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    I was woken by my alarm at 7 o’clock in the morning. I groaned loudly as I fumbled to turn the annoying sound off. Since I was not quite familiarized with the furniture setup in this room just yet, at last, I had to give up and get out of bed.

    The alarm was balanced on an unpacked box near the outlet not within reach of my searching hand.

    I groaned again. First day of school. First day in the new house… How could I forget? Although my very pleasant dreams about sunny white beaches and the small house my mom and I had lived in might have had something to do with that.

    It had been three years now, since I had had to move in with my father. The man I’d never seen before until then. My mind shied away from the reason I had to live with my father.

    Getting out of bed I hurriedly dressed in jeans and a black top, adding my mom’s silver hanger on top. It was an angels wing, designed so beautifully that you could see every feather to the very smallest detail.

    It was one of the few things of her I had left. Almost everything else she’d owned had been sold, my father hadn’t cared one bit about any of it. At fifteen, at the time I had been too unsure of myself and mostly to overcome with grief to do anything about it.

    Downstairs I hurriedly made breakfast in the huge fancy kitchen, it was empty and cold. The nanny would be here soon to prepare breakfast for my little brother and to drive him to school after that.

    After all, one couldn’t expect my flashing new, young step mom to take care of him… She had way better things to do, like doing her nails, shopping and most importantly screwing around.

    I didn’t get how their relationship worked. My dad was a workaholic and almost never around but I was sure he knew his new wife was anything but faithful to him. I mean how could he not miss it? Sometimes the guy was barely out the door when he came home…

    My father had a very well paid for job, but actually, I didn’t know exactly what he did, it involved traveling a lot for him and it had resulted in moving all together four times already in the three years since I started living with him.

    That was very hard on my little brother, he was really shy for an eight year old boy. It seemed like every time he’d finally managed to make friends, we had to move. On top of that no one but the long procession of nannies and me seemed to take any interest in him at all.

    I hurried down to the garage where I knew a driver would be waiting with the shiny black BMW, ready to drive me and my step sister to school.

    Yes I had a step sister… The daughter of my step mother from her former marriage. The two of them were so alike, both in character and looks. Although Jennifer’s long blond hair was real, unlike her mother who dyed it.

    The reason I hadn’t run into her yet was because she always took her own sweet time getting ready. Especially on the first day of school. Jennifer loved first days of school. She didn’t mind moving either… She claimed that after a year she was sick and tired of all the boys anyway and looked forward to some new treats.

    I shivered at that thought even though I knew that was her true thought. She always managed to make herself the most popular girl in school in a matter of hours and then proceeded to work her way around all the hot guys in the next year.

    At our last school it didn’t even take her an entire year… And that was not for lack of hot guys, I knew because Jennifer loved to gloat about all her conquests to me.

    So after our first day I was always forced to ride with Jennifer, something she hated almost as much as I did. If I had gotten on her bad side, which was often, it meant I had to walk or catch the bus…

    It was getting late and I fidgeted in the leather seat, I sat in the back because I knew Jennifer would give a fit if she didn’t get shotgun. That had happened last year and we’d nearly been late because of it…

    ‘Don’t worry miss, we’ll be right on time,’ said the driver suddenly. He was new, that’s why he didn’t know my name. I blushed when I realized I hadn’t even looked at him or said hello when I got into the car.

    Looking up I met a pair of arresting blue eyes in a slightly tanned face. Messy blond hair framed his features in soft curls and I realized with a start that he was at the most twenty five years old and stunningly handsome.

    ‘Oh… I know, Jennifer doesn’t want to be late on her first day, I just hate waiting. Don’t get why it takes her so long to get ready, she’s mostly plastic anyway,’ the words rushed from my mouth and shocked I slapped my hand over it. Treacherous voice!

    The driver laughed in a very masculine tone, ‘Don’t you know? Barbies need to get their daily dose of admiring themselves in the mirror.’

    I smiled back at him hesitantly, he was nice. Too bad it wouldn’t last very long, either my step mother or sister would sleep with him or maybe both eventually and he’d turn to hating me just as much as they did or get fired by my dad.
    ‘I’m Brittany,’ I introduced myself to him, sticking my hand out to him in a formal handshake although it was a bit weird since he was twisted around in the drivers seat to face me.

    He took my hand and surprised me with a soft kiss on the top instead of shaking it. ‘My name is Dannis,’ he said with a smirk.

    He hurriedly let go off my hand and twisted to the front when Jennifer opened the door to the passengers seat and flung herself in it. She still managed to make that look graceful and sexy of course.

    ‘Chauffeur drive!’ was all she said though and by her harsh tone of voice I knew she hadn’t actually looked at the driver yet.

    Dannis raised his hand to his head in mock salute, even though it looked rather real with the gray cap on his soft blond curls and the gray uniform. ‘Yes ma’am!’ he said as he pulled out of the garage with ease.

    I leaned back in my own seat and started counting, I wondered how far I would get until she’d start flirting with Dannis. It couldn’t be that long.

    Sure enough, just as I reached thirteen I heard Jennifer purr: ‘So what’s your name handsome?’ I suppressed a groan, but still I saw Dannis’s eyes dart to mine in the rear view mirror, he didn’t look pleased at all.

    ‘Eh… It’s Dannis William Ma’am,’ he said politely. Another look in the rear view mirror told me he was anxious and didn’t like the way she was running her hands over his arm at all. The look was almost pleading, as if he hoped I would get him out of that mess.

    Well… that was new. As soon as Jennifer pulled out her seduction skills everyone always fell for her, sooner or later and usually sooner.

    I shrugged at him, indicating that I was used to this but I still said: ‘Hey Jennifer, you looking forward to school? Think there will be lots of hot guys?’ I was sure that was the only topic that would get her mind off seducing poor Dannis.
    It worked because she chirped happily: ‘Oh yeah! Can’t wait to see…’ I tuned out the rest of what she was saying, having already heard it a few times in the past few days. I smirked at Dannis, mouthing: ‘You owe me!’

    He nodded though obviously relieved.

    When we reached the school I looked the building over carefully. It was redbrick and sprawled out wide, trees scattered around it. In golden letters above the entrance it said: Westtown High. Behind the school building I could see a large forest spreading out.

    The parking lot was filled with people milling about, admiring cars, chatting about their holidays after the summer break. In general catching up with friends.

    Dannis drove the expensive BMW all the way up to the entrance and with a look at Jennifer hurriedly got out to run around the car and open her door. Everyone was staring at the car, obviously wondering who would have a chauffeur bringing them to school.

    Exactly like Jennifer wanted it.

    When Dannis opened her door she glided out gracefully, like a superstar getting out and onto the red carpet. I shook my head wonderingly, it was no wonder she was popular on the first day of school.

    Especially not clad as she was in a dark red summer dress that ended mid thigh, exposing the long smooth length of her legs. She waved her long blond locks over her shoulders as she reveled in the attention she was getting.

    In a rush everyone that mattered was surrounding her. The guys offering to carry her bags and show her around, asking for her name and her number. Girls giving her fake hugs of welcome and air kisses as they offered her their own names and all the latest gossip.

    The crowd was already moving away with Jennifer from the car, she always did that to make sure no one would notice my arrival. She didn’t do well sharing attention.

    I was startled when Dannis popped his head in through my door. ‘You getting out hun?’ he asked with a warm smile. His blue eyes sparkled in amusement.

    I nodded, ‘Yeah, just giving the queen some time to get all their attention. Don’t need them to notice me.’
    He cocked his head to the side in question as he helped me get out of the car. ‘Why?’ He looked really adorable when he did that.

    ‘Don’t really like attention…’ I muttered at him as I straightened. Nobody was looking at us now, everyone was focused on Jennifer, except maybe that geeky girl on that bench and those Gothic looking girls a little further down next to a car.

    ‘Thanks for diverting her attention earlier by the way,’ Dannis said as he made his way around back to the drivers side.
    I shrugged, ‘No problem.’

    ‘How about I take you out on a date to make up for it,’ he said with a grin. I drew in a sharp breath in surprise and then glared at him. ‘You’re joking right?’ He couldn’t seriously be asking me out if he could get Jennifer and she was obviously interested in him.

    ‘Not really…’ he said with a smile, ‘You okay with eh Friday? I’ll pick you up,’ he winked at the last part, obviously finding that funny since he was the chauffeur.

    I swallowed, wow he really wasn’t joking. ‘No, I’m sorry but I don’t think I’ll be free this Friday.’ In fact, I don’t have an appointment this Friday, it’s just that I don’t think he’s my type. I rejected him then as I waved goodbye. I had to hurry to get my schedule now.

    ‘See you after school then, Brittany,’ he called after me as I hurried inside.

    The doors closed behind me with an ominous thud and I knew today was going to be very long… It wouldn’t be long before people realized I was new too and a sister of Jennifer. Then they’d all try to get to know me and ask all about her.

    For some reason they always thought that being nice to me would get them closer to her somehow… That only lasted a day or two at the most usually after that they’d realize how much Jennifer hated me and try to get into her good books by being mean to me too.

    I wasn’t sure which behavior I hated most to be honest…

    When Jennifer found out I had a date with the hot driver and she hadn’t she’d be really pissed. That usually resulted into her making up something I’d done so that my dad would ground me for her. I couldn’t understand why nobody ever listened to my side of the story… ever.

    After having collected my schedule and locker combination I hurried off in that direction. Jennifer had been there as well, followed by a group of people as they all threw themselves at her in an effort to help and impress her.

    I dumped my bag in my locker and took the schedule and my books for my first period class with me as I searched for the right class room. The building was large and sprawled out and I just knew I’d get lost here the first few weeks.
    The first class was Math and I was glad to realize Jennifer wasn’t in it. The teacher was an old grizzled man but he seemed nice enough. He waved me to my seat in the back after reading the note telling him I was new.

    I was really happy I didn’t have to introduce myself to the class that stared at me with obvious interest. The people that hadn’t seen Jennifer yet obviously wondering who I was and the ones that had seen her wondering what my connection to her was.

    As I sat down the teacher, Mr. Cooks said: ‘Sarah would you please help out Brittany as much as possible, if she’s behind on anything let me know.’ Then he launched into an explanation about this years topics he’d discus with us and the rest of the curriculum.

    The girl next to me gave me a friendly smile. She wore jeans and a light blue top that matched with her beautiful baby blue eyes. Her brown hair cascaded around her in beautiful wavy locks and I couldn’t help but wonder if she was one of the popular crowd or not.

    ‘I’m Sarah and don’t worry, Reynolds is a cool teacher even though he looks scary, I’ll show you around if you want?’ she whispered as she stuck out her hand to me.

    I shook it carefully, ‘I’m Brittany, obviously. Thanks that would be nice, I’m sure I’m going to get really lost here… It’s all so big.’

    She nodded but we didn’t have the chance to talk any further for the rest of that class.

    I was glad to see that I wasn’t behind at all, in fact I was ahead off the curriculum by a little. That was good because that meant I didn’t have to work harder or struggle with this subject. Even though I hated math I knew I wasn’t bad at it.

    I ignored all the stares I was getting and meekly handed Sarah my schedule after class was over. She was sad to see she didn’t have the next period with me but offered to walk me to the next class anyway.

    I happily accepted and found it easy to talk to her as she fended off curious people with just a stare. That definitely meant she was popular didn’t it? But I wasn’t so sure as we passed a group clustered around Jennifer, she didn’t spare them so much as a glance and most girls there actually glared at her as we passed.

    At the door to physics she wished me fun and said with a mischievous smile: ‘I’ll see you at English next period, if you can find it!’ Then she darted away through the filled corridors to her own class.

    With physics I did have to introduce myself but it was made easier because Jennifer was in this class too. I got away with hurriedly saying: ‘I’m Brittany Baker and I just moved here, I love music and reading.’

    After that I scurried to a chair in the back and sat down, beside a bored looking skinny guy with a messy Mohawk. He didn’t even look up when Jennifer started introducing herself, taking her own sweet time.

    There were some ooohs when they heard she had the same last name as me but that seemed quickly forgotten as they all stared at her. Completely entranced it seemed, even the teacher!

    ‘She really your sister?’ asked the Mohawk guy half way through class all of a sudden. I shrugged, ‘Step sister actually.’
    ‘Ah that explains… You look nothing alike,’ he said and then he resumed staring at the chalkboard again as if it was the most important thing in the world.

    We didn’t exchange anymore words but it didn’t take that as a bad thing. After all, he was the only one of the guys in there that didn’t stare at Jennifer… That made him score really high in my book.

    After physics was over I really didn’t have a clue where to go… I had been slow to leave the room, one of the last ones besides the Mohawk guy but he seemed to be absorbed in himself anyway.

    Jennifer had disappeared with a crowd down one corridor but I didn’t know if she had English with me or some other class. I started off in a different direction hoping to find someone I could ask for help.

    Ten minutes later I stood in front of the class room door to my English class. I was late, the class had already started, stupid Sarah with her prediction, I thought with a slight smile.

    Then I knocked on the door, hoping that the teacher would forgive me, since this was my first day after all.
    ‘Come in,’ I heard a male voice call, it was low and pleasant and it sounded like he had a British accent.

    I opened the door a little hesitantly and stepped into the room. My eyes immediately found Jennifer standing in front of the class, apparently she’d been introducing herself. I groaned internally, great that meant she’d be pissed off with me for interrupting.

    ‘Jennifer, why don’t you sit down?’ the teacher said and only then did I notice him.

    He couldn’t be older then twenty five, just like Dannis really. He was tall though, reaching over six foot easily. I could tell that even though he was slumped on the edge of his desk, his long legs trailing in front of him clad in ripped jeans.
    A white button down dress shirt was stretched across a wide muscular chest and did nothing to hide how well build he was. But more importantly: he had beautiful stormy gray eyes that stared at me as if he could see right through me.
    Luscious lips slightly parted to show a set of white teeth with dark brown hair hanging messily across his forehead. His nose was flared a little, as if he was breathing in deeply, smelling something he rather liked.

    I swallowed nervously, suddenly finding it impossible to look away from those stormy eyes. They sparked something in the back of my mind, a feeling? It was spiraling down into my body, making it tingle in the most delicious way possible.
    The teacher suddenly cleared his throat and then he said: ‘You are late, care to explain why? And while you’re at it, introduce yourself too.’ His voice was beautiful in that British accent, a little husky and I wondered why that was.

    I shivered and blushed, finally looking away from him to survey the class. Then I said: ‘I got lost… I’m new here. My name’s Brittany Baker.’

    I swear I saw him shiver as I spoke but then he nodded and said a little brusquely: ‘Have a seat Brittany, don’t let it happen again.’

    I hurriedly took a seat in the back of the class, right next to Sarah who appeared to have saved me a seat. She looked at me knowingly, winking once before focusing on the teacher.

    All I could think was: Oh my god… He’s smoking hot! Oh my god… I have a crush on my teacher and I don’t even know what he’s like!’

    I didn’t dare look up at him again during his entire class but I could tell everyone liked him. Jennifer was doing her very best to seduce him sitting all the way in the front. Then again, pretty much every girl tried to get his attention one way or another.

    Except Sarah, she just kept smirking at me and him as if she knew something I didn’t.


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