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    The busy airport was filled with more people than usual days.A car with security cars was waiting just right outside the exit of the international Airport. Reporters filled up the space, getting ready with their mics and recorders, Photographers readied with their lights and cameras, people were preparing their cameras and loud voices of excitement could be heard all over. Men, in black suit was ready to protect someone from the large crowd. Everyone was waiting, they were waiting for someone’s appearance.
    A few minutes later, people started to get exited from the Arrival Gate. Everyone waited in anticipation. It felt like eternity for some people, until they saw the brunette hair guy emerging from the gate and coming towards them. The crowd started screaming at the sight of him. He looked perfect in a white button up shirt, black pants and a long black coat. He put on his sunglasses as he exited. The guards, ran and surrounded him to protect him. The reporters fought for his attention.
    “Brandon, how was your trip to Hong Kong?We heard about your success in the international news and in the magazines. What is your next plan?” All the reporters screamed as loud as they could to get his attention and also some hint about his next plans.
    Brandon gave the reporters cold looks and entered the car without saying anything to the crowds. The reporters seemed to be swooning over him even with his rude behaviour. The crowds seemed excited getting a glance of him.
    “Welcome back, Sir.” Gavin, his assistant said, greeting him from the front.
    “Gavin, how are you doing?” Brandon asked him.
    “I am doing good. Thank you. How was your trip?” he asked.
    “Not bad actually. I would like to visit Hong Kong again, but for a much longer period.”
    “Would you like to go home and rest or stop by at the office?”
    “Stop by at the office.” he said.
    “Okay sir.”
    The drive to the office was long and silent. Brandon worked through out his way to the office on his laptop.
    “Do you have my this week’s schedule with you now?” Brandon asked Gavin
    “Yes Sir, It is in the iPad.” Gavin said looking at him through the mirror.
    Brandon nodded his head in approval. His phone rang and he saw the name.
    Wendy Clark’s name was displaying on his phone.
    Brandon sighed and closed his phone, ignoring her phone call and continued working.
    “Can we stopped by at a Cafe? I need some coffee and sandwiches.” he said to Gavin.
    “What would you like to have, Sir?” Gavin asked as he parked outside the Cafe.
    “Americano with BLT sandwich.” he said still working on his Laptop.
    “Right away, sir.” Gavin said as he exited from the car.
    Brandon groaned in pain as his neck started to pain due to working too much at the same position. He shut his laptop and sighed looking out. He can see Gavin is ordering. He was pleased as he doesn’t have to wait much. He looked at his phone to see a couple of missed called from Wendy.
    Wendy Clark, is a famous actress in the film industry. Brandon met her at a party and was not too happy with the way she stick to him. She also give him a huge headache by spreading rumors that they were dating. His every moves reflects at his stock markets and the brand sales. His name came up in the 10 most influential person of the world magazine. He was flipping through magazine when he looked out to see why Gavin was not yet back. He then noticed a girl who was running towards the entrance of the Cafe. She was dressed up in a sweat shirt and jeans and was holding way too many materials on her hands. She was petite with small frame. He shrugged and looked away.
    Gavin soon came back.
    “Sorry to keep you waiting. They had a huge order before us.” he explained.
    “They should be glad that I am too tired to do anything to them for keeping me waiting.” Brandon said looking back at the Cafe.
    Gavin nodded his head and passed the bag to Brandon.”Let’s go to the office now.” he said to Gavin “Let’s not keep the people waiting for long.” He said smirking and looking out of the window.
    “Do you have anything in your mind?” Gavin said looking at Brandon, worried for the employees who are waiting for him.
    “There are some people who needs to be rewarded for their work today.” he said smiling at him
    Gavin knew then and there that some one will be fired today and that was for sure. He nodded his head and didn’t say anything as they drove to the office. He was hoping that all the employees are ready for this reward.


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