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    “LILIAN! WAKE UP NOW! YOU ARE RUNNING LATE!” Screamed my mom as she came towards my room.

    “Mom, just let me have another ten minutes please.” I muttered in my pillow in a low voice.

    “No Lilian. You need to get up NOW! You are late for school already.”

    “Alright, alright. I’m coming now, mom.” I got up from my sweet bed and muttered “Whatever”. But mom heard me perfectly because we werewolves have enhanced hearing. She came to me and pulled me out of bed.

    “Hurry up, my dear. I made your favourite breakfast. It’s pancakes with chocolate chips.” She said to me and the walked out of my room.

    I went to my bathroom and quickly too a shower. I didn’t want to waste too much time on this because apparently, my stomach was growling already.
    After the shower, I changed into my undergarments and wore a white plain t-shirt, together with a black vest and black skinny jeans. Oh, and don’t forget my black ankle boots and purple gold locket. Yes, my favourite colors are black, white and purple.
    After that, I put on some mascara and lipstick. I looked at my reflection and put my hair to the side of my perfect pale and a bit tanned skin. Perfect!

    Then, I grabbed my iPod, earphones, school backpack and my glasses. I don’t really need to wear them, but it’s more like a part of my uniform – you know, to show that I’m a bookworm or a nerd.

    I went downstairs and saw my mom and dad who were warriors of the Silver Angel Pack. Thanks to them, I also have warrior blood in me. But I don’t feel honored or whatsoever. I’m just a child, and if you ask me what I want, I want to have an Aston Martin I’d say!

    After I finished my pancakes, I grabbed my car keys and headed to the white beast – my Maserati. By now, you may think I am the most popular girl in our school. But I’ll say, you are wrong.

    I put my keys into the ignition and headed to the place you may want to call it High School.

    I headed to school and parked my white beast. A lot of people were staring at me, but I just had my shades on and shrugged it off.

    “Hey Lily!” I heard a familiar voice calling my name. I knew instantly, it was my best friend Hannah. We LITERALLY have known each other from the moment we were born. We were born in the same hospital, she was born just 30 minutes later than me. Our parents were good friends, and naturally, we became good friends, too.

    “Hey Hannah!” I shouted back to her happily.

    “Did you hear that Lily? Abbott Davis, the most popular dude in our school is going to try and find his Luna!” She exclaimed excitedly. Everyone in the school parking lot should have heard her saying.

    “But what does that have to do with me, Hannah?” I replied uninterested.

    “Listen, Lily.” She grabbed my arm as I was about to leave. “You always say that, but… what is that Luna happens to be you?”

    I shrugged her off without answering her question. But soon, I smelled a unique scent that got my inner wolf yelling and jumping for joy.

    I quickly turned to the direction where that scent was from and looked around in hope of finding a figure that I have been waiting for over the past 18 years.



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