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    “Evelyn Sarah Smith, you are a disgrace to the family and to the honorable community of Silver Creek. Shame on you!”, screamed my mother in tears, as I just stood there in shock and shame. My own mother chose THEM over me. She chose the bastards that raped me, crippled me and got me pregnant over her own flesh and blood, her own daughter.

    “Mommy, daddy, please! I’m telling the truth”, I shouted trying to reason with them. Tears of desperation burned my eyes as I watched my mother turn away from me and walking out of the kitchen.

    “Daddy?…”, I looked at my dad hoping that at least he believed me, but his face looked as if it was made of stone.

    “I can’t believe you, Evelyn. I thought I raised you better than that. Jesus Christ doesn’t like whores and liars. How dare you accuse such a lovely boy as Joshua in something this filthy! I am ashamed of you. I have no daughter any more. Pack your bags and get out of my house. You are not welcome here.”

    And then he just left. No remorse, no love in his eyes. This is the same dad that used to kiss my scratched knees when I was little, the same dad that would buy me ice cream every Sunday after church, same dad that looked for monsters under my bed and pretended to chase them out of the house. He and my own mother chose monsters over me.

    I rushed to my room as fast as I could, and it was not easy, considering that I had to use a cane now, and started packing my clothes not even looking on what I was throwing into my bag. Tears were streaming down my face, but I didn’t care. I had to get out of this house as soon as possible. They didn’t want me there, but I couldn’t bare the thought of staying under the same roof with the people who chose to believe in a lie. I stuffed my bag with clothes, emptied the box with my savings, grabbed my study books, laptop and car keys. That’s it. I didn’t stop for a second to say goodbye to the house I grew up in. I wasn’t welcome there anymore, so screw this shit.

    The only thought that mattered right now was – where was I supposed to go?

    I looked at my phone and dialed my best friend. Charlotte picked up right away.


    “Char, it’s me. Can I crash at yours tonight?”

    There was a long pause which made my heart drop. What was happening?

    “Char? You there?” I began to worry.

    “Yes, I’m here.”, her tone was cold and it was so familiar, that I felt the hair on the back of my neck shiver.

    “So? Can I crash at your place tonight?”

    “No, Evelyn. You can’t. And don’t call me anymore. I’m not going to be friends with some lying slut”, and then she just hung up. I stared at my phone in complete shock. First my parents, then my best friend. What in the world was happening?15

    I started calling all my friends, but every time I received the same answer – a lying whore, slut, a disgrace has no place here, in this honest Christian town.

    I felt numb. All my feelings have turned off. I stared out the window for god knows how long, but I saw nothing. My mind couldn’t process everything. How did everything turn out to be such a nightmare? One minute you are fine, happy, laughing, and then puff, it blows up, you wake up in some horror movie.

    Enough. I survived through that night, I’ll survive through this as well. I opened the window, threw my phone out and drove away from that fucking hell hole i used to call home.


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