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    Bonita’s  POV
    The sun made my eyes flutter.
    The cold water helped relieve all the stress aching inside me, my stomach was turning in anxiety. Hopefully, this interview would guarantee a stable job for me.

    Casual clothes were all I had stocked in my closet, but the simple white dress I had hidden seemed fitting for this occasion.

    I dragged my hand across the chipping paint of the walls, soon enough I’ll be able to afford a fresh repaint. I slipped on some heels before walking out, knuckles turning white as I held my bag tightly.

    The bus creaked to a stop, a handful of people walking out. I hurried inside, trying to find a seat midst this chaotic crowd.

    I breathed heavily once my stop arrived, the wind viciously cold against my bare arms. I checked my phone, I was early by an hour. Luckily, I was dropped off right in front of the building I was supposed to work at.

    I regretted not bringing a jacket, the cold air clawed my skin as I entered. The inside was massive, with walls stretched high to the gold painted ceiling, matte porcelain tiles smooth on the floor. I approached the front desk, a warm smile on my face. “Excuse me, where does the interview take place?” The woman, who was previously glaring at the computer in front of her, grinned when she heard me. “Yes, it takes place on the highest floor, Ms. Sharp” How does she know my name? I fiddled with my fingers, the highest floor?

    She must’ve noticed the panicked look on me, her hands brushing the skirt she wore before smiling. “I’ll show you the way” My grin was wide as I curtly nodded. “Thank you”

    The halls were silent as we approached the elevator, the metal doors sliding open as we entered. “I’m Sarah” I tried to stop my voice from shaking, hiding the fear spiraling inside. “I’m sure you know who I am, since you’ve spoken my name a while ago” I chuckled when her lips crinkled to a smile, I think I like her. “Yeah, I’m not a stalker okay? They gave me a list of all the people coming for the job today” Then there must be many who are applying, I thought I was the only one, there goes my chance of finding a stable job.

    “I need to get back now, kindly find a seat and be comfortable. You came quite early so it’ll be a while before you get called in” She curtly nodded, giving me a thumbs up. “Good luck”

    It wasn’t long before the others arrived, all of them giddy and excited. Why were the majority of us girls? A few men were seated with us but not as many as the females here. “We’ll start with an alphabetical order, enter once your name is called” Sarah started calling out names, each entering and returning with mixed expressions. Some were frustrated, others were crying? I was sure some of them were, their eyes puffy and red as they exited, but mostly all of them were angry, muttering to themselves, glaring as they walked out. Was it that bad?

    I jumped when a hand clasped around my shoulders, cold against my skin. “You’re up, Bonita” Sarah led me to the door, opening it slowly. “Are you ready?” I breathed sharply, building up my courage before nodding my head. She smiled at me, her head tilting to the side before she stepped aside for me to enter.

    I shivered once the door closed behind me, the air was thick with tension and silence. The room was, bland and dull with no punch of colors, all a mix of black walls and white porcelain tiles. “Good evening” I greeted him, slowly making my way to his desk. His eyes never wavered from the papers he was reading, his lips in a thin line as he ignored me.
    He gestured to the seat in front of him, urging me to sit. I held my breath as I sat down, the soft plush of the chair squeaking with my weight. “You’re oddly quiet” My eyes narrowed elsewhere, well that was a first. I fought the lump in my throat as I spoke. “Excuse me?” He plopped the papers down, closing his eyes as he rubbed his temples. “The people before you never kept their mouth shut once they entered my office” His attention was on me now, direct and unflinching, how could he stay so calm? “But I like the quiet ones, usually they’re screaming inside their heads” Well, he got that right, my mind was a chaotic void of my conscience hollering at me right now.

    He was smiling, the image was no indication that he was happy, his smile was devoid of warmth. “Was I right, Ms. Sharp?” He was getting on my nerves, might as well return the gesture. “I don’t think you’ve properly introduced yourself, Sir” His smile turned vicious, feral and grinning. “Oh? Now you’re keeping me entertained, Bonita” He leaned back in his chair, his grin fading. “I like that”

    I ignored the informality he used on my name, getting straight to the topic at hand. “So, how would you like to interview me?” He raised a brow, looking unfazed as his lips curled downward. “What do you mean? This interview is done” He took the papers and returned to his reading. What did he mean? Did I not get the job? All he did was grin and joke with me this whole time, if you call that joking. “Do I not qualify? You haven’t even asked me properly you just-“

    “You’re qualified, but temporarily, for now. I need to see if you can keep up with being my assistant, so think of yourself as a trainee” He shrugged, glancing to me and the door. “Work starts at seven thirty in the morning, I don’t like my employees tardy, all right?” I stared at him, concealing the strange mix of happiness and fear for this job. “Thank you, Sir”

    “By the way” I stopped, glancing at him, this man irritates me, how am I supposed to work for him? “You can call me Cliff or Mr. Brooklyn, whatever you prefer” I definitely prefer calling him formally than by first name, nodding at him. “Of course, Mr. Brooklyn” He frowned, noticing my choice of name for him.

    I tilted my head, hesitating to ask. He had a fair advantage in both physique and appearance, with the deepest shade of brown in his eyes, pale white skin, lean muscles hidden underneath the crisp suit he wore, and fixed black hair, dark as charcoal. I had heard about him, the heir of the infamous Brooklyn Corporation. The dreaded son of a father living the life of luxury, the most brutal and twisted suitor despite his looks. “Something wrong, Bonita?” I hadn’t noticed that he was staring at me, face crinkled in curiosity. “Nothing, I’m sorry I should go now”

    I scurried to the door, slipping clumsily, I shouldn’t have worn these heels. My head exploded, aching and pounding with pain as shadows cornered my vision. I laid my palms flat on the floor, attempting to stand as sweat rolled down my face. Only I had mistaken sweat for blood, the liquid dripping from my chin and staining the small set of stairs I bumped my head on.

    I heard the chair scrape, footsteps closing in on my position. “You are clumsy-” He stopped once I turned to face him, the pounding in my head made it worse as shadows engulfed my vision. “Stay with me, Bonita” Cliff called for security, shaking me awake. It was no use, my head felt like it would split open any moment. His arm wrapped around my waist held tighter, his face becoming a haze in front of me. “Bonita, I will make your life miserable if you faint on me”
    I chuckled, my throat dry as I inhaled, sleep felt inevitable right now. “Try me”

    The shadows welcomed me into a void of nothing.


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