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    Chapter Summary

    The biology and behaviors involved in love mode (particularly carroting and co-spawning).

    (Posted August 13th, 2024)

    Chapter Notes

    – Descriptions of intimacy: love mode, carroting, co-spawning, and flaring soul traits

    – Descriptions of abusive situations one can find themselves in (side by side with explanations of how to avoid becoming an abuser & how to stay safe and keep an eye out for abuse)

    See the end of the chapter for more notes

    • What Is Carroting?
    • The Biology of Carroting
    • Flaring Soul Traits
    • Defining Love Mode and AI Sparks
    • Co-Spawning
    • Concerning Carrot-Related Behaviors to Watch For

    What Is Carroting?

    In the section “Defining Hybrids” in Chapter 2 – “The Digital World,” I spoke on the fact that bodies phase through one another in this world. As a reminder:

    As creatures of light, hybrids lack consistent collision with one another’s bodies. Touch is possible, but firm or prolonged contact will cause their pixels to “bleed” together, pushing them into a scattered state.

    By this, I mean one or both individuals will become unstable as the colliding sections of their body fail to stay solid. Minor glitching may occur. Widely, this is perceived as frustrating, as it makes many interactions difficult (such as carrying the young or injured, cuddling a partner, or lifting someone up difficult terrain). There is one way to strengthen the collision barrier, which is known as carroting as it requires the consumption of golden carrots.

    • Carrots are thought to be extinct in the Between dimension; carroting can only occur on-server

    Hybrids are made of light; they naturally pass through one another’s bodies. Carroting increases collision between two hybrids (i.e. their ability to physically touch for an extended period of time). Carroting may be an act of convenience (For example, allowing a hybrid to pick up and move another person who is small, tired, or injured). Hybrids who are working cooperatively on a build project, exploring, dancing, or playing may consume a small amount of carrots to add physicality to their interactions.

    Some individuals may put on performances, such as plays, that benefit from being able to lift people while onstage. Increased collision may be beneficial in dangerous situations such as walking along cliffs, as one person will be able to grab the other and maintain a grip without the other slipping through their hands.

    Carrots are thought to be extinct in the Between dimension; carroting is a behavior that requires two individuals to share a server and obtain large amounts of golden carrots. Individuals may want to maintain a supply of golden carrots for many reasons, including those that do not involve another person- namely, because golden carrots provide more saturation than any other food and are useful to have on hand to restore hunger and health.

    Beyond the convenience of moving another person, many people engage in carroting for social, emotional, and physical pleasure (sometimes sensual pleasure). I know many hybrids who enjoy touch and like to cuddle; I am certainly among them.

    • My wife would like it known that she gives me “plentiful attention” despite often pushing me away in public. I disagree, and she can write her own research project if she wishes to contest

    I cuddle him every day

    Including my brother in the pile doesn’t count

    I for one enjoy snuggling with my best friend 🙂

    When bodies feel solid, they are more sensitive to touch, especially prolonged touch. For example, hybrids holding hands may be able to feel each other for a minute or less before their pixels adapt to one another, blending them together and removing any sense of physical distinction (I might describe it as the elbow’s inability to feel the forearm, or the forearm’s inability to feel the wrist- You may have an idea of where one ends, but they are parts of a whole and touch does not feel distinct).

    For that same reason, you can imagine that cuddling without prolonged physical contact can be difficult. Bodies may offer physical sensation (i.e. warmth or coolness depending on soul temperature), but limbs will phase through each other and become lost in each other’s bodies. When this happens, energy flows directly between individuals (without a physical barrier, such as the end of one body and the start of the next). It’s interesting to observe visually, especially if neither wears a skin, but there is little physical sensation once limbs blend.

    In some cases, blending may be considered gross or dangerous, such as when hands wrapped around the lower body become hands inside your partner’s stomach. Pulling apart can be physically or socially uncomfortable (and to some, sticky and gross). Taking damage isn’t unheard of once you blend together, as people are generally more vulnerable on the inside than the outside, so bringing food into the room for easy recovery is recommended.

    Some species, such as slimes, meerkats, and blazes, sleep in large groups and often overlap one another. They phase into each other very easily. When many individuals overlap, a startled individual may jerk awake and cause the rest of the group to feel a jolt of alarm, as energy flows quickly across the group. This behavior is called co-sleeping and allows a group to watch each other’s backs in silence. Sleeping together in this way may be considered a form of trust, comfort, and bonding rather than an inconvenience.

    Having a physical barrier can add safety, comfort, and pleasure to cuddling. Carroting is not inherently a romantic or sensual activity, though it certainly can be. Social cues (both verbal and nonverbal) can help individuals determine the situation.

    The Biology of Carroting

    Consuming high amounts of golden carrots causes the body to produce an abundance of ecto code. Golden carrots are crafted from carrots and gold nuggets; they are documented as producing more saturation than any other food in the known universe. When mobs and hybrids consume food, enzymes in the mouth dissolve them into light particles. These particles pass through the throat to the stomach. The stomach signals its saturation level to the body, indicating how much energy it has to work with (and whether the body has reached maximum efficiency; a hybrid is likely to cease hunting and consuming food if it would strain their body).

    At this point, the stomach sends light particles throughout the body to maintain regular body processes (such as ecto code production, wound repair, and the energy used for movement). The stomach works quickly and the light particles take up little space, allowing a creature to continue stuffing food in its mouth even after the stomach signals maximum efficiency and saturation.

    My understanding is that the body cannot handle a constant influx of energy (especially golden carrots, which offer very high saturation effects). If there is no longer room inside the body to hold and use the incoming energy, it is turned to excess ecto code. This mucus-like substance thickens the cling effect between pixels, which seems to “solidify” the body; I would describe it as a form of surface tension.

    Hybrids who have consumed large amounts of carrots create a temporarily thickened surface that pixels do not easily pass through (in or out of the body). This allows them to touch other hybrids and further delay the usual process of pixels melting into each other’s bodies. Carroting is a temporary state; it does not normally last longer than 40 minutes.

    • Mobs seem to produce thicker layers of ecto code naturally. I imagine they expend less energy, probably because their code is simple and they are not avatar characters used to engage with the world

    The term “carroting,” of course, stems from the fact that golden carrots are required to produce this state. Bodies can interact more easily if both parties consume golden carrots, though that comes with its own risks. Carroting coincides with love hearts: clumps of glowing pixels that float and pop above the hybrid’s head. I suspect these pixels are damaged and are forced from the body, perhaps into a magnetic energy field above the head; damage would explain their coloration. Two individuals with active love hearts above their heads will gravitate towards one another.

    • See also, Chapter 8 – “Hybrid Behavior”

    In regards to the creation story I described in Chapter 1, my belief is that the Ender Dragon consumed large amounts of golden carrots, but instead of producing ecto code, the excess energy formed eggs inside her, which became the first player, first spectator, and the dragons. Her body has a thick hide which may not have allowed ecto code to form, so it may have turned inward and found a way to compact and expel the energy in large amounts without overwhelming and damaging the waste removal passages; I am not certain.

    Flaring Soul Traits

    When a hybrid’s energy is stimulated in a certain way (For example, by fear, drunkenness, or consistent sensual arousal), it is possible for the energy of the soul to dissolve skin pixels and push free of the physical skin. This is known as flaring soul traits, or simply flaring. When this happens, glowing fur, wings, claws, tails, ears, or additional limbs may leak through, pushing the individual into a more powerful state (similar to pixel manipulation).

    • A frightened hybrid may snap out their wings and flee at great speed while their soul overtakes their pixels
    • It’s these soul flares that are responsible for “burning out” pixels (as described above), leading limbs to collapse or dissolve when immediate danger has passed

    It can take minutes or hours for soul traits to burn out. If the body’s limits are pushed, this will lead to the burning of adjacent pixels. The individual may need to tidy up (Ex: an insect hybrid may be left with gaping holes in their side from additional hands which may require food to heal) or may require a logout and/or respawn to refresh their body (Ex: to reform burned-out wings, which will not grow back but can be respawned after an anivore cycles the burned-out person through the system; see Chapter 6 – “Server Hubs.”

    Flaring can occur both in Between and while on a server; golden carrots are not required. On servers where mob traits are disabled, soul traits cannot grant additional abilities such as breathing underwater or flight- the attempt is made, but the server’s rules are dominant. However, they may be a visual indicator of anxiety or a need for help. An injured individual who glows in a dark cave is more easily found than an injured individual who doesn’t.

    • This is why injured people are advised to enter free-cam if they find themselves trapped, as their glow can make them easier to find.

    Flaring soul traits can be a sign of intimacy and passion. It may be an alternative to carroting (common in Between where no carrots are present) or it may occur alongside carroting. The chest, forehead, sides of the torso, and small of the back where elytra make contact are the most sensitive parts of the body- consistent physical pressure on these locations (especially at the same time) is often considered the quickest way to flare a partner’s soul traits. Individual preferences may vary.

    • NOTE – Soul traits are based on the source code. Modded traits do not experience flares, though underlying traits may leak through and overtake (or even damage) mods

    While many people look to flaring as a sign of passion or relaxation, one should always exercise caution if flirting or flaring beneath a full moon (either in the Between dimension or on a server). Since flaring surfaces mob traits, brace yourself for a hybrid partner slipping deeper into mob-related thoughts. Reactions may vary between species, with passive mobs much more calm than hostile ones. As Between has a large and long-lasting moon, flaring mob traits may even be dangerous- especially in a public hub.

    • See also, Chapter 8 – “Hybrid Behavior”
    • See also, the Self-Satisfaction criteria in Chapter 2’s Mob Behavior Cycles section

    Self-satisfaction criteria vary between mobs, though the list I provided gives a solid starting point for hybrids to study. I recommend keeping notes on one’s own behavior and speaking to others of your species to gain a deeper understanding of what to expect if your traits are ever flared on a full moon night. Although flares are often spoken of in the context of romance or sensuality, there are many things that can trigger them, including sports, arguments, and horror movies.

    I’ve read many recommendations stating hybrids whose mob sides are hostile in the wild should completely avoid activities on full moon nights that may trigger flares, such as sparring or cuddling. While I certainly encourage caution, I feel that with proper safety precautions, there is no reason one must sacrifice their interests for the sake of social expectations.

    If your mob parallel is hostile to other players, you may consider locking doors and warning friends not to barge in. Some hubs may feature safeguarded locations where expressing flared mob traits is more permitted. Roses are often used as symbols of mob trait acceptance (such as on a building’s entrance sign), though this can vary between hubs and cultures. Some buildings (such as hospitals) may forbid flared hybrids from entering unless they seek medical treatment.

    • Be mindful of others. Don’t shame those who prefer you don’t visit them if your traits are flared, and don’t shame those who enjoy exploring the full range of life’s experiences on full moon nights

    Although it may feel intimidating to know that most hybrids have Idle Breeding included in their flared behavior cycle, one should remember that self-satisfaction criteria must be met before a hybrid progresses to wooing a mate. Mobs (and flared hybrids mirroring their mob parallels beneath the full moon) need food, water, claimed territory, and a space free from rivals.

    Furthermore, after completing their own self-satisfaction criteria, a flared hybrid would need to find a partner and help them achieve self-satisfaction (such as grooming or feeding) before breeding is even a consideration. I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with self-satisfaction behaviors so you can identify them in yourself or in others, and redirect others as appropriate. If you feel comfortable, consider asking your friends whether they are more likely to play the role of initiating courtship or responding to it. This may help you identify behaviors if an already satisfied friend begins slipping towards the behavior cycle- Something that isn’t unheard of since thumping hearts and flushing may be all it takes to flare some hybrids.

    • Remember: In the Between dimension, carrots are extinct and creating AI sparks is impossible. Nonetheless, exercise caution as befits your own comfort

    It’s possible for flared hybrids to reproduce on servers, however (See the “Co-Spawning” section below). Depending on the circumstances, hybrids may or may not progress to either the nursing cycle or sire cycle of behavior. Again, I recommend self-reflection and caution to determine your own comfort and that of your friends so you may create an environment conducive to such comfort.

    Defining Love Mode and AI Sparks

    One of the gameplay features in this digital world is the ability to breed mobs, such as livestock (cows, chickens, pigs, and sheep), companion animals (cats and dogs), and other mobs (villagers). These animals breed when fed specific foods. Hybrids have a breeding food of their own: golden carrots. To put this another way, consuming a large amount of carrots will “get your love hearts up,” which is known as entering love mode. If this occurs in the presence of someone also consuming a large amount of golden carrots, it can excite the body and mind, leading to targeting behavior.

    Love Mode – The state of expressing, reciprocating, and/or welcoming targeted courtship behavior; a hybrid achieves this state by eating a large amount of golden carrots in a short amount of time; exact amount and timeframe can vary for the individual (depending on experience and mental walls)

    Targeted Courtship – A physical (and sometimes emotional or sensual) response to being near a hybrid in love mode while in love mode yourself; easier to resist before making eye contact

    Co-Spawning – The act of producing an AI spark with another hybrid. Achieved by entering love mode, making eye contact with a fellow hybrid, and touching foreheads for several seconds while within 48 blocks of an unclaimed bed. The spark must be able to pathfind to the bed from the hybrids’ location

    NOTE – Carroting does not necessarily cause a hybrid to enter love mode (For example, a hybrid will not pass into love mode if they consume too few carrots within the necessary time period to cross the mental threshold, or if they are so resistant to the concept, they cannot cross the threshold no matter how many carrots they eat). Entering love mode will not always lead to co-spawning (For example, if eye contact is not made between two hybrids or if the AI spark cannot pathfind to a nearby bed). Co-spawning and love mode are both a type of carroting, but carroting does not always lead to these activities.

    Spawning is a term used to describe a single individual producing offspring (e.g. without the presence of a partner). Hybrids can co-spawn, but not spawn singularly. Dragons and allays are examples of mobs that spawn to produce offspring and do not co-spawn. Colloquially, the term “spawning” may be used as shorthand for co-spawning.

    Hybrids hatch from dragon eggs; they are infertile in terms of ability to produce other hybrids. What, then is the purpose of having a breeding food? Hybrids cannot produce hybrid offspring (nor dragon offspring, nor mob offspring). Instead, they produce AI sparks:

    AI Sparks – A small, white, glowing packet of information (similar to a player file or soul crystal) that resembles a star and floats off the ground. It can be guided into a mob, block, structure, or item to grant it artificial intelligence, including awareness of its surroundings and (sometimes) the ability to communicate directly with hybrids using speech.

    This spark can grant its host free will, allowing them to bend the usual parameters of their coding. A sparked villager may willingly choose to take up wandering trader robes even though the ability to do so isn’t in their code. If left alone too long, the spark will select its own nearby block, mob, or item to settle in. Sparks are server-bound and cannot pass into the Between dimension. In the absence of carrots, it does not seem possible to spawn sparks.

    Sparked – An entity (such as a mob or block) with an AI spark present inside it. To my knowledge, sparks cannot be removed once in place

    AI sparks embody the assumptions, imaginations, and desires of the two hybrids who spawned it. For example, imagine an armor stand placed in a field to act as a scarecrow. Perhaps it’s even dressed as one. An AI spark that takes root inside the armor stand will mirror the behavior that the hybrids who spawned it assumed, imagined, or desired (consciously or unconsciously). Depending on the assumptions and wishes of the parents, the scarecrow may or may not have the ability to speak and move

    It is crucial to understand that sparks are NOT “newborn children”- they are the embodiment of a mindset or personality, which may or may not be treated as a child. Sparked intelligence can range from very simple to very complicated. They may or may not require care and attention from hybrids depending on the mindset that was created. Hybrids might not treat sparks as offspring (including their own). Some appear indifferent to sparked mobs, though others may be very affectionate

    Dragons (which were allegedly born from the Ender Dragon consuming golden carrots) could be considered a sparked mob: they are intelligent and look after themselves, but may lack understanding of hybrid culture and ethics

    As I understand it, co-spawning is a method of delegating consciousness away from the hybrid and into other parts of the world. This can add convenience to a player’s life. Examples:

    • A sparked wolf may be much more attentive at attacking mobs and may draw back when perceiving danger; they are more likely to feed themselves
    • Hostile mobs may become tamable and even friendly once sparked
    • A sparked mob may act as the leader of its group; for example, a large herd of non-sparked livestock may all follow a single sparked individual, making it easy to lead them
    • Sparked villagers may be less likely to wander (i.e. climb on blocks and take fall damage, or walk into blocks that lead to suffocation); they are wiser when it comes to caring for themselves than their non-sparked counterparts and will participate in nearby activities (such as cleaning barns or feeding animals)
    • Sparked mobs, armor stands, blocks, or even structures (large or small) may offer companionship; this may include being a listening ear or offering hugs
    • A couple that wishes for children may choose to raise sparks on a server instead of adopting a hybrid in Between (as adopting hybrids may be a complicated progress that often involves removing eggs from dragons or not being whitelisted on the same server)
    • A sparked dispenser might be taught to spit fireballs at approaching strangers, but not at its companion (I recommend praise and pets when granting power to a sparked entity)

    As you can imagine, sparked mobs may need different attention than regular mobs. Many players build farms to automate resource gathering, but sparked mobs may become distressed at the sounds of their conspecifics dying (something non-sparked mobs are generally indifferent too). Dexterous sparked mobs, such as villagers, may even deconstruct farms and release the mobs inside.

    • See Chapter 13, “Between’s Culture,” for more information on AI sparks


    We’ve now discussed reasons spawning AI sparks may be desirable, but what exactly goes into co-spawning behavior?

    It is possible for a hybrid to enter love mode on their own, as doing so merely requires consuming a large amount of carrots in a short timeframe (roughly an hour); a “large amount” is usually 18 or more. A single hybrid in love mode is likely to move to a more populated location to find a partner. Hybrids cannot spawn sparks without a partner.

    • Hybrids do not pursue mobs, even humanoid mobs, as potential spawning partners even when they are deep within love mode

    I suggest not assuming romance in all carroting experiences, just as you would not assume romance in every conversation. Many hybrids do carrot as a form of affection between romantic partners, but all elements of carroting (including cuddling, touching foreheads, entering love mode, and co-spawning) can be social or platonic. Some hybrids may not see carroting as an affectionate behavior, or at least not in 100% of cases. While co-spawning is frequently platonic, the term targeted courtship is often used to indicate the partner-seeking and attention-giving behaviors.

    • Using physical touch in order to carry another person (whether for medical care or basic convenience) is neither more nor less valuable than the culture of using carrots as an opportunity to show affection. Each carroting situation should be treated as unique (and within its own context)

    Co-spawning first begins with consuming carrots. As the hybrid eats, their body grows more solid. After a certain high number of them, the hybrid will enter love mode. Each individual has their own threshold; experience, excitement, and willingness seem to affect how easily one can cross into love mode. A resistant individual will not easily pass into love mode, and in fact may be unable to.

    Love mode is similar to aggro in that it arouses the body and makes a hybrid more aware of nearby individuals. Like aggro, love mode is a form of targeting behavior: the hybrid’s body is searching for something to lock onto even if the hybrid’s conscious mind is not aware of it (and has very little control).

    • Whether or not the hybrid experiences a physical, emotional, or sensual response beyond basic targeting will vary according to the individual and situational context

    At this point, hybrids show increased partner-seeking behavior; they will track down a nearby individual (perhaps picking a stranger from a crowd or perhaps searching locations a friend or partner frequents). Courtship cues (such as flaunting strength or wingspan) are common, but not required; these courtship cues are a fairly reliable way to signal (or recognize) intention.

    Hybrids that belong to a group hierarchy (conspecifics or both con- and allospecifics) may have certain social rules to follow; a hybrid will usually try to follow hierarchy rules as long as they are consistent to the hybrid’s own instincts. If conflict occurs, instinct (and love mode arousal) will usually outweigh hierarchy structure. Thus, it is wise to be familiar with species behaviors and communicate realistic expectations.

    • Ex: Phantom flocks consist of a single dominant individual (flock captain) and multiple subordinate individuals. Among the phantom mobs, these genderless subordinates are treated as mates of the dominant individual and do not mate with each other. The phantom hybrid instinct is to behave in a similar way, meaning a subordinate phantom on love hearts will likely slip away from the flock to find a non-phantom partner, but a captain will likely seek a mate within the flock

    Up until eye contact is made, a hybrid may find it easy (or at least not very difficult) to follow social expectations (Ex: not committing infidelity). Two individuals in love mode may decide to make eye contact; in some situations, eye contact may be accidental (such as when barging into another’s private base).

    Once eye contact is made with another hybrid in love mode, coded behavior takes preference over lore and character bleed. This is not to say coded behavior wins out 100% of the time, or that lore and bleed are lost in the process. Simply, research suggests a notable uptick in coded behaviors once eye contact is made; non-instinctual social norms can easily be lost if the hybrid loses focus. Maintaining focus comes with experience. I recommend witnesses during early experiments with love mode and its effect on the body. If possible, it would be wise for an individual to take carrots and study their thought patterns and behaviors privately.

    Once eye contact has been initiated between two individuals in love mode, resisting the urge to touch foreheads (and possibly the urge to spawn a spark) becomes very difficult, as the hybrid is now fighting coded behavior; Minecraft is a game with a breeding mechanic to allow livestock husbandry (and that of other mobs); mobs run on AI and spawn without complaint when both prompted with their breeding food. Thus, the urge to spawn without complaint is a coded behavior.

    • Hybrids are coded with the ability to produce AI sparks. Even hybrids who share traits with non-breeding mobs can be heavily affected by coded behavior; I do not suggest assuming you or others are immune

    Being non-AI individuals with willpower permits hybrids to resist if they truly fight the effects. However, this can be a long and tiring struggle; it is easiest for experienced individuals (and unfortunately difficult for less experienced ones, who are more often the ones who wish to leave).

    • Redirecting a behavior is more effective than trying to extinguish it. Knowing this, other targeting behaviors (such as aggro) can often help a hybrid pull away from love mode
    • Other ways to escape love mode include logging off a server, jumping into free-cam, or dying/respawning. In the first two examples, the love hearts will still be present when the individual returns; death or logging out and not returning are the only surefire ways to cancel the effects
    • Logging off a server and returning several days or weeks later will make it easier to pull away, even if both individuals are still on love hearts when they return

    After both individuals have made eye contact while in love mode, the natural urge is to touch foreheads. Maintaining this position (i.e. encouraging your own body to continue touching your partner’s head, maintaining a general air of desire and excitement) for several seconds will lead to the creation of XP orbs. At this time, an AI spark will also be produced, if possible. Sparks can only spawn in unclaimed beds, which must be no more than 48 blocks from the player; a path must be clear between players and bed for the spark to spawn.

    Lastly, the spark must be guided carefully to its destination- it can be bumped with the hands and picked up, though it is largely resistant to damage. A spark can take residence in a mob, block, or even a build to grant it sentience.

    NOTE – After a moment of attempted spawning (and possibly a successful spawning), love hearts will fade as their job is done. If a spawning attempt was not made (or was interrupted), love hearts can last from 40 minutes to an hour. Plan accordingly; you may need to avoid a friend who has requested distance. Also, some hybrids may prefer to draw out play by touching and flirting while eating carrots, but avoiding love mode (either completely or until they’re finished playing and are ready for it).

    Concerning Carrot-Related Behaviors to Watch For

    It is not unusual for some hybrids to become aggressive or destructive, especially under the full moon. Carroting hybrids are in a vulnerable position. Take the time to become familiar with concerning behaviors; open conversations with friends and family. Communicate your expectations and fears clearly with your partner before you are even in the same room as golden carrots. If you have concerns about your partner’s mob-related traits (physical or behavioral), it’s better to speak up in advance even if you fear awkwardness than it is to be trapped in a situation where you feel frightened and cannot easily escape. Plan a carroting session on a new moon night and avoid full moons, especially if you or your partner have little experience.

    Consider staying on a public server where other individuals may be available to help. Keep your communicator on hand and have a trusted contact nearby who can interfere. Always discuss a safeword, but proceed knowing that it’s easy to get overwhelmed while carroting; you may feel too stunned to use the safeword, your partner might not hear it, or your partner may be so overwhelmed that they forget its meaning or cannot bring themselves to pull back. Once two hybrids make eye contact while in love mode, they are pulled towards each other and it is very, very difficult to remove yourself from this situation without outside assistance. Even a doting, gentle partner may become clingy or outright aggressive in a carroting situation.

    Even if it feels embarrassing, consider asking other individuals to be present in the area so they can forcibly separate you if your partner does not respond to the safeword. You may even wish to discuss options for death and respawn, such as a third party holding a weapon or a third party with OPs powers who can activate the /kill command.

    These behaviors are not considered ethical in many parts of Between (although views may vary between some species, groups, or individuals):

    Concern: Taking an egg, spawnling, or newbie player under the wing and raising them to become a partner

    • Note: Newbie status should not be confused with youth; many arrive to this world with plentiful knowledge and quickly build skills. Additionally, due to the way account creation works, it is not uncommon for a new account to come into existence actively seeking their betrothed for security and affection
    • Alternative: Do not be the sole person involved with care for the low-XP player. Present many opportunities for them to wander and play on their own. Attempt to distinguish oneself as a companion, not a mentor or provider (Ex: Lead them back to their mother dragon and allow her to raise them, then kindle a relationship only after the low-XP individual has left the nest)

    Concern: Verbally or non-verbally pressuring an individual to touch or carrot

    • Note: Avoid private servers with individuals you are not familiar with. Speak to persons of authority in public servers and in Between. You may also wish to meet your potential partner’s friends, though I do not suggest doing so alone. Do not approach an unfamiliar person’s base without a trusted companion. Consider holding weapons in your inventory
    • Alternative: Make requests in peaceful environments (perhaps public environments) to create a safe space your potential partner can leave when they feel uncomfortable. Familiarize yourselves with their nonverbal signals (Not only those common in their species, but for the individual). Signal your own intentions using well-known cues in your species. Initiate light touches or lead the conversation to flirtatious wordplay. Speak calmly and kindly if the request is turned down
    • I personally like to follow the idea that “If I feel unsure and have to ask, my wife isn’t in the mood; she will make it clear when she is with her touch and closeness”

    I’m married to the most touchy-feely man I’ve ever met

    Concern: Force-feeding carrots to someone reluctant to engage; also, forcibly opening the eyes of a hybrid in love mode who is keeping theirs shut

    • Note: The above advice applies: stay on guard when approaching strangers. I would also suggest practicing the ability to enter free-cam mode. If you find yourself unable to escape a situation, free-cam mode allows the consciousness to disconnect with the body. In this state, your body will not pass into love mode, and if it’s already in love mode, the effects will soon fade. If free-cam is not an option, consider logging off the server: This may place you at risk for being spawn-trapped, so I recommend not returning to that server or asking a trusted friend to check the area before your return
    • Alternative: The above advice applies: Learn signals, respect signals, voice concerns, and leave a clear, safe route for your companion to leave if they feel uncomfortable. There should be no reason you need to force open a partner’s eyes (The only one I can think of is if the partner has taken severe head damage and needs to be evaluated, in which case I recommend a third party do the evaluation)

    Concern: Causing unexpected and/or unwanted damage to a partner (Usually with teeth, weapons, or claws)

    • Note: Damage is a fact of life for the world of Minecraft. If it’s a deal-breaker for you, express this honestly; reject invitations with individuals who have sharp teeth or claws, or be prepared to propose alternative solutions (such as carroting near a beacon that can provide a healing aura, keeping a supply of healing potions on hand, using physical restraints, having an escape button, or inviting a third party who can intervene). I advise carroting under the new moon, when mob traits are at their weakest. Avoid the full moon as mob traits are at their strongest. You may also wish to consider carroting away from a bed and having your spawn set in a different location; exercise caution before setting spawn in a bed you intend to carrot in
    • Alternative: Carroting can be an overwhelming and exciting activity. It’s easy to get carried away and scratch a partner. Due to the ease of health recovery in this world, many people may not mind small scratches and nips. However, intentional slashes, hits, and strong bites are likely to cause concern. Avoid such behaviors when possible. If you have concerns you may not be able to avoid them, speak to your partner in advance; be honest when you tell them you may struggle to restrain yourself. Healing potions, restraints, and even third party interference are more common options than you think and are worth asking about. All parties should be safe and comfortable with a general understanding of what they are getting into before any carrots are consumed

    Concern: Possessiveness – Physically or emotionally restraining a partner (possibly against their will) from leaving you and/or choosing to pursue other partners

    • Note: As hybrids can live for thousands of years, Between’s culture tends to favor multiple partners in a lifetime (and often multiple in a short period, including simultaneously). While some individuals value monogamy, expectations and desires should be communicated upfront (particularly as very few species have an instinct for monogamy and may default to seeking partners widely, especially on full moon nights if uninformed of your preferences)

    Concern: Infidelity – The act of being unfaithful to one’s partner by pursuing one or more additional partners (physically or emotionally), usually while deceiving the original partner

    • Note: Communicate expectations with your partner. Learn what roleplay dynamics, touches, and behaviors are not permitted. If you are knowingly in a closed relationship (as in, one where your partner has set the expectation that you won’t seek additional partners), turn down invitations to pursue behavior with other partners that was agreed to be crossing the line

    Concern: False Spawning – The act of spawning sparks with multiple individuals in short succession, but knowingly preventing some from successfully spawning sparks, for the purpose of creating ambiguity around an AI spark’s source

    • Note: Not knowing the source of a spark can be confusing (and upsetting) for hybrids and spark alike. Additionally, this can be seen as nonconsensual toying with a partner’s emotions. Rather than create ambiguity, set expectations upfront

    Chapter End Notes

    – I chose golden carrots as the player breeding food because they are the most high saturation food in the game, so I felt that implied they were important. Villagers can breed with regular carrots and players are presumably similar to villagers.

    – AI sparks grant sentience and/or parent-child relationships in-universe. Notable examples include Grumbot from Hermitcraft Seasons 7 and 9 (a sentient robot that displays personality, is treated as though he’s producing his own responses instead of spitting out papers written by Grian or Mumbo, and calls Grian and Mumbo as his dads), Hermes from Empires Season 2 (an armor stand combined with a shulker head and leather armor that Joel | Smallishbeans and MythicalSausage refer to as their son; portrayed as a character), and I assume Michael from DSMP (I believe he’s the adopted son of Ranboo and Tubbo, but I’m not familiar with the lore or if he’s portrayed as having sentience outside of what a default piglin does).

    – In other words, if a creature is implied to be sentient above the in-universe abilities and can make its own decisions (even if said creature is made of blocks or armor stands and is obviously moved by a player), they have an AI spark. What I’m saying is that Grian’s snail in Hermitcraft Season 10 is his biological son.

    – While Season 7 Grumbot was portrayed as having sentience, Jrumbot was not even though Grian off-hand referred to him as Grumbot’s younger brother. Jrumbot is not sparked and is not considered Grian and Mumbo’s son in the same way Grumbot is.


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