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    Grace Sawyer and Otto Clark went to the civil affairs office to handle their divorce procedures on Valentine’s Day.

    The marriage window had a long queue, but there were not many people at the divorce window.

    Grace stood nearby and smiled helplessly after observing for a while.

    This was good because they wouldn’t have to wait in line.

    They chose the right day.

    Otto arrived a little later, and Grace saw him as soon as he came in.

    She felt a little proud.

    Although she didn’t initiate the divorce, she didn’t make a fuss and was so proactive during the procedure.

    No matter how you looked at it, she didn’t lose face.

    Otto came over to Grace and frowned unconsciously, “How long have you been here?”

    Grace smiled, “For a long time.

    I didn’t expect you to be late.”

    Otto grunted, “There was a sudden meeting that delayed me.”

    Grace nodded, “Let’s go.

    There aren’t many people at the window.”

    Both of them signed the divorce agreement.

    Otto was very generous to Grace, giving her enough money and even giving her some company shares.

    Some properties were also transferred to her name.

    Since they had no children, there was no dispute over property division.

    Therefore, the divorce procedure was completed quickly.

    They waited for the marriage certificate to be taken away and the divorce certificate to be issued.

    Grace looked down for a long time and her expression finally controlled her confusion.

    They divorced so quickly.

    It was just like when they got married.

    It only took a few minutes to complete everything.

    However, falling in love was too difficult.

    Grace had always known that Otto didn’t love her.

    That was why when he proposed a divorce, she only hesitated for a moment before agreeing.

    There was no point in holding onto someone who didn’t love her.

    She was not someone who liked to cling onto things.

    Otto also looked at the divorce certificate for a long time.Then he stood up first, turned to Grace, “It’s noon, let’s have lunch together.”

    Grace hesitated for a moment, then immediately put on a smile, “Sure, it’s time for a farewell meal.”

    Otto stared deeply at her and then turned to walk outside.

    Grace breathed a sigh of relief and then got up to follow him.

    The two of them went to a nearby five-star restaurant.

    Surprisingly, this farewell meal was quite formal.

    Grace felt uncomfortable in her heart and didn’t want to express it on her face, but other ways were still possible.

    So after taking the menu, she only looked at the prices.

    She said, “You’re treating, right?”

    Otto took out a cigarette box and lit one, “I gave you so much money, and you’re still so calculating about this meal.”

    Grace chuckled, “Of course I have to calculate, I have no job, no skills, and no way to make money, so I have to save.”

    Otto put the cigarette in his mouth, “With your share of the dividends every month, it’s enough for you to spend.”

    Grace looked up at Otto, “So you’re saying this meal is on you?”

    Otto raised his eyebrows, “I’m treating.”

    After speaking, he raised his cigarette, “Do you mind?”

    He was asking about smoking.

    Grace’s gaze fell on the cigarette in Otto’s mouth.

    Otto never smoked in front of her before.

    This man’s role changed so quickly, his attitude changed right after the divorce.

    She looked back at the menu, “I don’t mind.”

    After speaking, Grace turned to the waiter, “All of these, the most expensive ones, we want them all.”

    The waiter was stunned, “So many, are you sure?”

    Otto was lighting his cigarette and didn’t even look at what Grace had ordered, “Yes, prepare them all.”

    The waiter smiled awkwardly, “Okay, please wait a moment.”

    Otto lit his cigarette, took a puff, and slowly exhaled smoke rings.

    He looked at Grace for a long time before saying, “You haven’t asked me why I got divorced yet.”


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