional glares toward Hitler and Thatcher’s table. There, the older woman seemed to be having a pleasant conversation with the mustached man. Unikitty and Cheerleader-san were at another table with Hobbes, talking to him about something between bites. The tiger appeared utterly entranced by what the unicorn cat was saying.

    Dang. They must’ve really worked on their campaign pitch.

    Candace approached the kitchen counter.

    “Ah! That makes fifteen,” Ronald said, shuffling to the window. “So what can I do ya for?”

    “Uh, I dunno,” Candace said. “What’s on the menu?”

    “We’ve got Egg McMuffins,” Ronald proclaimed, proudly putting his hands on his waist.

    Jaiden raised an eyebrow. “…Are there any other options?”

    Ronald’s face fell. His arms dropped. “The only breakfast food I know how to make is an Egg McMuffin,” he said, staring out to space in existential dread. “I’m a failure as a cook.” He took a step back and put his head in his hands. “My momma always told me I should’ve stayed in the circus… but no, Little Ronny Boy had to go to culinary school, dad said. The circus industry is dying, dad said. There’s no future for a clown like you. He looked me dead in the eye when he said that… and I believed him. I thought that by wearing this costume, I could honor my family’s legacy while building my own in the fast food industry… but I see now that my attempt to merge both my worlds together has ended in miserable failure. Jack of two trades, master of neither. That’s little ol’ Ronny Boy. Failure as a cook, failure as a clown. That’s my legacy… My mother died hating me,” Ronald sniffled. 

    “Is… Is this, uh,” Jaiden stammered, frantically trying to determine whether or not Ronald was joking.

    The punchline never came.

    Candace grabbed her shoulder. “I think we should go,” she whispered.

    They slowly tiptoed away from the counter.

    As they walked by, Candace snagged an untouched McMuffin from Garfield’s pile.

    “You’re lucky I’m eating,” Garfield moaned, mouth full of yellow, brown, and white mush.

    The girls ignored him and sat down at the table with Barbie, Black Widow and Maya.

    “Hello, you two,” Black Widow said. “Did you both receive a video last night? A video containing people you know?”

    “Yep,” Candace said. “It was my brothers.”

    “Interesting,” the spy replied. “From what I’ve gathered, we each received a video with two to five people we’re close to.”

    “Any idea what the video’s for? Just curious,” asked Jaiden, ineffectively attempting to mask her worriedness.

    “Well, yes, but…” Black Widow trailed off, pausing to think before finishing her sentence. “…We’ll need more evidence before we can start drawing conclusions,” she carefully worded.

    “That’s… unfortunate,” Jaiden replied.

    “Hey, this McMuffin is really good,” Candace said. “You sure you don’t want one, Jaiden?”

    “No, thanks. I’m vegan, actually,” she explained, waving her hand to dismiss the idea.

    “Wait, what? You ate half a burger yesterday,” Candace pointed out.

    “I forgot,” Jaiden awkwardly replied.

    “You forgot being vegan?”

    “Yesterday was stressful, okay?!”

    “This is an alternate universe, right? Maybe the meat here grows on trees,” Maya suggested.

    “Sure, let’s go with that,” Jaiden muttered.

    “You should definitely eat one of these muffins,” Barbie said, pointing at Jaiden. “Egg is good for your hair.”

    Maya’s eyes widened. “Is… Is it really?”

    “How should I know? Mine’s made of plastic, for God’s sake,” Barbie laughed.

    “Damn! This place smells like Upma Yass,” Rick said, loudly barging into the cafeteria. He paused in the center of the room as everyone else silently stared at him. “Seriously? No takers? You’re all from different dimensions; there has to be at least one of you who hasn’t heard this one.” After nobody spoke up, he sighed. “Lame. Hey, Clown, can I get some waffles and a cappuccino?”

    A piercing honk of despair came from the kitchen, followed by the sound of sobbing.

    “Jesus, a plain coffee is fine. No need to be all whiny about it,” Rick said. He raised his arms and let out a big yawn. “All you freaks can quit staring. I’m bored now,” he announced, waving his hands condescendingly. 

    The scientist nonchalantly approached Candace’s table and sat down right between her and Jaiden. “So, what’s so great at this table that attracted all the pretty chicks?”

    “It’s kind of gross of you to say that. I’m fifteen,” Candace said.

    “I wasn’t talking to your brachiosaurus-lookin’ ass,” he replied with a tone of disgust. “Wait, the rest of you are legal, right?”

    Maya put a finger to her chin and pondered for a moment. “I mean, in Japan, the age of consent is-“

    “Forget it,” Rick interrupted. “I’m not touching that hornet’s nest.”

    The scientist’s presence led to an uncomfortable silence at the table.

    Maya spoke up. “Um… Rick… What’s Upma Yass?”

    “Not much, what’s up with you,” Rick monotonically replied. “Wait, shit. I messed it up. Uh, start over. Ask me again.”

    “Don’t ask him again, Maya,” Black Widow interrupted with a tone of annoyance.

    “But I wanna know,” Maya said.

    “It’s just a dumb joke, Maya. Don’t fall for it.”

    “Okay, fine,” Maya sighed.

    The table fell completely quiet once again.

    Rick looked at each of the girls one by one with a grin of anticipation. “My dick in about five seconds!”

    Black Widow slammed her fists on the table. “Get the fuck away from here,” she ordered.

    “Yeah, yeah,” Rick yawned, bending his lanky legs over the seat. “You losers are no fun,” he whined, stretching and walking away.

    Black Widow let out a heavy sigh and continued eating her breakfast. The other girls followed suit, quietly returning to their meals.

    After a few bites, Barbie broke the silence. “That old guy is kinda hot, don’t you think?”

    The other four stared at her in bewilderment.

    “…No? Just me? Okay.”

    “Don’t forget! The vote is in two hours,” Cheerleader-san shouted, waving her arm as she exited the cafeteria. Unikitty gleefully pranced behind her, brimming with excitement.

    “Oh, I do believe that’s our cue to prepare ourselves,” Margaret Thatcher said, patting Adolf Hitler on the shoulder. The dictator got out of his seat and followed the prime minister out of the room.

    Black Widow grumbled a variety of swear words under her breath as the political pair walked past her table.

    Barbie took note of her frustration and spoke up. “You know, B-Dubs, you really shouldn’t get so angry. Anger is-“

    “Bad for my looks! I know! I get it,” Black Widow interrupted, bending over the table and stretching her arms out toward the model.

    “-a cause of high blood pressure.”

    “That is not what you were going to say,” Black Widow seethed.

    “Geez. What are you, a mind reader?” Barbie stood up from the table. “Anyways, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go pretty myself for my big moment. See ya gals later,” she waved with a practiced smile.

    Candace looked up from her food. “…What’s her ‘big moment’ she mentioned?”

    “Oh! Unikitty asked Barbie to be the presenter for the election,” Maya explained.

    Black Widow buried her face in her palms. “Jesus Christ. This whole situation is so unbelievably stupid. We could’ve found a way out by now if we all worked together. But no, we have to elect a leader democratically and…” Black Widow paused for a moment. “…Okay, when I say it like that, it actually sounds completely reasonable. But you get what I’m saying, right?”

    “Totally,” Candace replied.

    “Yeah,” Jaiden added. “As funny as this trainwreck of an election will be, I’d much rather be sitting at home knowing my family is safe.”

    Black Widow stared off into space, lost in thought. “…You know what? I’m gonna go do something I should’ve done a while ago.” She got up from the table and left the cafeteria. A few seconds later, Batman followed her out. A few seconds after that, Sheldon followed him.

    “Well, that was ominous,” Candace said.

    Candace, Jaiden, and Maya continued talking at their table.

    “I didn’t know you were fifteen, Candace,” Jaiden commented. “You seem really… I dunno. Mature? More than me, anyway. I’m still trying to figure my life out. How old are you, Maya?”

    “I’m in my late teens,” the spirit medium replied.

    Candace looked at her peculiar purple outfit and remembered Maya’s Ultimate talent. “How exactly does your spirit channeling work?”

    “Oh! I close my eyes and let the spirit enter my body,” Maya explained.

    “It’s just that simple,” Jaiden sarcastically replied.

    “Yep! Though, I do go unconscious while the spirit controls my body. My physical form also changes to match the person I channel.”

    “So, if you channel Sour Patch Kid’s spirit, you’ll shrink to one foot tall?”

    Jaiden’s only-somewhat-serious question took Maya aback. She went deep into thought. “…I don’t know what would happen! I’ve never tried channeling an other-dimensional being before,” Maya said. “I guess this strange situation can help me test the limits of the Kurain Channeling Technique!”

    Candace pointed at her. “Wouldn’t Sour Patch Kid have to die, though?”

    “Oh. Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Maya said, deflated.

    Jaiden snickered. “Why don’t we just eat him?”

    Candace and Maya’s expressions immediately shifted to panic as they stared past her.

    Jaiden slowly turned around.

    Sour Patch Kid ran away in a terrified sprint.

    “Crud,” Jaiden muttered. “For a prankster, you’d figure he’d recognize a joke.”

    “You know, Jaiden; if you had a nickel for every time you traumatized a member of Team Food with one question this morning, you’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice,” Candace said.


    “Sorry, that’s just something I heard a pharmacist say,” Candace explained.

    “I wonder if Pearly knows what a pharmacist is,” Maya mused. 

    After a lot more chatting, Maya left to use the restroom. The rest of the cafeteria was empty.

    Now that she and Jaiden were alone, Candace decided to bring up what had been bothering her. “Say, Jaiden, did you happen to see something strange in your room last night?”

    Jaiden was clearly confused. “Like what?”

    Candace explained the shadowy figure she saw.

    Jaiden raised an eyebrow. “So, someone got into your room last night, even though your door was locked?”

    “Uh huh! I was really sleepy, but I definitely saw someone.”

    “Are you sure you didn’t imagine it? Maybe it was one of those sleep-paralysis demons,” Jaiden suggested.

    “No! Look! My Monophone screen is cracked,” Candace blurted, shoving her device in the pale girl’s face.

    Jaiden paused for a moment. “…I’m not following your logic here.”

    “I threw it on the floor right before I went to sleep, so the intruder must have stepped on it when they came in,” Candace explained.

    “Right,” Jaiden teased. “It cracked because of an intruder, and not because you threw it on the floor.”

    “Please, Jaiden! You have to believe me!”

    “Whoa, hey. Don’t worry, Candace. I believe you. I’m just… joking around, I guess,” Jaiden whispered, subconsciously rubbing the back of her neck. “Honestly, now that you mention it… I feel like someone might’ve broken into my room last night, too.”


    “I dunno,” Jaiden replied. “My doorknob felt… off. Like someone with really gross hands touched it.”

    “Gross hands?”

    “Yeah. But I guess that doesn’t narrow the suspect pool very much,” Jaiden chuckled.

    “That’s not true,” Candace asserted. “After all, Unikitty doesn’t have hands!”

    Keeping the banter lighthearted, Candace and Jaiden discussed each of the potential intruders.

    “…I don’t think it was Sour Patch Kid. He does seem like the type to sneak into our rooms, but I doubt he could reach the handle,” Jaiden remarked. “I feel bad for picking on him again, but it’s true.”

    “Maybe Ronald helped him?”

    Jaiden squinted, visibly mulling over the idea. “But he wears gloves, right? Wouldn’t that prevent the doorknob from feeling gross?”

    “Ronald works with food all the time, and I haven’t seen him take the gloves off. I bet they’re covered in grease. In fact, maybe that’s why your door handle felt off in the first place!” Candace’s excitement waned when she realized a flaw in her own logic. “Wait. If they broke in together, then they were probably gonna prank us, right? But nothing funny happened to me this morning.”

    “Same here,” Jaiden replied. “Maybe it was Rick? He definitely has clammy hands.” Her face suddenly became very serious. “Wait… You don’t think he…?”

    Jaiden’s concerned tone concerning Rick concerned Candace, but she wasn’t following.

    The pale girl shook her head. “Never mind. I’m a light sleeper. I definitely would’ve woken up.”

    They both checked their Monophones. It was almost noon.

    “I guess the election’s about to start,” Candace said. “Who’re you gonna vote for?”

    “Unikitty, obviously,” Jaiden replied. “I doubt her leadership will be remotely effective, but I’m sure as heck not letting Hitler think he’s in charge.”

    Candace nodded in understanding. “Because of the Holocaust, right?”

    “Yes, obviously,” Jaiden blurted, amused that Candace even felt the need to ask. “Weren’t there any horrific tragedies in your universe?”

    “Um… none that weren’t undone within thirty minutes or so.”

    “God, your world sounds great,” Jaiden sighed. “Sorry. I’ve already forced you to listen to all the crud I have to deal with in mine.”

    There was a long silence before Candace spoke up. “Then why do you want to go back?”

    Her inquiry made Jaiden pull her head back with a baffled look. “…Because we were kidnapped and gathered here to kill each other,” Jaiden slowly explained, slightly perturbed by the question. 

    “I didn’t mean it like that,” Candace said. “It’s just… Back home, my biggest worries are busting my brothers and trying to get Jeremy to notice me. You’ve mentioned your life back home, and your career, and… Well, it all just sounds so stressful,” she continued. “I know we just met, and I don’t mean to intrude, but… is carrying all these burdens really necessary? Does this happen to everyone when they grow up?”

    Candace’s unexpectedly complex question made Jaiden pause. “I… I think I gave you an inaccurate depiction of my life,” Jaiden stammered. “Sure, I deal with a lot of stress… but most of it’s of my own making. I can’t help worrying about everything. It’s really not a big deal,” she explained.

    Candace sighed. “Jaiden, I… I saw you in your room last night.”

    Jaiden’s eyes widened. “Wait, no, I wasn’t-“

    “I just want you to know that I’m sorry for dragging you around yesterday,” Candace interrupted. “And… I appreciate all your help.”

    They stared into each other’s eyes for a moment.

    Jaiden grabbed Candace’s wrist and shook it gently. “Seriously, Candace… don’t worry about it. I wouldn’t be following you around if I didn’t want to.”

    The cafeteria door squeaked open.

    “Hey! The election’s starting,” Maya shouted.

    “Ah. Let’s get going then,” Jaiden whispered.

    Candace and Jaiden followed Maya as she skipped down the long, dark hallway. At the stairs, the rest of the voters surrounded a makeshift election platform. The three girls made their way into the small crowd.

    “Ahem,” Barbie said, tapping a nonexistent microphone. “Now that everybody’s here, I’ll begin the proceedings. First, we’ll hear a brief word from both parties.”

    “Ugh. I can’t stand speeches,” Garfield grumbled. “Wake me up when it’s my turn to vote.”

    Rick Sanchez suddenly spasmed violently in a panic. “Wait, what the fuck? Why do you sound like Chris Pratt all of a sudden?”

    “Eh, don’t worry about it,” Garfield yawned, quickly falling asleep.

    Barbie gestured to her right as she moved out of the way.

    Unikitty hopped to the front of the platform as Cheerleader-san did a funky little dance behind her.

    “Ahem,” she said, closing her eyes briefly before opening them again with a huge smile. “Hiiiiiiiii! My name is Princess Unikitty!” The unicorn cat scanned the crowd. “I’m not seeing many happy faces, but that’s okay! Once I’m elected, frowny faces will be outlawed! So will sadness, negativity, and unfriendliness! And don’t forget bedtimes and bushy mustaches! Candy corn, corn flakes, baked beans, lima beans, green beans, brown rice, sweet potatoes, pineapple pizza, mushrooms, anchovies…” 

    Unikitty’s joyous expression didn’t once falter throughout her entire passionately-delivered monologue of things she would outlaw as leader.

    “…cheese, lettuce, tomato, onions, extra pickles, ketchup and mustard, a side of fries, and a large soda!”

    “I feel like half of that was just her fast food order,” Candace quietly observed from afar.

    Barbie stepped forward and gestured to the audience. “Alrighty, everyone! Now it’s time for questions!”

    Sheldon Cooper raised his hand. “How do you propose we systematize our escape efforts to maximize efficiency whilst minimizing blowback from Monokuma and/or the organizers of this killing game?”

    His question prompted a puzzled look from the Lego, who tilted her rectangular head in confusion. “Systematize… escape?”

    “We’d like to hear your plans for helping us all leave this place,” Hobbes clarified.

    Unikitty laughed. “Leave? Why would you want to leave once I’m in charge? I’m going to turn this yucky school into a sparkly paradise!”

    “Woo! Yay, Unikitty! That’s my girl,” Cheerleader-san cheered from behind, shaking her pom-poms wildly.

    An uneasy grumble circulated through the crowd. 

    After the commotion died down, Barbie once again returned to the front. “Thank you, Unikitty. Now it’s time for the… other candidate,” she said, half-heartedly waving to her left.

    Hitler adjusted his collar and gallantly marched forward. He stood tall and proud in front of the crowd. “Many of you know exaktly who I am. My infamy schtretches beyont time and schpace. For zis reason, zee fote may be fery diffikult.” He took a deep breath. “…However. In zis partikular inschtance, I am zee only one qualifite to take charge. Ven zee kruel vinds of fate inefitably turn, few men kan schtay fokused on zee bigger pikture. I am one of zose men. My dedikation to my people is unrifalt! I vill do everythink I kan to make sure zat vee all make it back to our homes! To our families!”

    As Hitler passionately gave his speech, he occasionally looked back to Margaret Thatcher. Every time he did, she gave him a tiny nod, after which he would turn back to the crowd and continue.

    “…and alzough my misdeeds are inexkusable, I hope zat you kan put your feelinks aside ant make zee korrekt fote for zis dire situation.” He finished his monologue with a tear in his eye and a hand on his heart.

    The crowd was stunned.

    Barbie broke the silence. “Uh, does the audience have any questions for Mister Hitler?”

    Candace immediately put her hand up. “Not to be rude, but I couldn’t understand you. Could you have your running mate translate all that for me?”

    The dictator turned to Margaret Thatcher.

    The older woman stood up and cleared her throat. “We do believe that this killing game should be taken seriously. No more faffing about. We shall put our best efforts into making proper sure we all make it out of this dodgy place safely,” she said with her usual tired stare and raspy voice.

    The crowd murmured.

    From there, a debate was held. It lasted many long hours, most of which were spent by Unikitty asking Hitler about his plans for completely nonsensical things. Whenever the dictator replied by saying he had no plans for a rainbow slide, or a glitter party, or a smoothie pool, Unikitty and Cheerleader-san would strike a pose and laugh triumphantly. Thankfully, their discussion eventually ended, though not before half the crowd fell asleep.

    Thatcher tapped Barbie on the shoulder to wake her up.

    “Oh! Uh, we’re almost about to vote! But, before we do, I’d like to say something,” Barbie declared, walking to the front of the platform. “All of you may know that at the very start of all this, I was teamed up with Unikitty. As such, I think it’s safe to say I’m the one who knows her the best. After Cheerleader-san, of course,” she giggled with an almost imperceptible tinge of fear. “Anyways, since I know some things that some of you may not, I would just like to strongly recommend that you all vote for Unikitty.”

    “Boo! Boo!” “Not impartial! Rigged!” Rick and Sheldon both jeered at the model. “How can you expect us to take this vote seriously with such a biased moderator?”

    “Oh, uh… I wish I’d known I’d be presenting… I woulda prepared a stand-up routine,” Ronald McDonald said, nervously scratching his afro. “Actually, wait! I’ve got one right here,” he said. He then paused for a full ten seconds. “Get it? Because I’m standing up right n-“

    “Just start the fucking vote,” Rick shouted.

    “Oof. Tough crowd,” Ronald awkwardly whispered. “Alrighty, then! Let’s get voting! To your right, you’ll see Sour Patch Kid wheeling in the ballot box. Unikitty’s party prepared the voting materials, but me and Sour Patch Kid thoroughly examined them ourselves, so there shouldn’t be any issues with vote tampering! Please make a single-file line in front of the box. When it’s your turn, grab one sheet of paper, write the name of the person you’re voting for, fold it, and drop it inside. Then, once everyone’s done, I’ll read the votes!” 

    Everyone eligible to vote lined up as instructed.

    “Why am I actually nervous about this? It’s so dumb,” Jaiden shakily whispered to herself behind Candace.

    Suddenly, Cheerleader-san pointed at the back of the line. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?”

    Jaiden jolted in panic, but quickly realized she wasn’t the one being yelled at.

    Everyone looked at the back of the line, where Monokuma was standing.

    The bear chuckled. “I’m here for the election, of course! This vote is exciting… It’s like a practice class trial! Who will be chosen as the leader? Will you make the right choice, or the dreadfully wrong one? Puhuhuhuhuhu!”

    “Okay, but why are you standing in line? You don’t seriously think you get to vote, do you?”

    Cheerleader-san’s rhetorical question turned Monokuma’s playful tone sour. “I can’t vote? Why not? My voice is just as important as any of yours!”

    “Well, according to each of our equally important voices, we decide that yours doesn’t count,” Cheerleader-san said, shaking her pom-pom aggressively. “Now, get lost!”

    “Oh, poo hoo hoo,” Monokuma sighed, hunching over and sullenly walking away. “I was sooooo looking forward to voting… Alas…”

    “Just out of curiosity,” Jaiden asked. “Who were you planning to vote for?”

    Monokuma turned back around. “Bah… It’s such a shame… My voice doesn’t matter. So why even bother?”

    “Hey! Quit talking,” Cheerleader-san shouted. “I told you to get lost!”

    “Wah wah wah… Everybody is so mean to me,” Monokuma blubbered, wiping his tears as he twerked down the hall.

    Once the bear was out of sight, voting resumed and progressed rather quickly. Soon enough, Candace was at the front of the line. She grabbed a small pink slip of paper from the stack. A paintbrush was bathing in a murky cup of water next to a set of watercolor paints, freely allowing the voter to artistically express themselves. Candace took the brush from the cup and used the orange paint to write ‘Unikitty’ on her paper. It dried quickly and was mostly legible, so Candace folded it and dropped it into the box. Then she moved aside so the next person could vote.

    After everyone finished, Ronald lifted the ballot box and effortlessly carried it to the front of the platform. He shook the box to shuffle its contents around, then gently set it down. “I’ll read the votes!”

    Ronald waggled his large, gloved fingers and plunged his hand into the box.

    It took Candace a moment to register what she was seeing. 

    Black Widow was holding the sharp end of a knife centimeters from Hitler’s face. The only thing stopping her from stabbing him was Batman, who was restraining her from behind.

    She growled and grunted, violently thrashing in his arms.

    Withstanding her attempts to wrestle free from his grasp, Batman leaned in and whispered something into her ear.

    She grimaced. “I’m ALREADY a murderer, Goddamnit! What’s a bit more red in the ledger?”

    He whispered something else.

    Her expression sank. “I… I KNOW THAT!! BUT HE’S HITLER!! ” The knife edged closer to the dictator’s terrified face.

    Batman whispered into her ear one final time.

    Tears welled in her eyes. With one final grunt, Black Widow dropped the knife and fell sobbing into Batman’s arms.

    He comforted her for a brief moment, then silently carried her away as everyone else remained frozen in shock. 


    “I checked the votes. The mayo ruined ’em all. We’ll do a revote tomorrow. Same time, same place,” Rick dryly stated. “As for the lights, it turns out their circuitry was completely exposed. Whoever built this place definitely wanted someone to cause a blackout. I fixed it so it won’t happen again,” he continued.

    “That’s surprisingly nice of you, Rick,” Jaiden commented, smiling at the scientist.

    Rick groaned. “I did it for me. That flashing strained the fuck out of my eyes.”

    Just like everyone else who witnessed the event, Candace remained near the stairs, slightly dazed. She simultaneously felt on-edge and relieved. Though she had been meters away from an attempted assassination, nobody had gotten hurt. Still, it was a grim reminder of the murderous reality they were living in.

    This killing game is serious… Someone might actually die here…


    Candace suddenly perceived a small buzz come from her clothing, but she also heard small buzzes come from everyone else. She pulled out her Monophone. Candace searched the contents of her device and found a new video file right beneath ‘video_a’. Sticking to the pattern, it was labeled ‘video_b’. Instinctively, Candace tapped on it. 

    Somebody’s gonna die VERY soon. Who do you think it’ll be?

    Hint: You may not believe it, but it’s someone we’ve met before!

    Now’s your last chance to predict the death order before it’s too late!

    There is a 420% chance you’ll get it wrong, but give it a shot!

    Here are some charts for anyone who wants to be a tryhard:

    (Seriously. I love reading predictions. I don’t care if it’s 2042. I will read it.)


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