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    Porco Galliard. Many people see him as this big bad boy, who does whatever he wants whenever he wants and doesn’t give fuck about other people’s feelings.

    And honestly you couldn’t blame them. It was the vibe he gave off and the way he acted all high and mighty with that arrogant smirk of his, that convinced almost everybody that he was nothing more than a cocky idiot.

     In reality however, the boy was a complete sweetheart. Especially when it came to you, his girlfriend. He has a huge soft spot for you, not to mention it only takes for you to bat your eyelashes once and give him a look, for him to turn all mushy and putty in your hands. Another thing your boyfriend does is he tries to act like an alpha male. It’s nothing more than a way of protecting his soft inner self however.

    Sometimes it amuses you how sure of himself he looks in front of the others, but turns into a puppy as soon as you’re alone. The first time you noticed these traits was when he asked you out. His cheeks were all blushy and he couldn’t look you in the eyes, rubbing his neck nervously when he finally managed to get the question out.

    Once you accepted and he was sure you weren’t pulling his leg, he looked as if he won the lottery.

    You’ve never seen such a big smile on the handsome boy’s face before.

    Another such occasion was the first time you slept together (of course there were many incidents in between these two, but those are stories for another day). Despite having such a killer physique and a fuckboy-ish attitude, he was a baby in the sheets and honestly still is to this day.

    You could do just about anything you wanted to do to him and he would thank you with a flustered face.  

    You of course weren’t one to take advantage of his trust, realizing just how much faith he had to have in you to let you see him like that.

    Your dominant position came naturally to the both of you and although there were times when Porco would feel like taking the lead, usually it was you who held the reins. 

    He loved the way you treated him, handling him with so much love and delicacy, as if he was the most precious jewel on the earth and it was your job to protect him.

    Which was honestly not that far from the truth because as far as you were concerned, he deserved every bit of attention you were capable of giving him. Although his tongue was extremely sharp and he didn’t have any problems expressing his opinions in front of anybody, it was a completely different story when it concerned your activities in the bedroom.

    There were a lot of things he wanted to try out, but it usually took him a couple of days before gathering the courage to bring it up to you. 

    Being the amazing girlfriend you were, you never told him no (more like you weren’t capable of doing so). Not once did you turn him away.

    He wanted you on top? Not a problem, you liked it better that way anyway. Using toys? Once again, it was a treat. When he wanted to try pegging?

    You almost jumped him right then and there. You tried it all, leaving only a couple of things unexplored. This time however, you found yourself being quite apprehensive. 

     You two had to spend some time apart because of your university schedules, it was only a week but Porco still missed you immensely. When he tried to get off, he found out his imagination just wasn’t enough.

    He decided to turn to the internet in hopes of finding something interesting. As he was browsing one of the porn sites he used to use, a video caught his eye, making him stumble down a rabbit hole.

    He felt desperate as his dick continued growing harder and harder at the scenes in front of him. It was a video of a girl and a couple of guys. Seemed like a pretty normal video at first.

    Halfway through however, it took a dark turn as the petite female got tied up, while the men took their turns fucking her brains out against her will.

     Did he feel weird for watching a bunch of crusty-ass old men with saggy balls defile a much smaller girl? Definitely. But did he find the idea behind it appealing?

    Also, most definitely yes. Now don’t misunderstand, there was no way he would ever let anybody that wasn’t you get anywhere near his ass, much less stick their filthy dick inside of him.

    Of course not. But… Porco started picturing himself in the place of the girl. Tied up and at your mercy, begging and screaming for you to stop as you fucked him mercilessly, not listening to his pleas at all. And with that image in mind he finally managed to get himself off (at least twice).  

    For the rest of the week he couldn’t get the idea out of his head. Just the thought of it made him twitch in his pants. So he decided he had to tell you. It wasn’t like he didn’t appreciate your gentle side and the way you treated him, it was the exact opposite. You made him feel pretty and loved and he couldn’t even express how much it meant to him. But sometimes he just wished you would be rougher with him.

    He was simply desperate to feel your hands around his neck or pulling on his hair while you fucked him. When you finally got the time to visit him, he didn’t know how to bring it up. After another wet dream where you completely ruined him and left him in tears however, he decided to just man up and tell you. You of course noticed something was wrong, especially when you had sex, Porco seemed to be much needier and more of a brat than ever before.

    You decided against asking him, waiting patiently for your boyfriend to come to you and open up about whatever it was that was weighing so heavily on his mind. 


    “Wait…….. Porco I don’t know.” You sighed, looking at the embarrassed face of your sweet boyfriend as he squirmed under your gaze.

     He gave you a huff in response, opening his mouth after a while. “Yeah you’re right. It’s stupid, just forget about it,” he said, attempting to laugh it off and hide his disappointment. His eyes were telling a different story though and you of course noticed that. 

    “No, no.” You said, grabbing his hand between yours, running one your thumbs over his knuckles.

    “It’s not that I don’t want to do it….. You know I’d do anything for you.”

    You smiled as he squeezed your hand. “I just don’t want to hurt you baby.” He gave you a soft smile, relieved that you didn’t reject the idea completely.

    “You won’t. I trust you.” One disarming smile from him and that was it, it was all it took. You were as good as sold. “Okay, I’ll do it.” How could you possibly say no to this boy?

     You talked about the whole thing for a long time, Porco telling you everything that he fantasized about.

    He explained how he wanted you to just come home and take him by force.

    He wanted you to pin him down and fuck him while he screamed his guts out.

    You eventually agreed on what things you’d use and the things you’d do, making sure both sides would be comfortable and satisfied in the end.

    Well he wasn’t such a problem, if anything it was you, who still felt a little squeamish about it. You had to swallow your doubts though. You promised you’d do it and weren’t going to let him down.

    That just wasn’t a possibility. 


    Your day was shitty, your teacher pissed you off and you forgot half of your stuff at home.

    Texting your boyfriend on your way from school, you asked him if he felt like finally doing it.

    Words can’t describe how much excitement started coursing through Porco’s veins after he received your text message.

    A part of him couldn’t believe you were actually going to go through with it, knowing how caring your personality was, but the other part couldn’t help shivering in delight.

    You had to make a quick stop at your house to grab your things before going over to his place. After a year and a half of dating, you two were still living separately.

    Having already discussed moving in together since you missed one another too much while being apart, you just decided to wait for a time when both of your university schedules calmed down at least a little bit.  It wasn’t long before Porco heard a series of loud bangs coming from the door downstairs.

    Discarding his phone, he quickly ran out of his room, almost tripping on the stairs in a haste to see you again. You greeted his cheerful expression with a scowl and a pointed glare, already playing your role.

    “Hey what’s-” He attempted to ask, playing his part as well.

    Your hand flew to his face, grabbing his cheeks and pushing him back inside.

    “Shut up.” You growled and kicked the door shut. Kicking off your shoes, you slammed him against the nearest wall.

    Porco gasped as his back made contact with the hard surface.

    “What are you-” “I told you to shut up, whore.”

    You barked, getting close to his slightly taller figure with slow predatory steps.

    “Do you not understand what it means?” Pushing on his shoulders, you growled into his ear.

    Porco’s knees almost gave out at your tone, you were just so god damn arousing in his eyes. 

    He made some attempts at pushing you away but they were all futile since you didn’t budge at all.

    “Stop struggling,” you said, weaving a hand through his hair and yanking him down.

    Porco gave you a soft whimper as his hands kept pushing against your shoulders, trying to get away.

    Smashing your lips against his, you smirked into the hungry kiss as he tried to pull away. Prying his lips open, you forced your tongue inside of his mouth.

    The boy whimpered as you did what you wanted, taking his mouth without a care about his protests. Not that he wanted you to stop anyway. 

    Finally the need to breathe overwhelmed you and you yanked him back by his hair. He gasped for breath, his eyes a bit teary because of the lack of oxygen and lips swollen, covered in saliva.

    “What are you doing?” He wheezed out.

    “Stop acting like you don’t want it.” You smirked sadistically.

    “Look at your dick, it’s gotten hard just because of one measly kiss.”

    He yelped when you roughly grabbed at his crotch. “Stop it!” He demanded weakly, pushing against you as your lips found his throat and you sucked an angry red mark into the skin.

    “You don’t get to tell me what to do.” With a growl and a harsh shove from you, Porco was on the ground.

    You winced internally at the thud his body made, the feeling of guilt already creeping up your spine.

    Not wanting to break the character however, you kneeled down beside him and roughly flipped him over to lay flat on his stomach. “I’ll show you what happens when you try to fight me.”

    You sneered into his ear. Pulling a piece of rope from your pocket, you grabbed his hands harshly, pinning them behind his back and binding them together.

    Porco whimpered at the treatment, his hard bulge pressing against the cold floor. “What’s your color slut?”

    You asked with a growl as you pulled him up, making sure the boy was doing okay before you even thought of continuing.

    The lingering sense of fear was still nestled in the back of your mind. “Green.”

    He said without hesitation, making you internally sigh in relief.

    Flipping him over once again, you loomed over him menacingly.

    Porco gulped audibly, looking slightly alarmed when you pulled out a switchblade.

    This was one of the things you were so hesitant about, not thinking that the use of a knife was entirely safe.

    Porco however pleaded with you to use it on him and of course you caved in in the end.

    Pressing the end of the knife against his crotch made him attempt to close his thighs. Grabbing onto one of his legs with your hand, you roughly pinned it to the ground, while the other still remained bent, not so efficiently covering his crotch.

    “Pull shit like this again and I won’t hesitate to hurt you.”

    You said, shoving his other leg out of your way too.

    “Do you understand me bitch?”

    Porco’s doe-like eyes were looking at you, his mind completely lost in the role. “Please, stop.” He whimpered again. 

     “Why would I do that?

    I’m going to play with this slutty body of yours until I’m satisfied.” You laughed and grabbed the bottom of his shirt. With one swift movement of your blade, the fabric got cut in half, straight through the middle. Porco shivered, sucking in a breath when you put the knife away and pushed the fabric of his now ruined shirt out of your way.

    You were glad he listened to you when you told him to wear old clothes, that way he won’t chew you out when they end up in pieces. A tear slipped out of Porcos eye as you bit his nipple roughly.

    “Aah, don’t….” He squirmed, eyes glossy.

    As a response you pulled on his other nipple just as hard. Porco screamed and threw his head back. “It hurts! Stop, please!” He sobbed, thrashing around, trying to get away.

    You waited a couple of seconds, giving him the time to use his safe word but no such thing came out of his mouth.

    He didn’t want you to stop in the slightest. Grabbing his hair roughly, you once again reached for the discarded knife and pressed it against his crotch. 

    He’s sobbing, but his dick keeps twitching in arousal, contrasting the stray tears that occasionally fall from his eyes. Flipping him over again, you pull his ass up, his face now pressing into the hard floor.

    “What?!” He cries out when you press your hand against his ass. “Hold still if you don’t want me to cut something off .” With a sadistic laugh, you cut open the seam on his pants, tearing them from the back all the way to the front, revealing the fact he didn’t have any underwear on.

    Silently congratulating yourself on not nipping his skin with the blade, you closed your eyes in relief and finally threw the cursed thing away.

      “Look at this, no underwear? Filthy whore. Did you know I was going to do this? You keep struggling but you really want this, huh?” You smirked, leaning over to bite at his ear roughly.

    “No! I don’t want this, let me go!” He thrashed and wailed. That was a lie of course, his whole body was trembling in anticipation for what’s to come.

    “Well…. either way I don’t care if you want it or not.” Porco thought he was going to cum from your words alone at this point. You reached down between his legs, pulling his weeping dick out of his long since stained pants.

    “Don’t touch it! No, stop!” He cried out. With a displeased grunt you unbuckled his belt and pulled it out of his pants. Moving swiftly, you wrapped the leather around his throat, slipping the end through the buckle and pulling on it.

    Porco gasped at the tightness around his neck, rising onto his knees as his first moan finally left his lips. “Look at the whore enjoying being choked.” You cooed mockingly, drawing more sobs out of the trembling boy underneath you. “I’ll give you something else to choke on.”

     Rounding him, you settled down in front of his hunched over figure. Unbuckling your own pants, you pulled down the zipper, finally freeing the strap you had previously hidden underneath.

    Porco’s teary eyes went wide as you yanked him up by his hair once again, your other hand holding onto the belt around his neck. You pushed his face against your crotch, prompting him to start sucking. “Come on whore, open up.” Porco shook his head, eyes squeezed shut.

    Grabbing his jaw, you forced his mouth open, slipping the silicone inside without any problems. Bunching up the belt in your hand, you tightened it just enough to make him see stars as you started fucking his throat raw.

    Porco choked and gagged as saliva gushed out of his mouth, fat tears rolling down his face at the same time. His body was trembling with arousal, precum dripping onto the floor.

    He was fighting to keep his eyes open, shuddering when his gaze fell on the smirk on your lips. You kept going until you felt like he was reaching his limit.

    Knowing his body well enough to know when it’s had enough (maybe even better than your boyfriend himself), you pulled out. The boy gasped for air, a coughing fit striking him as soon as he took his first deep breath. He looked at you with a red face.

    Observing his posture you saw how shaky his legs were. “Stand up whore.” You ordered, standing up yourself and yanking him to his feet roughly.

    You didn’t want to break your role but that didn’t mean you were going to make him kneel on the hard wooden floor longer than necessary.

    “Where are we-” He gasped as you pulled on his hair rather harshly. Making your way to the kitchen you slammed him down against the kitchen counter.

    The cold marble top pressed against the expanse of his chest and his dick, making shivers run down his spine and his skin break out in goosebumps.

    He tried to wriggle out of the hold you had on his hips as your knee nudged his legs apart roughly, but you weren’t about to let go that easily. Two of your fingers found his mouth and slipped inside without a warning, making him choke once again.

    You moved them in and out, playing with his tongue, making sure to cover them with his saliva before taking them out and pressing them against his ass.Porco froze.

    “Not there. Don’t touch me there.” He pleaded desperately, drops of tears gathering at the corners of his eyes, threatening to fall at any moment.

    If the way his butt pressed against you was any indicator however, you’d say he was dying to feel you against his insides. Slipping your fingers inside of him, you checked if he was prepped like you told him to.

    Making sure he was ready, you couldn’t help but grin at the writhing boy, taking a moment to admire him. He was always such a good boy for you, doing anything you told him to do.

    That’s why you decided to surprise him by buying a new toy. He didn’t seem to notice that the dick was new yet, mind too fuzzy with the overwhelming feeling of pleasure you were causing him to feel. “Look at that, you keep saying no but your hole is clenching around me.

    You don’t really want me to stop huh?” Taking out your fingers, you wiped them on his pants, quickly replacing them with the head of the dildo.

    Grabbing the belt with one hand to hold onto, you slammed the dildo inside, bottoming out in one thrust. Porco cried out at the intrusion, internally thanking you for moving him on top of the counter as his legs shook, just about ready to give out on him at any moment.

    “It hurts!” He wails. “Stop, you’re gonna tear me apart.” He cried, the lack of lube making the stretch a little unpleasant. His words spooked you slightly and you couldn’t help but break your role for a second.

    “What’s your color?” You demanded to know. “S-so fucking greennngh.” He moaned out, reassuring you and pushing his hips against you. The dildo was slightly bigger and thicker than what he was used to. Not too much, just enough to give him a slight burn as it stretched him.

    Even though you knew that, you wanted to be a hundred percent sure he was enjoying himself since he didn’t want you to use any lube. You groan at his cries of protest and start a fast pace, fucking into him roughly. “Let’s see how long it’s gonna take you to come.”

    You said, pulling at his makeshift collar, choking him slightly.

    Porco keeps crying at the rough slams of your hips, choked sobs leaving his lips as his dick slaps against the edge of the counter every time you bottom out.

    Reaching between his legs, you fist his cock and start jerking him off. “Nnnngh.” He cries out, sobs turning into loud high-pitched whines.

    The burning sensation from being stretched out finally disappeared and all he was left with were waves of overwhelming pleasure.

    “Such a dirty body you have, your ass is practically begging me to destroy it.” You growled, picking up the pace of your thrusts.“That’s not true.”

    He yelps, wheezing a bit as you tighten your hold on the belt.Angling your hips a little differently, you start searching for his prostate.

    You know you’ve found it when he throws his head back and moans lewdly, hips pushing against you and his dick twitching, a drop of precum trickling down his shaft. “Fucking liar, you’re enjoying this.” You say, hitting that spot over and over again.

    “I’m going to show you what you are. Just a dirty useless cum slut in heat, a cum dumpster. Isn’t that right?” Porco cries, feeling his orgasm drawing close. Noticing the telltale signs of his fast approaching high, you stop your movements.

    Porco whimpered as the release, that was just out of his reach a mere moment before, dissipated into nothing, leaving him even harder than before as he felt his balls tighten.

    “You’re not cuming that easily.” Fresh tears rolled down his face at your words. “P-please… let me go. Sto-” His words are cut off as you slam yourself back inside. “Stop!”

    He screams as you begin pounding into him at a killer pace. Keeping a steady rhythm until he was close again. You pulled all the way out once you felt him twitch from his oncoming orgasm, not letting him tip over the edge just yet. Watching as he wiggled his hips, his hole begging to be stuffed once more, you couldn’t help but chuckle and slam back into him.

    You repeated the whole process at least three more times before Porco started begging you to let him cum. The boy was a mess.

    Dick twitching violently as you continuously hit his prostate. “Aren’t you a funny little thing? Just a couple of minutes ago you were begging me to stop and let you go.”

    You laughed sarcastically, making him choke out a sob.  Eventually, you decided to flip him around, his bound hands now pressing into the surface as you adjusted the position of his hips and lifted his legs up.

    He yells out and starts thrashing around, stopping only when you grab him by his throat, putting him back in his place. Porco’s eyes almost rolled into the back of his head as you entered him once again, welcoming the already familiar stretch.

    Grabbing both of his lifted legs with one hand, you pressed them against your shoulder. His head shot back when you slammed into his prostate, the new position giving you a much easier access to it.

    It didn’t take long before he was close again, tongue rolling out a bit, mouth forming incoherent sentences and pleas for you to stop as you continued fucking him stupid.

    His arms were flexing underneath him and his moans grew higher in pitch.  Reaching into your back pocket with your free hand you grabbed the small remote that belonged to the new strap. “Cum for me slut.” As his moans continued getting louder and higher, you pressed one of the little buttons on the remote, making the fake cock twitch and shoot ropes of artificial cum inside of your boyfriend.

    Porco’s eyes snapped wide open, body arching as soon as he felt the toy move inside of him. Soon his own cock twitched as well, shooting out thick ropes of white, completely covering his abdomen. His eyes were rolled back, body spasming a writhing in pleasure.

    You slowed your thrusts, fucking him through his orgasm as his dick didn’t seem like it wanted to stop cumming anytime soon. After the final spurt of sperm, Porco went limp.

    You stilled your movements, staying inside of him for a little longer only to gently pull out a minute after. Porco twitched and a little whimper left his lips as you withdrew from him, his stretched hole clenching and unclenching around nothing as the fake cum started leaking out of him.

    His body was covered in marks and scratches, thighs definitely bruised from the strong grip you had on them. You let his legs down gently, leaving them hanging off the counter.

    Taking in the picture in front of you, you noticed how his ruined jeans were completely stained by his own cum. His chest was rising and falling in a quick rhythm and his eyes were glossy and unfocused.

    Giving him a moment to compose himself and catch his breath, you ran your hands along his thighs soothingly, praising him for being such a good boy and telling him how well he did for you. 

    When his breathing finally evened out you decided to start with the aftercare. His body was so weak, you had to physically pull on him to make him sit up. Resting one hand against his back in case he wanted to fall over, you pressed a small kiss to his lips and his forehead.Porco was still a little out of it, but he seemed to be finally getting a hold of himself.

    Taking off the belt from around his neck first, you gently rubbed at the mark it left behind before moving to his hands. As soon as you untied them, he wrapped the weak limbs around you, bringing you as close as possible, whining softly as the length of your strap pressed against his spent cock. 

    “Who knew my baby boy had a breeding kink?” You chuckled softly, running your fingers through his messy tresses. “Your baby boy didn’t know either.” His slumped body shook slightly as he gave you a weak chuckle and nuzzled his face further into the crook of your neck.

    “Did you like the surprise? The strap is pretty neat, isn’t it?” You said, mirroring his chuckle. “I liked it, felt good when you came inside.” He said, whining a bit as he changed his position, his whole body being sore from the rough session. 

    “Are you okay? I didn’t hurt you, did I?” You asked with a worried tone. “No, you were amazing.” He shook his head with a contented sigh.  

    “Was it anything like you imagined?” “Much better.” You laughed at his immediate response. “You did come more than I’ve ever seen you come before, so it must’ve felt good huh?”

    He produced an embarrassed sound at your teasing words, making you chuckle softly.You lifted his head to press a soft kiss to his swollen lips, before stripping him of his torn clothes.

    “You were so hesitant when I brought it up, but it honestly looked like you were enjoying yourself.” He smirked tiredly. “I did…You have no idea how nervous I was about that knife though…I was so fucking scared of hurting you!”

    You sighed, pressing a kiss to the forming bruise on his neck. Untangling yourself from his grasp for a bit, you took off your pants and got rid of the strap.

    “Yeah we went kinda overboard with that.” After undressing him as well and throwing his clothes into the bin you returned to your waiting boyfriend and told him to wrap his legs around you. 

    “Let’s get you cleaned up.” You said and picked him up. Thankfully, since he was only a tad bit taller than you and weighted next to nothing despite his muscular figure, you had little to no trouble with holding him in your arms.

    “I love you so much Y/n.” He smiled, leaning down to kiss you, arms wrapped around your neck to keep himself from falling over. You squeezed his bottom, adjusting your hold a little as you continued your walk towards his bathroom.

    “I love you too baby boy.”

    You nuzzled his nose before pulling away, fearing the potential of running into a wall.  

    “Wanna take a bath together?”

    You asked, seeing how clingy he was. His legs were tightly wound around you, head snuggled into the crook of your neck, his mouth pressing soft fluttery kisses here and there.

    “Sounds good,”

    he mumbled, smiling against your skin. It really did sound good.

    You two ended up taking a long bubble bath together, Porco resting between your legs as he refused to let you go.

    You made sure to thoroughly rub his muscles, since he looked like he won’t be able to move by himself tomorrow, attempting to alleviate any oncoming soreness at least a little bit. 

    As expected, you had to help the poor boy redress and eventually carry him to the living room, placing him gently on the couch where he snuggled against your side comfortably, wrapping himself around you once again as you two spent the rest of the afternoon watching movies and stealing soft kisses from one another.


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