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    My little brother is opening his college admissions tonight.

    I can’t wait. I am glowing just thinking about how hard he worked in high school. If Yale doesn’t accept him, I told him we will send them a rejection letter.

    I stop my brisk strides and take in the sunshine of San Diego. The sidewalk is busy with people rushing to get here and there, but not me. I take my time.

    After a few minutes, I open my eyes and head towards the flower shop. Even if he doesn’t get into any of the schools he applied to, I still want him to know how proud I am of him. My brother is still my little baby.

    The door’s wind chime jingles as someone enters the shop. I trail close behind slipping in before the door closes. The owner of the store peers at me and then looks away watering his flowers once more. Yeah, he isn’t very friendly. I walk behind the counter and make my way into the back of the store to meet up with Jessica. She’s my only friend.

    She’s in the back fixing a bouquet of violets.

    “Hey, I want some carnations from my brother,”

    Jessica jumps holding her chest before peering back at me. Her blues look deathly as they glare at me. “I thought I told you to announce yourself before you shout like that.”

    “I’m just excited Jess. My brother is seeing if he gets into Yale today. I want to give him a gift,” I tell her.

    “Your brother?”

    “Yes, my brother Jess.”

    She frowns and dusts off her overalls. “Anwen, I don’t think you should get him flowers. You won’t be able to give it to him.”

    “Why not? I give him gifts all the time,”

    “Yeah, bu-“

    “It’s fine just give me some yellow and white carnations please. I’ll pay you back.”

    “Pay me back? Anwen, you know we don’t do the whole money thing,” she replies “But if you want I can give you the flowers.”

    Jessica begins picking the flowers from the trash and putting it into vases that were discarded on the floor. Her usual smile and relaxed demeanor is gone. She is in deep thought. Her eyebrows are drawn in and her chest heaves up and down with each heavy breath.

    “What’s wrong?” I ask.

    She continues doing her florist thing not paying me any mind.

    “Jess, what’s wrong?”

    Jessica comes through and she peers at me like I’m made of glass. Her eyes water and her nose is red. How come I didn’t notice her state before? Her eyes downcast as she takes her hand out of the garbage.

    “I was thinking. I think I’m going to move.”

    I stare at her and speak with the smallest voice.


    She straightens the wilted flowers and makes it the prettiest she can.

    “Yeah, it’s just that Matt has a new wife and my kids love her. I approve of her and she respects me. She visits me sometimes too. There isn’t much left for me here. I think you should think about moving with me. We can do it together.”

    Jessica hands me the pastel vase with chipped edges. I avert my gaze and take the flowers. “But I like it here,” I whisper.
    “I know but we don’t really belong here. I think they’ll be miles and miles of beaches where we’ll go.”

    “Maybe,” I tell her “I’ll think about it, okay?”

    She smiles. “That’s the most you’ve promised me about this.”


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