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    Yeah I suck at Summaries. I don’t like spoiling my stories in summaries so you’re just going to have to read and find out. This is part of the House of Strange Saga. So yeah you may understand it better if you read the first two stories of the arc. They’re comic base AU. This story originates in the MCU. If you haven’t got the hint already it’s a multiverse thing.

    The sound of waves crashing against a mountainous cliff drown out most other sounds. Mist carries with the wind, clouds, slowly roll by. The tall cliff is rocky, moss, and thin blades of grass peek through large rocks and small boulders. Wanda Maximoff slowly makes her way towards the edge of a tall rocky cliff. She makes her way to the edge, she stares out at the vast ocean. It’s gray, gloomy hues, mirror her mood, the large waves that crash beneath her represent the battle she has within. The sounds and atmosphere is constant and eventually the sounds become calming even though it carries a warning. A warning to what’s to come. She swallows as she pulls out a pack of cigarettes. A new habit she picked up recently. Something to calm her nerves, something to relax her, something to pull her mind away from her fate.

    She’s back in a nightclub in Nepal. The club is busy during the evening. She makes her way to the bar, she only knows a few words so far. She drops off the empty glasses and bottles before uttering something about a break.

    She makes her way out back with the two other waitresses who are out back smoking. She pulled out a pack of her own and started smoking. It had been three months since she woke up in a village near the mountain. She was nursed back to health, she gave thanks before making her way down to civilization. Her memory mostly missing. Only bits and pieces came to her. She eventually got a job working at a nightclub and slept in a hostel. Soon enough the other waitresses accepted her, on breaks they would smoke and it all took was a couple waitresses to offer her a cigarette and the need to be accepted by her peers and now she’s hooked.

    “Sanchari!” a woman called out. Sanchari was the name they gave her. She just accepted it. Wanda sighed pulling the cigarette from her mouth about to stomp on it before offering it to one of the other waitresses that were on break. One of them smiled, nodded, and took it. She flashed a smile before making her way to her boss. “Sanchari!” the woman said once more until she neared. Wanda neared.

    The woman spoke broken English. Katmandu was the capital, it attracted the most tourists. However, everyone spoke various languages because of it, making it extremely difficult for her to communicate with most people. “Man…over there…looking for English English-speaking waitress,” she pointed.

    Wanda nodded as she got the point. She turned heading in the direction the woman pointed. The club was crowded, so she made her way over as quickly as possible. She slowed down as she saw a man, drinking. He was light-skinned, dark hair, dark eyes, he wore an odd coat. She walked up to the man.

    “Need anything?” she asked. The man looked up and scoffed out a smile at first.

    “So the rumors were true,” he said in Slavic. Wanda swallowed, she understood that.

    “That’s not English…who are you?” she asked. The man smiled as he leaned back and motioned her to sit. Wanda eyed the seat tentatively not sure if she should. “I won’t bite besides I heard you bite back,” he joked. Wanda nodded as she sat down. “So…the rumors were true…you survived after all,”

    he spoke nearing. Wanda shook her head not sure what he was talking about.

    “I don’t know,” she paused. “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stated. He scoffed out a smile.

    “Don’t play games, Maximoff…” he started. “You know exactly-”

    “If I knew who I was…who I am… would I be here?” she leaned in and hissed. She spoke in her native tongue. He leaned forward.

    “You would…you would choose to stay here…especially after what you did…witch,” he hissed back, also in her native tongue. Wanda’s blood turned cold, something about that word, witch, made her shiver. She leaned back.

    “Who are you?” she asked.

    “My name is… Helmut J. Zemo but many know me as Baron Zemo,” he answered. Wanda tilted her head to the side. “What? Does it not ring any bells?” he asks a bit surprised by her clueless expression. She shakes her head as he leans back a bit put off. “Well…it doesn’t matter,” he says taking a sip of his drink. “What matters is that I know who you are. And that I…found you,” he pointed his finger, along with his drink. She swallowed once more becoming frustrated.

    “That doesn’t tell me anything. Who you are..why should I care?” she paused. “You’re just wasting my time,” she said standing up, knowing she was losing valuable tip money. He suddenly slammed his drink down.

    “Sit!” he ordered and with it he pulled out a large sum of cash. Wanda looked back behind her as she noticed the cash. She eyed him once more before sitting. “That’s right, that’s a good girl,” he stated with a toothy smile. “You really don’t know who you are,” he realized. She tilted her head and eyed him.

    “I’ve already told you that,” she stated.

    “You’re name is Wanda Maximoff… you had a brother… you both volunteered as experiments for Hydra,” he stated. “You turned traitor, you became an Avenger…your brother died, your lover died soon after… you held a town hostage I heard… ring any bells now?” he asked once more. She slowly shook her head, however, even though she could not remember. She felt that there was truth to them.

    He lifted his hand up and ordered two more drinks. A waitress soon came over and slid them over as he gave her some cash. He slid a drink to Wanda. “Perhaps this will work in our favor…Wanda,” he breathed out. He flashed a smile. “Drink,” he stated. Wanda sighed as she picked up the drink and drank.

    After a couple of drinks, she was starting to feel better. More relaxed unfortunately so was he. He was then spilling that Hydra, Sword, and many other agencies were searching for her. That an ex-Hydra agent had spotted her here a few weeks back. He came to see if he was right, he had been here for about a week and a half and was about to give up till now. Then he started spilling about why he joined Hydra and found the reason, sounded similar to what he believed was her own. Revenge. Once again, she wasn’t sure but it also sounded true. He spoke about Sokovia and that did spark more emotions, comfort, and familiarity, to them. She was sure he was drunk, she was also a bit drunk.

    Next thing she knew he took her to the dance floor. They both started dancing, and they both had too much drink. He said something about another boss. But he was slurring, she was slurring, she was also smoking a bit, not paying attention. Just dancing as well. He said he used to love dancing but she thought he was so stiff. She voiced it, he thought it was funny, her honesty.

    The next morning she woke up in a hotel and she wasn’t sure if something happened to the stranger or not. She was alone. She sighed, she had a bad hangover, she just washed up, headed back to her usual haunt then headed to work. Three days later, others came after her and she was apprehended.

    It wasn’t any agency she knew of. It was another person, she supposed it was Nemo’s current employer or boss. The man in the Iron mask, the man who others simply called Doctor Victor Von Doom. She smirked trying hard not to laugh but he practically owned a whole country, he had power, and even worse he was also a sorcerer. That once again, made her blood run cold. Fortunately, he was interested in her. He offered her kindness, he offered luxuries, and though she could not see the face behind the mask, she saw his eyes. Eyes that reminded her of someone she cared for deeply.

    She remembers being asked to marry him. Consort of a man who owned a country was a very enticing offer. He offered her wealth, power, and most of all protection. She accepted the offer, news must have spread of their soon-to-be union.

    A large wave rumbles below her she feels the mist hit her face, blowing her soft auburn locks back.

    She exhales as she finishes her cigarette and puts it out. She tosses it as she continues to stare out at the vast sea in front of her.

    Her mind slips back into memory.

    Victor Von Doom lies on the floor. She struggles to stand up and push back her veil. Someone or someones interrupted their wedding. She stares at her fiance struggling to get up.

    “Stay down!” a girl with a bow threatens as she nears. Victor Von Doom smirks however as he reaches for something.
    “I wouldn’t do that if I was you… or I’ll send your ass flying,” another girl stated threatening. Wanda swallowed confused.

    “Who are you?! Why are-?”

    “Mom?” a voice calls from behind. It rips her apart, the word itself, she suddenly turns to see two teenage boys approach her in apprehension. She stares at them in confusion. One dons dark locks, the other light, she shakes her head in confusion.

    “Mom!” the other says and suddenly he’s near, hugging her. She blinked confused, she didn’t even see him move. As if one moment he was there the next he was hugging her. “So fast…” she whispered as the other ran over to her at a normal pace.

    “Mother,” the other says trying to hug her as well. She just lets them. They genuinely think of her as their mother. “Don’t you remember us?” the other asks. “It’s me…Billy!” he said pulling away. “Well I go as Wiccan now…and this is-”
    “Tommy,” Tommy whispered. “I’m your favorite!” he added as she breathed out a smile. Billy grimaced, shaking his head.

    “No, you’re not! I am!” Billy said.

    “C’mon you guys,” one of the girls said. “Grow up,” she added.

    “Already have,” Billy said smirking. “Mom don’t you remember us?” he asked as she shook her head once more.

    “Told you she might not,” one of the girls said.

    “Besides you’re not even really from this timeline,” another boy said this time.

    “Who are you!?” Victor Von Doom finally said standing up.

    “Shouldn’t we?”

    “I got this! Quiet you!” another boy interrupted casting a spell on Victor Von Doom and to his and Wanda’s surprise it worked. Her eyes widened.

    “But how?” she asked the boy smirked.

    “My name is Loki,” he introduced.

    “Kid Loki,” Billy clarified.

    “I’m Billy, but I go as Wiccan…Tommy goes by Speed,” Billy introduced.

    “I’m Hawkeye…the leader this here is… America, that’s Cassie she’s not really sure about her superhero name as of late,” the girl Hawkeye said. “This here is Hulkling,” she added. Another two came running towards them.

    “Sorry I’m late, those security guards were tougher than they look,” he introduced with a wave.

    “Yeah…I’m Ms. Marvel!” the other introduced with a wave.

    “And we’re the Young Avengers!” Cassie added. “And you…well,” she said looking back at Hawkeye who swallowed not sure what to say as well.

    “And you guys have absolutely no business here!”

    Everyone looked up to the one who spoke. A sorcerer hovered above them as they all looked up in shock. Wanda swallowed, once again her blood turned cold, and the hair on the back of her neck rose.

    “Strange!” Billy called out. She glanced back at Billy confused. However something instinctively made her push her children aside and made her step forward, shielding the boys who claimed they were her sons.

    “America!” Hawkeye scolded.

    “I swear I didn’t do it!” America stated.

    “Liar!” Hulkling shouted. “You’re the closest to Doctor Strange who else would have done it!?”

    “America’s right,” Strange said as he lowered down a bit. “I tracked her with a spell…on my own accord,” he admitted. They all quieted down as Strange neared a bit more. He stared down at Wanda with contempt. “A part of me really was tempted to let Von Doom take your powers,” he states.

    “What you did back at the Kamar-Taj was unforgivable-”

    “She was corrupted, influenced by the Dark Hold!” Tommy protests.

    “It doesn’t redeem her from all her past deeds! It still doesn’t undo what she did nor does it bring back the numerous innocent lives she took!” he seethed. He looked around at the group of young teens around him. “I did everything I could to stop these kids and their foolish crusade! Their search to find you! The Scarlet Witch,” he uttered pointing at her for a moment. America looked up at him with confusion and slight betrayal as she hugged herself.

    “But I knew Von Doom was no better. You…Wanda, unfortunately, is just the lesser of the two evils,” Strange states shaking his head. She swallows hurt as she knows what he says is true even if she can’t remember it.

    “It doesn’t matter she doesn’t even remember!” Billy countered.

    “It does matter Billy, your mother is a murderous psychopath and deserves nothing less but to be put into the Raft,” he states pointing at her. “You think temporarily amnesia absolves you!?” he asks offended as he looks back at Wanda. “It doesn’t! As long as you exist, as long as you have done nothing to serve your punishment Maximoff….I will never rest easy knowing you’re out free…free to do what you will!” he hissed. He suddenly lifts his arms up, twisting his hands. “So I prepared a little memory spell just for you,” he added.

    “No!” Billy and Tommy both yelled.

    Wanda gasps out of the memory. She suddenly feels cold as she begins to hug herself for comfort and warmth. She leans forward as she gets sucked back into another memory.

    She remembers finding her way to Sword. She remembers trying to make amends by trying to talk to the others but they also state that she can’t be trusted. A supervisor speaks to her from behind a desk.

    “How long before you have another complete and utter meltdown?” she asks. She sighs cupping her hands together and leaning forward. “Vision exists you know but he’s not here…” she pauses. The memory shifts once more. She remembers showing up to a small gathering of those who still fight on their side. They are all quiet when she enters, none approach her, they just give her odd stares as they whisper to one another. She doesn’t know most of them. She only remembers a few, most of the original Avengers have retired.

    She nears one she does know, Sam Wilson.

    “Where is Vision?” she asks as she approaches him. He sighs shaking his head. “Where is he?” she asks again.

    “He’s out in space,” he answers at first. “I don’t know much,” he admits.

    “Tell me what you do know,” she asks. He sighs as he pulls Wanda away from the others.

    “Look all I know is that they sent him to a Guardian. An Ex-Guardian of the Galaxy… named Mantis.

    Supposedly she has the abilities to help Vision reconnect…to calm his mind,” he whispers, hoping that this info would suffice. She swallows as she nods.

    “Can I see him?” she asks in a low and desperate whisper.

    “Only if he wants to see you,” he whispered back strongly.

    “Why wouldn’t he?” she asked a bit hurt and confused. He looked down as he sighed.

    “He’s heard the rumors. He’s…hesitant, he’s afraid that you will latch on to any remaining pieces and memories of when you and him were together,” he pauses looking around, hesitant about telling her the rest. “He’s afraid of you Wanda,” he whispers. “He’s also afraid that…meeting you might tempt you to another Westview incident and he said he doesn’t want that,” he added shaking his head.

    Wanda’s gaze softened as her eyes watered. She nodded stepping back. “It seems Vision… even after death has a clearer conscious than you, Wanda,” he added. The words stung. Her eyes watered over.

    “That was an accident,” she defended bitterly.

    “I know…but the damage is done. PR doesn’t want to risk vouching for you and the Sokovia Accords still stand. And you’re in major violation of them Maximoff. Personally, I think you shouldn’t even be standing here. You should be arrested,” he says a bit scolding. “But I’m no fool… I know none of us have the power to take you on,” he states. “So please-” she raises her hand cutting him off, having heard enough. She sighs before nodding.

    “Can I least…” she paused to swallow the lump in her throat. “Have some time… a moment to see my children?” she asked. Sam sighed as he nodded.

    “I’ll give you three days, Wanda. After that, we will be coming for you. We prefer if you don’t run and hide,” he added.

    The memory shifts once more. She remembers spending time with her children who are now teens and really no longer need a mother and she feels cheated. Cheated that she didn’t get to raise her children. She’s just grateful that most of their friends are kind to her, unlike their older counterparts.

    Children, and teens, are perhaps not as jaded and more hopeful and forgiving. She can’t complain.

    They take her to an ice cream parlor in the Bronx. Her sons spill to her their adventures, how they came to be and form into a group. How they found her. She smiles happy for them. They’re strong, gifted, and most of all they have friends who really care. Her gaze glosses over her memories.

    Memories she had forgotten until recently. So painful, her parents, her brother, Vision, and the others. It saddens her but she tries her best to push it aside and listen to her sons. Her gaze looks past them as she sees a happy yet small family enter the shop. The husband held his wife’s hand, bringing it up to his lips and putting a kiss behind her hand. It’s too much to bear as she finally looks away.

    The waves crash once more, and the smell of the ocean reaches her. It whelms her as the mist is starting to soak her locks and clothes. She’s sat on the rock too long. She mindlessly had lit up another cigarette in her reverie. She sighs, taking a deep breath. “I just wanted to be loved,” she whispers bitterly to herself. Memories of her life flash by once more. Her childhood, her parents, the bomb, her brother, the experiments with Hydra, Ultron, her brother dying, Vision, Thanos, her children in Westview and now their grown up, and saving the world like she was supposed to. She swallows as bitter tears slip out and she shakes her head. She’s messed up so much, so bad. This is the only option she has left. The only option she has is to resolve her her crimes. She stands up as she tosses the butt of her cigarette out of the ocean, not caring about littering or pollution. Just add that to one of my various crimes. She thinks. The waves crash loudly as the wind picks up. She stares down and a part of her wants to jump but then she would be doing the same cowardly thing she tried before. It didn’t work. She’s still here. She sighs before she hears footsteps behind her. Her brows lower and she knows they’re finally here to take her in as she forces herself to turn and face them.


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