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    Independent writer, author. Enjoys fanfiction.
    Stories 47
    Chapters 205
    Words 283.3 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 23 hours, 36 minutes23 h, 36 m
    • Chapter 1: Acceptance Cover
      by soul-beauty The sound of waves crashing against a mountainous cliff drown out most other sounds. Mist carries with the wind, clouds, slowly roll by. The tall cliff is rocky, moss, and thin blades of grass peek through large rocks and small boulders. Wanda Maximoff slowly makes her way towards the edge of a tall rocky cliff. She makes her way to the edge, she stares out at the vast ocean. It's gray, gloomy hues, mirror her mood, the large waves that crash beneath her represent the battle she has within. The sounds and…
    • Chapter 2: Kurt, their first kiss Cover
      by soul-beauty Kurt couldn’t sleep. That wasn’t very unusual, as someone with insomnia, but he didn’t think it was insomnia keeping him up that night. He was still worried about Bex. It’d been a week since they slept under a tree and they still hadn’t told him what was going on. Did they get sick of him? Was it the way he looked? Did something change after Genosha? He licked his tongue over his fangs. He stared at the blue fur all over his skin. Was he just too different? He really liked Bex. He wanted them…
    • Chapter 1: Bex Cover
      by soul-beauty Bex felt the water. It filled their nose and filtered into their screaming mouth. Their hair floated around them. They thrashed against the force shoving them in. The priest, Father Hale, had his hand pressed tight amongst their curls. Arms were wrapped around their arms and legs to stop them from moving. They felt strangled, the rosary plunged into the water beside them taunting them. The light sneaking in through the water glinted off of the cross. Father Hale was shouting, his words muffled by the holy…
    • Trapped, part 1 Cover
      by soul-beauty Florrum, Outer Rim - Prison Cells, Pirate Base Sheira woke up with a groan, her head pounding slightly like someone was trying to pierce her skull with a nail and a hammer. Her hand went to her head as she felt her force-sight clearing, giving her a good idea of her surroundings. She was in a cell; a familiar cell and she wasn't alone. Her master, Anakin and Count Dooku were with her as well. She didn't fail to notice the special cuffs around her waist with chains that tied the four of them together…
    • Huting Dooku, part 2 Cover
      by soul-beauty The trio walked back to the exit only to find it blocked. They did not need a genius droid or anything for them to realize that Dooku was behind it. He must have understood that there was a Gundark in the cave and not to their surprise, he acted by sealing them inside. While this would not truly stop them, it would definitely slow them down and give a chance for Dooku to put more distance between them. They doubted any reinforcement for him would arrive now that the beacon was destroyed but that did not…
    • Hunting Dooku, part 1 Cover
      by soul-beauty Unknown Coordinates Sheira has done lots of crazy missions and has never let her lack of 'sight' be any obstacle in her way of becoming a Jedi Knight. However, slowly floating in the middle of space towards the enemy ship was not something she would have ever imagined or agreed to in the first place. The space was vast, endless and she had to be in constant control of her sight. You could say, she was almost blind, and she would have never joined this mission alone. Thankfully, her master was…
    • Spies & Betrayals Cover
      by soul-beauty Christophsis, Outer Rim Territories - Twin Main Towers Inside one of the two tall towers of Christophsis, Master Jedi Obi-Wan Kenobi was busy looking through the goggles outside; waiting for the Droid Army to approach as they had been informed. Without lowering his goggles, he activated the comlink on his sleeve. "Anakin how are you doing over there?" he asked his former apprentice, who had been assigned duty to the other tower. "We're set. I've got some guys here that are anxious to get…
    • A New Master Cover
      by soul-beauty Inside the famous and lavish Jedi Temple in Coruscant, an almost 20-year-old female Miraluka stood in the centre of the main Council Room. The High Jedi Council was sitting around her, forming a wide circle. Almost all were present except for two who were attending via hologram communication. The young woman stood silent in front of the wise and powerful Jedi in front of her. Her trials had just finished, and she had failed. Of the 5 Trials, she failed one; the trial or mind or as people called it…