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    Mars pov

    “Mom. I’ll be back before Christmas. ” I say to my mom. She is softly crying in the front seat.

    “I know honey. I just-my baby’s grown!” She cries. My father in the drivers seat laughs softly at my mothers crying.

    “He’s still your son Gabriella.” He tells her. “He has to do it. It’s mandatory.”

    “I know,I know. I’m going to miss you so much Mars!” She cries more.

    “Mom. It’ll be okay. I’ll call you when I can I promise” I tell her as we pull up to alpha camp.

    Alpha camp is where alphas about to gain their titles go. It’s October to mid January. All the alphas from all over America come and we compete, and gain new allies. It’s hard and lots of fun- that’s what my dad has always says.- I’m pretty excited. At the end of the camp we have a big game of capture the flag. Teams of alphas and their betas- which are in beta camp a couple of miles away.- and the winning team gets to throw a huge party and gets bragging rights. Again I’m pretty excited.

    I get out of the car and grab my bags from the trunk. My mom gives me a big hug. Trying to hold back any more tears. And my dad hugs me.

    “Bye Hun. Do good. And have fun! Make allies. We love you! Call me when you can.” My mom says driving off. I walk up to the gates and tall man with black hair and a thick beard stands with a clip board. A microphone stands beside me.

    “Name and pack?” He asks

    “Mars Rivers, red stone pack.” I say with pride. 2nd best in America. He checks it off the list.

    “Mars Rivers of redstone” he says into the microphone. It comes from speakers in the camp. I hear people cheer from the the other side of the gate.

    The doors open. There’s a large field of grass. A side walk leads to a large brick building. About thirty boys my age sit in the felid talking and laughing. Some are throwing a football or a frisbee. They look towards me and give me a slight nod. I nod back. Another man takes the bags out of my hands he’s a small guy with brown hair.

    “I’ll take these to your bed. We will take you to them after everyone arrives. He says going towards the building.

    I walk towards a guy I already know. Lance from Hudson pack.

    “What’s up man!” He says as I walk to him.

    “Nothing much ready to get started” I say letting my eagerness show.

    “I’m a little worried. My dad said there’s always one guy that isn’t very good and gets beating down a lot.” He says

    “At least we know it’s not us.” I laugh.

    “Melanie” I hear over the speaker phone.

    No one cheers.

    I look at Lance with confusion. He give me the same look.

    “That’s a girls name” someone says what we’re all thinking.

    The gates open and standing there is a tall girl. Maybe. 5’7. Not as tall as most guys. We’re all at least 6’2

    She has curly brown hair, and a small figure. She’s in black Adidas pants and Nike black shoes then a dark grey shirt. A black duffle back is on her shoulder. I can’t see her face from where I am. But I know she’s beautiful. The guy who tried to take my bag reaches for hers. But she pulls away. Gives him a look. Then gives it to him. He walks off.

    “How are they going to let a girl in here this no place for a girl” a boy says. If my mother herd that she’d be pissed.

    Most packs don’t like the thought of females being alphas. Because their not as strong and not as emotionally stable. I don’t really have a problem with it. But I understand why they shouldn’t. I mean. Look at her. She’s so small.

    Her eyes scan the area. As if she’s reading everyone’s mind. Her face is emotionless.

    “All alphas go to bunk rooms!” The intercom says and everyone gets up. Still talking about how theirs a girl. It can cause many problems. She’s weaker obviously. People are not very excepting of a girl alpha. And she’s a girl. And not being around a girl for four months was already not going to be there’s one. A single one. A pretty one.

    We go to the bunk rooms. It’s a giant room. Filled with bunk beds. And chest on each side. The one in the left is for the people on bottom two beds to share and the the right is For the people whos on the top of the first two bunks. Each are labeled with a name. I find mine it’s at the end on the top. And a guy named Randal is on the bottom.

    “Find your bunk and meet who you’ll be sharing a create with. Oh and Melanie.” A muscular man with a bald head says in a microphone. “Just cause your a girl your not going to be treated special. Your going to have to sleep and shower in the same places they are. No one cares what gender you are here!” He says expecting to hurt her feelings.

    “I didn’t expect you to sir” she say with power and politeness that make him silent. She turns and walks to find her bunk. She comes toward me and Looks to the bunk beside me.

    “Looks like we’re going to be sharing a crate.” She says. “I’m Melanie.” She holds out her hand.

    “Mars” I smile. And look at her face. I’m stunned. She has green and yellow around the pupil of hers eyes the rest of her eyes is a light blue that gets darker towards the outside. Then a dark blue ring around it. Her skin is not pale. But not very tan like me. She has a button nose then pink plump lips.

    “Nice to meet you.” She says still so polite.

    “Keep your tampons away from my shit” a kid says I want to turn and punch him. God what’s up with these guys? She hasn’t done shit to them and Because she’s a girl doesn’t mean when need to say that kind of shit it’s life! That’s what fucking happens.

    “You do the same” she says a serous tone. Making him growl.

    “I don’t use tampons. You do cause your a disgusting girl!” He growls.

    “Well I guess I’ve figured out who’s the gay one of the bunch” she says making some guys laugh.

    He growls loudly and is about to lung at her but she turns and gives him the most deadly look. That even makes my wolf put his tail between his legs.

    “How about before you do something you regret. You get all this anger towards me and save it for tomorrow. And i can really show you what a girl I am” She says sill completely serious. Not showing any type of anger or and emotion for that matter. It’s scary. The guy growls and walks out. And she continues to what she was doing. Like nothin happened.


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