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    “Plunk – “

    The river water was icy cold and bone-chilling.

    Ophelia Tudor abruptly opened her eyes and found herself sinking in the water, suffocating as her chest felt like it was about to explode!

    What was happening? Wasn’t she already dead? Why was she in the water?

    Without time to think, Ophelia struggled to swim upstream. Fortunately, the water wasn’t as deep as she had imagined, and she soon broke through the surface.

    Dozens of eyes on the bank stared at her in shock.

    “How did she come up?”

    ” Doesn’t she not know how to swim?”

    “Damn it, push her back down and teach her a lesson!” A group of well-dressed men and women reached out their hands, ready to forcibly push Ophelia back into the water.

    With a cold gleam in her eyes, Ophelia sprang up from the water and kicked several of the people closest to her into the river with a sweep of her long legs.

    Splashes of water flew everywhere! The group of people who had wanted to punish her were all left dumbfounded!

    “This country bumpkin…why does she seem like a completely different person all of a sudden?”

    Ophelia’s cold and sharp gaze slowly swept over the faces of these people as she asked in a deep voice, “Who are you?” As soon as the words left her mouth, she felt something was wrong.

    This wasn’t her voice!

    Moreover, she clearly remembered that she had already died!

    While carrying out a top-secret mission, the plan was leaked, and she fell into the enemy’s ambush. She miraculously survived after breaking through the encirclement of death, but in a narrow and dark alleyway, someone injected her with a lethal nerve toxin!

    She didn’t even know who the traitor was who leaked the plan until she died! She didn’t even know who the black figure was who approached her silently and injected her with the nerve toxin on her neck! But now…she was still alive?

    A hint of confusion flashed in Ophelia’s eyes.

    In the cold wind, her frail figure swayed and she felt the pain of drowning earlier repeatedly surging. Ophelia’s vision went black and she fainted.

    In a special ward filled with the smell of disinfectant, two caregivers were snacking on sunflower seeds while watching the television on the wall. Suddenly, the screen changed and a breaking news bulletin was aired.

    【Ophelia, the female war goddess of the Chicago Tudor family, who had made great contributions, defected last night and has now confessed and been executed!】

    【From now on, there is no more Tudor family in Chicago!】

    “Tsk tsk.” One of the caregivers spat out a sunflower seed shell and sneered, “It’s good that she’s dead. This Tudor family defector wasn’t a good person to begin with!”

    The other caregiver picked up the conversation, smirked and pointed at the bed behind them, “Speaking of which, we have an Ophelia here too, but she’s a complete idiot and mute!”

    “Being mute is good. A mute wouldn’t dare to report us,” the first caregiver replied.

    On the hospital bed, Ophelia was sleeping soundly, but in her dreams, the images that had been buried deep in her memories replayed one by one.

    Half the sky was burning red, and a woman’s voice cried out hoarsely, every word bleeding with tears —

    “Ophelia, always remember that you are the only bloodline of the Chicago Tudor family! Our Tudor family has generations of contributions, unyielding spirit, and have always been without shame towards the country!”

    “Ophelia, you must live on, to clear the name of the Tudor family and your father! To seek justice for the unjust deaths of the brave souls of the Tudor family!”

    “Ophelia, run, run…”

    The desperate and sorrowful cries were gradually engulfed by the flames, and the woman’s gentle and beautiful face disappeared into the fire.


    Ophelia sat up abruptly, no scorching flames before her, but instead she found herself in a clean and bright hospital room.

    The news of the downfall of the Chicago Tudor family and her treacherous betrayal was still looping on the television directly in front of her. It was ridiculous, utterly ridiculous!

    Ophelia suddenly burst into laughter, her frail shoulders shaking incessantly.

    As she laughed, blood tears welled up in her eyes, but she held them back.

    Don’t cry.

    Those who have mistreated, insulted, and harmed me, all of you remember this——

    Even if I have to go to hell, I, Ophelia, will come back and avenge my Tudor family’s blood debts and seek justice!

    An incredibly chilling killing intent permeated the hospital room, causing both of the nurses to shudder and turn around to see Ophelia’s eyes glowing with a crimson hatred. They were scared out of their wits for a moment.

    In just an instant, Ophelia’s aura receded, her eyes clear, and her face calm.

    The nurses patted their chests, relieved that they must have been mistaken…

    It was at this moment that the hospital room door creaked open.

    A wheelchair-bound girl and two men accompanying her entered the room.

    The caregivers immediately bowed respectfully and obsequiously to the girl, in stark contrast to their negligence towards Ophelia.

    “Miss, you’re here,” they said.

    The girl nodded, but when she saw Ophelia sitting up in bed, her eyes flashed with surprise, which she quickly concealed.

    She asked with a worried expression, “Ophelia, are you okay?”

    At the sight of the girl, Ophelia’s head throbbed with pain, and her mind was suddenly flooded with memories that did not belong to her. These memories carried too much injustice and resentment, overwhelming her!

    Ophelia felt her heart ache with intense anger that could not be calmed for a long time. It was at this moment that she realized she had been reincarnated into a girl with the same name and surname as hers.

    The girl was also named Ophelia, and she was the apple of the eye of the Phoenix Tudor family, the youngest and most favored daughter.

    However, all her suffering began when Ophelia was ten years old and her father, Maddox Tudor, brought back a girl of the same age named Vera Scott.

    Vera was the orphan of Maddox’s close friend who had supposedly died to save his life.

    Out of guilt, Maddox took care of her like his own daughter. Tragedy began at this moment.

    Vera was good at acting, and from childhood to adulthood, she always managed to slowly take over everything that belonged to Ophelia, taking advantage of her innocent and harmless appearance and Maddox’s partiality towards her due to his guilt.

    Ophelia’s room was always yielded to Vera, and even her fiancé treated Vera like a precious gem.

    Whenever she rebelled, there were countless voices around her rebuking her and calling her heartless and ungrateful to the orphan who saved her life! Even her three brothers and father Maddox always took Vera’s side.

    The worst incident was when Vera falsely accused Ophelia of stealing someone’s belongings at school.

    Maddox did not listen to her explanation and immediately imposed family law, beating Ophelia so badly that she couldn’t get up for a month.

    She was completely disheartened. From then on, she stopped talking, avoided socializing, and her grades plummeted. She was even given the reputation of being dumb and naive.

    It wasn’t until last night at Ophelia’s 19th birthday banquet that she caught Vera and her childhood fiancé embracing and kissing with her own eyes! She lost control and confronted the couple, but in the argument, Vera “accidentally” fell down the stairs…

    Everyone was busy checking Vera’s injuries and rushing her to the hospital, but no one knew that a poor girl was held down in the river by the self-proclaimed executioners of justice around her, and on the day of her 19th birthday, her young life ended tragically.

    As she sorted through all of her memories, Ophelia sighed and gently touched her chest, whispering, “Don’t worry, since I’ve borrowed your body, I will repay every injustice and grievance you’ve suffered.”

    At this moment, Vera, who had not received a response for a long time, pushed her wheelchair forward and said with a self-blaming face, “Ophelia, are you still blaming me? Actually, I explained to my father and brothers yesterday that you didn’t push me, but they just wouldn’t believe it…”

    Vera spoke sincerely, but when she looked up, she saw Ophelia’s eyes full of sarcasm.

    “Whether or not I pushed you, it will be clear once we check the surveillance footage, don’t you think?”


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