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    In disgust I stared at him. Every day, the pain and memories of all his abuse would haunt me. And every night, I would wake up with the horrible nightmares, screaming and sweating. This was all because of him, because of the one who I called mate, the one who’s supposed to love me unconditionally and treat me well.
    I never even did anything to him to cause this, he didn’t even have an issue with my pack that could cause this. So, why he abused me is beyond me. I’m no longer to dwell on it.
    “Please, give me a chance to explain.” He pleaded.
    “No, I will never forgive you for what you did, you’re an abusive man. I’d rather die than have you as my mate.” I shouted.
    Tears pooled into his eyes, I laughed at him. He seemed so broken as he watched me pathetically.
    “I, Melanie Bird, hereby reject you, Edgar Short, as my mate and alpha.”
    I could see the pain on his face as our bond broke, disconnecting us. I gave him one last glare and got into my car and drove off.

    I’m finally free from that bastard.

    6 months later
    “You’re unbalanced sis.” My brother teased.
    I sighed and flashed him an annoyed look as I drank my water. He still had that stupid grin on his face, I was tempted to slap it off. However, I placed my water down before turning back to the training field.
    Not long after, my brother joined me, rambling about his fiancé, Penelope. But I ignored him, I was more focused on beating the crap out of this punching bag.
    “Mel, are you even listening?” He whined.
    I sighed, “If you didn’t have a d*ck you could pass as a girl with your whining.”
    “Come on sis.”
    “What’s the matter?”
    I chuckled and delivered another punch to the punching bag, grinning when it almost snapped off of the chain. I spun around and kicked it, allowing my wolf to give me some more strength. I watched as it broke off and slammed into the wall, a smile on my face.
    My brother rolled his eyes at me, mumbling about me being insane. I didn’t give him any response, not my fault I have so much anger in me. It’s that bastard, Edgar’ fault.
    Ever since I rejected him I’ve changed, I’m always angry, I snap so easily now. I have no idea why, maybe it’s because I was angry at myself for being so weak. I’m an alpha’s daughter, I should have been able to handle him. But I couldn’t.
    I now train every and each day, refusing to ever allow anyone, any wolf to hurt me. I was stronger than all the warriors in my pack, but I still didn’t feel as if I was actually strong. I was disgusted with myself, disappointed. I shouldn’t have been so naive as to trust my mate.
    “Uh, Melanie, you’re breaking the counter top.”
    I blinked a few times to see myself in the kitchen, gripping on to the counter top as if my life depended on it. I growled before ripping myself away and storming upstairs.
    “I’m gonna take a shower.” I grumbled.


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