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    Everybody who’s ever come in contact with Kei knows he can be a brat if he really wants to.

    You didn’t mind it most of the time, on the contrary actually. His bratty behavior made things more interesting, especially when it came to the bedroom activities you two indulged in.

    You loved to break him again and again and he loved to be broken by you.

    Usually Tsukki would be pretty compliant, of course with a slight bite in his words and the occasional defiant glance here and there, but you allowed that, knowing it wouldn’t last long anyway. 

    Today however, he overdid it. Ever since the minute you woke up, he has been throwing snide comments your way.

    Annoying you, teasing you and being an overall child. Having had enough of his act, you decided to corner your boyfriend and teach him a lesson, since he apparently forgot how to behave. 

     After what felt like the 100th smartass remark of the day, you were just about completely done with his bullshit.

    Grabbing his chin with your fingers, you yanked him close to your face.

    “What’s going on with you huh?

    I’d suggest you stop being a brat before you regret it.”

    “And what are you gonna do about it Y/n?”

    He bit back, the smug smile never once leaving his lips as his eyes fell onto your mouth.

    “Keep it up and you’ll find out.” You growled at him, slamming your lips hard against his.

    The kiss took an unexpected turn however, when Tsukki surprised you by slipping his tongue into your mouth, unwilling to let you dominate him that easily.

    You grabbed his wrists roughly, pulling away from him with a fierce glare. 

    “That’s it!” You said, marching over to the bedroom while pulling the lanky blonde after you, not giving him any time to protest. 

    He yelped a little as you threw him on the bed.

    “Clothes off, now.”

    You ordered, stepping away for a bit to retrieve some toys. 

    You came back to a still smug looking Kei, fully clothed and leaning back on his hands.

    “Make me.” He dared you. 

    Marching over to him, you grabbed him by his hair, making his tough front break a bit as a whimper came tumbling out of his mouth.

    “I’m willing to be lenient with your punishment, but I can always tie you up and leave you hanging. Do you want that? I don’t think so, brat…”

    Tsukki gulped a bit, deciding to bite his tongue this time, knowing you weren’t kidding and would in fact have no problem with leaving him high and dry, tied up with a toy shoved up his ass for at least an hour.

    “Clothes off….now!”

    You repeated your previous order, satisfied to see your boyfriend finally listening to you as he reached for the hem of his shirt. 

     “Look how nice it is when you actually listen for once,” you hummed, pulling out the stuff you’ll be needing from the box you kept all of your toys in.

    Tsukki’s eyes widened at the sight of the rope, if there was anything the boy hated, it was being tied up.

    He didn’t mind keeping his hands in place or not moving when you ordered him to, but rope just didn’t sit well with him and you of course knew that. Better than anybody.

     “Give me your hands.”

    You said when he finally discarded all of his clothes and sat back on his knees.

    He gave you a hesitant look, hands balling into fists weakly at his sides.

    “Kei, your hands.”

    You repeat yourself with a sigh.

    When Tsukki finally presented his wrists to you, you didn’t hesitate to wrap the rope around them, binding them together a little tighter than you initially intended to. Taking off his glasses you put them on the bedside table, careful not to damage them, before pushing him down on the bed with a rough shove.  

    He yelped as his face came in contact with the sheets, ass in the air and hands under his body, wrists resting near his knees.

    Embarrassed by the position he found himself in, he attempted to move but you stopped him with a strong grip on his hips.

    “Don’t even think about it, I didn’t tell you to move brat.”

     “But mommy-”

    He tried to protest, using your nickname way earlier in the game than he normally would.

    “No buts, you’re going to get the punishment you deserve and you’re going to take it like a good boy, am I clear?”

    Tsukki whined at your demanding tone.

    You sighed when he didn’t reply. “I asked if I was clear. Answer me brat.” You said, pulling on his short tresses, drawing a groan out of him.

    “Y-yes mommy.” Satisfied with his answer, you reached for one of the toys you picked out.

    It was a pretty hot pink dildo with a vibrating function, not too small but not too big to hurt him without proper prepping.

    Coating the toy in lube, you let some of the liquid drip onto his hole.

    Tsukki whined at the coldness since you couldn’t be bothered to wam it up, this was supposed to be his punishment after all.

    Although he tried to brace himself for what’s to come, he couldn’t stop the sharp cry he made when you pushed it inside of him without a word of warning.  

    Not giving him any time to adjust, you switched the toy on, turning the vibrations up to the highest level right away.

    Tsukki cried again as you worked it in and out of him without a single ounce of hesitation.

    “Just so you know, I’m not stopping until you tell me what this whole charade is about, or until you’ve begged long enough to convince me to stop.”

    You said, smirking at the writhing boy underneath you.

    He already looked like a mess and you’ve only just started.

    His face was flushed, mouth agape at the mixture of pain and pleasure you were giving him. It probably won’t take long to break him this time.

    Knowing him however, he’s going to take his sweet time before finally coming clean or before he swallows his pride and starts begging for something.  

    Tsukki threw his head back, a high pitched moan leaving him as you finally found his prostate. Abusing the spot with quick thrusts it wasn’t long before his thighs started shaking and his moans picked up in frequency.

    “I’m….” He groaned. “Cum for me slut.” And just as you said those words, he buried his face in the sheets, ropes of cum covering his bound arms and stomach, staining the bed in process.

    His face flushed a crimson red as he managed to come without having his cock touched at all.

    His mind was a little hazy already but it only took him a split second to realize you weren’t stopping just yet, not satisfied with him in the slightest. 

    “Wait! Sto-” He cut himself off with a high pitched scream-like moan as you pressed the vibrating tip firmly against his prostate.

    His nerves were on fire and the pain from the overstimulation kept washing over him like tidal waves. Leaving the toy in, you told him not to move before you stood up to remove your own pants.

    You knew how vulnerable he felt when he was the only one without any clothes on, but you didn’t really care today. Discarding your pants, you quickly slipped into the strap you prepared before and tightened the belts, securing the thing around your hips.

    Tsukki’s gaze followed your every move, eyeing the fake cock as you sat back down on the bed.

    You didn’t make any attempts to move behind the panting male, simply enjoying the view of the toy doing the job by itself.  Tsukki’s eyes were glistening with unshed tears as the vibrations abused his soft spot.

    Once the pain finally morphed into pleasure he let out a series of moans, hips bucking a little, desperate to feel as much of the toy as possible.

    “Gonna-” He managed to get out, trying to hold his orgasm off since he knew better than to come without your permission.

    “Come as many times as you want Kei.” And he came again, this orgasm much stronger than the previous one.

    Tears started falling from his eyes when his high subsided and he saw that you made no move to remove the toy, letting the pain overwhelm him once again.

    His muscles flexed, eyes shut tightly as he gritted his teeth, whimpers and muffled cries leaving his throat. Although he was obviously forcing himself to bite his tongue, his pride and stubbornness didn’t allow him to break and beg for you just yet.

    Sure he was a whimpering mess at this point, but you were still going to have to put more effort into his punishment if you wanted to get anything out of him. 

    You decided to leave him like this for a little while longer. Soon enough he was tipping over the edge once again, bound hands gripping the sheets, toes curling and back arching in ecstasy as he came for the third time, moaning loudly as he did. 

    You moved behind him, pushing the toy a little deeper inside as the pain replaced the pleasure.  

    “Do you feel like talking yet?”

    You asked your boyfriend, who was currently clinging to the last thread of his pride.

    Bound hands clenching and unclenching as you teased him continuously.

    The only answer you got was a small whimper, the stubborn male still refusing to cooperate.

    With a sigh of exasperation, you moved to his front, pulling on his shoulders to make him stand up on his knees.

    His muscles were beginning to feel sore so it took him a little while to get up completely, panting as the toy inside of him moved.

    You plopped down on the sheets, resting against the headboard comfortably before beckoning him to come closer. 

    “Come on brat.” You said, coating the strap with lube before discarding the half empty bottle.

    He shuffled closer little by little with the help of his hands, eventually managing to straddle your lap. Reaching around, you pulled out the vibrator, moving his hips to rest directly above the strap, teasing his hole with the cold tip.  

    “What’s your color slut?” You asked.

    Although you were positive he wouldn’t hesitate to use his safeword in case he wanted to stop, you still wanted to make sure he was alright before moving on.

    “Green,” he moaned as he sank down on your dick. The coldness of the lube posed a harsh contrast against his overheated body as the cock stretched his hole even more than it already was.

    The strap was bigger and thicker than the dildo you used before but he didn’t mind. He was familiar with the toy, having used it countless times in the past.

    His legs gave out halfway through and he ended up slamming himself down, bound hands clutching at the material of your shirt, hissing through his teeth as the toy bottomed out.

    Fresh tears started running down his cheeks after a while when he realized you still refused to move.

    “If you want to come you have to do it by yourself.” You said with a smirking face.  

    Tsukki whined at your words but started moving nevertheless. His moves were slow and weak, his thighs throbbed with every shift. He had to bite his lip to stop it from trembling as the pleasure was nowhere near close to what he needed now.

    He wanted you to fuck him, he wanted to be punished for being a brat, that’s one of the reasons why he did it in the first place. One of your hands rested on his thigh as the other went up to tangle in his hair.

    Pulling his head back, you leaned in, sinking your teeth into the junction between his neck and shoulder. The blonde cried out as his hips bucked at your actions. 

    Continuing to abuse his flesh, leaving hickeys all over him, you took notice of his movements. They were getting weaker and sloppier by the second, thighs trembling as he neared his next orgasm. 

    “You better not stop when you come,”

    you whispered into his ear menacingly, nipping on his earlobe.

    The high was pretty underwhelming this time, it was strong but he still wished it was you who brought him over the edge with sharp and fast thrusts, exactly the way he liked it.  

    “Keep going.” You warned, biting his nipple as he continued to sob.

    He listened, not stopping even as the pain hit and his thighs shook even more. He was getting tired but starting to feel too good to stop.

    “Mommy.” He whined pathetically. ‘Finally,’ you thought as you raised your head to look at his flushed, messy face. Quirking an eyebrow, you silently told him to continue. 

    “Mommy please,” he begged. 

    “Mommy please what?” You asked despite knowing very well what it was he craved.

    “Fuck me mommy….. please,” he whimpered.

    “I’m letting you ride my cock aren’t I?” You said, bucking up into him just to tease him some more.

     He screamed, back arching. “I c-can’t….please.” He cried, body whacking with sobs. “I’ll consider it if you tell me why you were being such a brat today.”

    You said, holding his hips still, grinding against him. 

    “T-the guy …yesterday.” He sobbed out, body slumping against you, his forehead resting on your shoulder. “The one that flirted with me?” You asked, voice softer as you were genuinely confused and slightly concerned now.

    “You’re mine,” he continued sobbing.

    “I wanted your attention a-all for myself.” 

    Yesterday when you two went out for a date, there was this guy who tried to chat you up. Even though you told him you weren’t interested in the slightest, the idiot ended up insulting your boyfriend, saying he looked like a kid and that you could do much better than him.

    Kei being Kei of course scared the guy away with some well worded threats and brushed it off as not that big of a deal, but knowing how low his self esteem really was, you knew the insults must’ve hit a sore spot. 

    “P-please don’t le-leave me.”

    Tsukki hiccupped. He wasn’t jealous. Honestly that would’ve been way better than this. He was afraid you were going to leave him for somebody better, since he felt like he wasn’t good enough for you.

    Not knowing how to express his insecurities without seeming too weak however, made him act like a brat. You wrapped your arms around him, running one hand up and down his spine soothingly, caressing his hair with the other one.

    “Baby I’m not going anywhere.” You said, kissing his head.

    Pushing him to sit up straight, you cupped his face and pressed your lips against his in a soft kiss.

    His confession made you feel all fuzzy since it wasn’t a common occurrence for him to be this open about his feelings.

    “Do you want to continue?”

    You mumbled against his lips.

    “Need you… please,” he whimpered back. 

    Deciding he’s had enough, you untied his hands, kissing his wrists before you changed your position, pushing him down onto the mattress.

    “Mommy’s gonna fuck you real good okay?”

    You said, finally thrusting into him. His head fell back, mouth opening in a silent moan. “Mommy, c-can I touch-” He whined, not being able to complete the simple request.

    “Go on, baby boy.” His hand wrapped around your neck, bringing you closer as your thrusts grew faster and harder. Grabbing at his thighs for leverage, you continued pounding into him, angling your hips to hit his prostate every time you bottomed out.

    Tsukki was screaming, letting you know he was getting close.

     “Come for mommy,” you said, not slowing down, determined to bring him over the edge once more.  His back arched off the bed as a thin string of white came spurting out of his spent cock. You helped him ride out his orgasm and wanted to pull out, content with how ruined he was. Before you could move however, Tsukki wrapped his legs around you, not only to stop you from moving, but to bring you closer as well.

    “Baby boy?” 

    “More mommy, please give me more,” he whined desperately.

     “Is it even a punishment when you enjoy it this much? I’ll have to think of other ways to punish you next time.” You chuckled in amusement, making Tsukki scrunch up his nose.

    “P-please mommy.” He sobbed, pushing his hips against you. How could you say no when he was begging so nicely. 

    “Okay, tell me when you want to stop.”

    He nodded as you picked up your movements again.

    “M-my dick…” Tsukki cried. “You want me to touch you?” He nodded again, turning into a babbling and drooling mess as your hand closed around his spent but once again erect cock. You lost count of how many times the poor guy went limp and hard again.

    His hands were fisting the sheets next to his head, mouth making incoherent noises. The only things you could occasionally make out were pleas, ‘thank you’s’ and the occasional cry of ‘mommy’ or ‘more’. You continued fuckign him dumb, loving what a drooling mess he became for you.

    The next time he came, there was still some liquid left, but by the seventh time his orgasm was completely dry. Even though you already milked him of everything he had, he still wanted more. His tongue would occasionally roll out of his mouth, covering his chin and cheeks in saliva. 

    You managed to get one more out of him, the 8th orgasm was his last one as he came with a final incoherent shout that sounded a lot like ‘mommy’ before passing out from exhaustion. His legs went limp, giving you no problem to unwrap them from around your waist before you pulled out, making his body twitch even in its unconscious state.

    You quickly discarded the strap, your legs sore as you finally stood up and stretched. Moving quickly into the bathroom to grab some towels, you cleaned him up before dressing him in a comfortable pair of boxers and sweatpants, not bothering with a shirt. He was light enough not to give you any trouble with pulling the stained sheets from underneath his body before you covered him with a blanket.

    You tidied up a bit, cleaning the toys and leaving them on the sink before going to grab him a glass of water to drink once he wakes up. 

    You settled down next to him with a book in your hand, placing one hand on his back as he snuggled closer to your sitting form. It was maybe an hour after that when he stirred awake, eyes obviously tired and body sore all over.

    “How are you feeling baby?” You asked, earning yourself a scoff from the male.

    You helped him sit up, made him drink the water and then helped him settle down once again. “Tsukki?” “Hmmm?” 

    “You know I love you right? I’d never replace you with anybody….. you’re stuck with me baby boy.”

    You chuckled, pressing a loving kiss to his lips, before getting back to your book. 


    He called your name, making you look down at him as he assumed his previous position, snuggling into your side. 

    “I love you too.”

    And with those words your boyfriend fell back asleep, a smug smile adorning his lips. “Idiot,” you couldn’t help but chuckle, caressing his hair before continuing to read your book.


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