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    Annabelle’s POV

    After breakfast, Mom and I cleaned the dishes. Ford was still sleeping in his room and Dad was sorting out last minute things for Elliot and I. Elliot is the Alpha of our Royal Pack. He is by far the greatest leader and fighter. Also, He is really close to my family, and this is why he is going with me. We are planning to travel around to find my mate. We will visit each pack and sniff around. Well, literally. Because as a werewolf, I can smell my mate, and instantly know that its him. Quite a useful ability, isn’t it? And Elliot needed to meet up with other Alphas anyway, so it more like killing two birds with one stone.

    “Party time!” I heard a voice yelling. I heard the door close and footsteps started coming towards us. Mom and I were watching Television in the living room. We both turned around and Elliot entered the room.

    “Elliot!” I exclaimed. I jumped off the couch to hug him. Elliot chuckled and embraced me with his arms.

    “Well, to be honest, I am bit jealous” a female voice said. I turned and saw Alyssa, who is Elliot’s mate. I pulled away from Elliot and gently hugged Alyssa. “Just kidding. I’m not a jealous person you know” Alyssa teased.

    I smiled as I moved away from her. “But you are indeed pregnant” I said. Elliot and Mom chuckled while nodding in agreement.

    “Isn’t she due in a few weeks?” Mom asked. Alyssa nodded and patted her belly. “Have you thought of any names?”

    Alyssa opened her mouth, but Elliot cut her off before she could speak. “His name is gonna be Elliot Junior” he stated proudly.

    Alyssa hit his arm. “For the last time! It’s a girl! How many time do we have to say it, so that it gets through your thick alpha skull?!” Alyssa said exasperated.

    “What are you naming her?” I asked Alyssa. Elliot glared at me, and I smiled innocently at him.

    “Well, this guy-” she pointed at Elliot with her thumb. “wanted a Elliot Junior. So I compromised. Eleanor” she said with a smile. Mom squealed like a teenager. Elliot chuckled and kissed Alyssa.

    I fake gagged. “Gross! PDA!” I shouted, covering my eyes. Everyone started laughing. I opened my eyes just as Dad entered the room.

    “Elliot” they did the bro-hug thing. “Hello, Alyssa” Dad said and kissed her cheek.

    “Hello, Bill” Alyssa said. “Elliot needed to talk to you about Alpha stuff. And I wanted to hand this over to Anna” Alyssa held up a small box.

    I smiled. “It’s so nice of you to bring me a gift, Alyssa! You didn’t have to get me anything you know” I said and pulled her into a hug.

    Alyssa laughed. “I knew You will be happy that I did though” she passed the box to me. It was wrapped in light blue wrapping paper and a little white bow.

    I pulled off the bow and undid the wrapping. It was a black jewelry box. I looked up at Alyssa and she looked excited. I slowly opened the box and gasped. It was a white gold charm bracelet. There were five charms. The letters G and B connected, a small wolf, a crown, a simple heart, and a butterfly. It was beautiful. I just stood there and gaped at it.

    “Do you like it?” Alyssa asked in a nervous tone.

    I looked up at her and nodded. “I love it Alyssa” I put the jewelry on the table and hugged her. “It’s beautiful”

    “It looked better in silver, but…” she trailed off. I laughed. We are werewolves, silver is the top enemy for us. It sucks that we can’t touch something so beautiful. But, I still have silver jewelry. It’s just not real. Real silver is absolutely stunning, though.

    “It was my idea” Elliot claimed. I laughed and gave him a hug.

    Alyssa hit Elliot’s arm again. “Don’t lie. Your only idea was the letters” she scoffed.

    “It was still a good idea, don’t you think?” Elliot argued. Everyone laughed.

    I wrapped my arms around his waist. “It was a great idea. Thanks, Elliot” I said sincerely.

    Elliot grinned. “Thanks, kiddo” I frowned at the nickname. He laughed. “Sorry, your still a kid. Legally, you’re an adult. But to me, an adult is someone who can go bar-hopping”

    “I can go bar-hopping” I stated. It just won’t be legal, by human laws.

    “Then that would be illegal. But we are gonna go pack-hopping” He said with a smile. What is that?

    “What is pack-hopping?” Dad voiced my thoughts.

    “Like bar-hopping, but with packs” Elliot explained. Everyone just stared at him. “Going from pack to pack, so we are just like hopping between packs” Elliot was referring to our journey.

    Alyssa squealed. “I forgot about that! He’s gonna be the best mate ever!” If she wasn’t pregnant, I could totally imagine her jumping up and down like a teenager.

    “Wow. That’s not offensive” Elliot pouted, Alyssa kissed him and he smiled. The power of the mate bond right there. “I’m gonna have a talk with him before anything happens” Elliot cracked his knuckles.

    His mate narrowed her eyes at him. “You’re gonna chase away her mate before I get to meet him?!” Alyssa exclaimed. Elliot paled. Don’t make a female werewolf mad, especially when she is pregnant, and if she is a Luna.

    “I’ll just make sure that he’s good for Anna” he defended.

    Alyssa whacked the back of his head. “Of course he’s good for her! The Moon Goddess wouldn’t pick someone that’s not good enough for Anna. She is such a good girl, so her mate must be perfect” Alyssa threw her hands up exasperated.

    “Let’s go talk about that alpha stuff” Dad said to Elliot. Finally, I got saved. Elliot nodded and they walked off.

    “What do you wanna do now?” Alyssa asked. I actually have no idea. It’s my birthday. I had an amazing breakfast. I hung out with my family. I didn’t have any other plans for today. I should pack for the trip though. But what am I gonna wear?

    “Shopping trip” I said. Alyssa and Mom smiled and we left to go to the mall.

    I ended up getting a few nice shirts, two leather jackets, a couple of dresses, and new boots. My mom, Alyssa, and I walked in the house. Elliot and Dad were still talking. How much did they have to discuss? We’ve been gone for hours.

    “They are just finalizing details for the trip” Mom reassured me. I nodded and went to my bedroom. I packed my new clothes mixed with some of my favorite outfits. I put all my necessities into a separate bag and set the bags by my bed.

    Knock. Knock. Knock. “Come in” I called, lying on my bed.

    I heard the door creek open. “Anna?” Ford walked in. I sat up and leaned against the headboard. Ford climbed onto my bed and rested his head on my lap.

    “How was your nap?” I asked while running my hand through his blonde locks.

    “I’m still sleepy” he mumbled. I chuckled and kissed the top of his head. “Anna?” I hummed in response. “Mommy said that you’re leaving” I felt something wet on my legs. I stopped playing with his hair, and I pulled him off my legs. Ford had tears streaming down his cheeks. I pulled him onto my lap and wiped his face.

    I kissed his head. “Don’t be silly Ford. I’m just leaving for a little while” I gave him a small smile. “To find my mate” I told him.

    Ford frowned. “But Daddy always told us that outside isn’t safe” he sniffled.

    “My mate will protect me. And Elliot is coming with me” I assured him.

    “But what about Aunt Alyssa? Isn’t she gonna miss him?” he questioned.

    I nodded. “So you’ll have to keep her company. You have to keep Mommy company too”

    “Yeah. Cause her and Daddy will miss you” he started playing with the hem of my shirt. “I’m gonna miss you too” Ford sniffled and started crying again.

    I shushed him and rocked him in my lap. “I’ll be back very soon. I promise” Ford nodded and he fell back asleep in my arms. Not long after, I found myself drifting asleep.

    This is the last night in my bed for at least a month. The last night in my room. The last night with Ford. Then everything will change. I will be Queen, and I will have a mate. With those thoughts, I drifted off to sleep.


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