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    Independent writer, author. Enjoys fanfiction.
    Stories 47
    Chapters 205
    Words 283.3 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 23 hours, 36 minutes23 h, 36 m
    • Chapter 2 Cover
      by soul-beauty Spike POV: As Oliver and I ran out the front door, we immediately shifted. My wolf was larger than normal, being an alpha, with thick black fur. Seeing as my eyes were brown, they glowed bright gold. Depending on the eye color of the person, the color of the wolf's eyes will match. Oliver, my beta and one of my closest friends, had blue eyes like his sister. They glowed a very bright blue. "Alpha!" My gama, Jackson called through our mind link. "What is it?" I asked him. "The rouge Alpha! We lost…
    • Chapter 1 Cover
      by soul-beauty My name is Evelyn Hill and I am 17 years old, turning 18 in just a few weeks. When a wolf turns 18, they find their mates. From what my parents, John and Laura, tell me, a mate is the best gift you could ever receive from the moon goddess. My father was the former beta of our pack, but as my brother, Oliver and I got older, he decided to step down and spend more time with my mother and passed the title on to Oliver. My brother is a great beta and also happens to be our alpha, Spike Wood', best…
    • Chapter 5 Cover
      by soul-beauty Bane grabbed my hand and led me to his car. It was when we reached the pack house that it occurred to me that I had no idea what to do. I had never been shopping other than for food. I'm completely out of my element here. I was internally wishing that Bane would know what to do. Bane was as confused about shopping as I was. Clearly seeing how lost we were, a female assistant approached us, her tone was eager to help and I was happy that at least we had someone that knew what she was doing. "Welcome…
    • Chapter 4 Cover
      by soul-beauty The next day, I reached the town Bane was talking about and I was starstruck by the beautiful scenery.. The sun was just coming up and casted a beautiful red orange glow on the lake. A light breeze rattled, swayed, and shook the leaves. Clouds reflected in the water, creating a hazy illusion. It was a perfect sight to mark my first day of freedom. I walked down the stone steps of the train station into the fresh crisp air. Stepping out of a car nearby was a man with brown hair, and excitement bubbled in…
    • Chapter 3 Cover
      by soul-beauty Taking the last tin of lasagna, I walked out of the kitchen so the other Pack women can take it to dining room and act like they cooked it. I enter Xav's room, carrying a small plate and a tall glass of water with me. "Knock, knock." I say as I enter with a soft smile. "Hey Amy, come on in. I just finished my homework," Xav says as he closes his spiral notebook. "Thanks for helping me study before my test yesterday, your notes helped me a lot." Nodding, I place the glass and plate in front of him. I…
    • Chapter 2 Cover
      by soul-beauty I ran a comb through my thick, light brown hair, sighing as I did. Another day at school, another day of beatings and suffering. I wonder how they would feel if I ran away? They would probably celebrate, my wolf sneered. Would they even notice if I ran away, much less died? Brushing my fingers over my necklace, I looked into the mirror, seeing my thin face, hollow cheeks and eyes staring right back at me. No wonder why they hate me so much, I thought to myself. Why would they care about the poor ugly…
    • by soul-beauty I stared at the blank and grimy wall as silence permeated the small room, leaving me alone with my unwanted and haunting memories. My eyes flickered towards the dim light bulb swinging back and forth, back and forth; a constant in my fickle environment. A bell rang in the distance, its harmonious tingling soothing me like a warm embrace. Footsteps thumped closer to my cell, making my body curl into itself, preparing for the oncoming pain. "I love you my beautiful angel," Her last words whispered…
    • Chapter 5 Cover
      by soul-beauty Alannie's POV I ran through the terrain that was unfamiliar to me. My tongue still tastes the sweet blood of a small deer I feasted on. I jumped over the fallen cedar tree and followed the small stream that led me back to the pack house. It was strange. I've never had freedom from someone else, I was always ordered around by others. Eric allowed me to do as I pleased. I still didn't trust him. I haven't said anything to anyone except him , the one thing I asked him in the infirmary. I finally healed a…