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    “Hey, Elise. We should…” Albert said softly near my ear.

    “Oh, right… Let’s get back to them.” I said, pulling away from him.

    I don’t remember for how long we have been hugging each other, but we finally decide that we can’t stay like this forever and it is time to return back to the Socials.

    When we enter the hall, I feel as if everyone is gazing at us. We part ways as we make our ways towards our own friends. Upon reaching Lance and Steve, I ask them in a whisper.

    “I feel like everyone is staring at me. Is it just me or are they really?”

    I see suddenly people who were previously staring at me have now turned their heads in other direction. They must have heard my words. After all, they are werewolves and they possess enhanced hearing.

    “I guess they are wondering about what is going on between you and Albert.” Lance says.

    “Naturally they would be. But can they be less obvious about it? Their staring is truly making me uncomfortable.” I tell him. “Anyway, I think I’m going back to our room.”

    “Aren’t you going to have dinner?” Steve asks.

    “Call me when the dinner is served.” I reply and head to our room. “I just wanna be alone for a while.”

    Lance, Steve and I are chatting in our room after dinner.

    “So.” Steve is the first one who speaks up. “What is going on between you and Albert?”

    “Steve, if you insist to know, then nothing is going on between us.” I sigh. “To be honest, I have no idea as to where we are in this relationship, nor where our relationship is heading. I don’t know whether we will revive our relationship or should I just give up.”

    “Then what are you planning to do now, Elise?”

    “I’m planning to sleep.” I answer.

    “Oh come on, Elise. I mean-”

    “I know what you mean, Steve.” I say to him before he can even finish his sentence. “I just don’t want to answer your question. Actually, I don’t know the answer myself. Good night, Steve.”

    I quickly close my eyes. I don’t want to answer any question. And I don’t want to think about anything. The only thing I want to do now is to escape to my dream world where my peace and happiness exist.

    The next morning, I find Albert, Edward and Herbert boarding the same plane as Lance, Steve and me. But this time, I’m seated far away from Albert.

    “Quite ironic, eh?” Steve says to me the moment I am seated.

    “What?” I ask him confusingly.

    “Last time when we were onboard a plane, you were seated next to Albert. Well this time, when you don’t hate him anymore, you are seated far away from him.”

    “Whatever.” I’m not interested in this topic. So I shake my head and continue to watch clips on my phone.

    The plane finally lands, and we make our ways to check-out. When we are outside, I see mom, Victoria and Jolene standing beside the gate.

    “What are you guys doing here?” I ask them curiously.

    “We’re here to pick you up.” Victoria is the one to answer. It is so nice to hear her cute voice. But I feel like there is another reason for mom and Jolene to be here.

    We all get inside the car and drive back towards our pack. As soon as we reach our pack, mom and Jolene take me to my house.

    “So, how was the Socials?” Mom asks.

    “It was fine.”

    “And how was Albert?” Jolene is the one who asks this question.

    “He was good, too. We even chatted during the Social.”

    “And what did you guys talk about?”

    “Well, nothing, really. We just agreed that we needed to work on our relationship.”

    “Then what are you planning to do?”

    “I don’t know, mom. Everyone is asking me the same question, and I don’t know the answer.”

    “We are just concerned about you, darling.”

    “I know, mom.”

    “So, are you going to give a second chance to your relationship?”


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