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    Independent writer, author. Enjoys fanfiction.
    Stories 47
    Chapters 205
    Words 283.3 K
    Comments 0
    Reading 23 hours, 36 minutes23 h, 36 m
    • Chapter 1 Cover
      by soul-beauty “Hey, Jessie,” Jake said to me while poking his head into my room. I laughed at his bed head, his light brown hair sticking up in all directions. Apparently, he just got up from bed. He ignored my laughter and threw me my phone. I caught it with no struggle. “Andrew's on the phone.” “Okay, thanks cousin.” I shouted as he walked down the hall. I put the phone to my ear and said, “Hey Andrew.” “Hi Jessie,” Andrew replied out of breath, his tone sounded worried. “What,…
    • Chapter 2 Cover
      by soul-beauty “Sorry but I completely forgot to ask. I’m such a bad friend,” I spoke with sympathy on the phone. “I can’t believe I forgot that Andrew told me you were severely injured. I was distracted when he told me my mom was dead.” “Don’t worry, Jessie. I’m fine. Just a few scratches and bruises here and there,” Brian said. “When I was on the phone with you, I was much better. My wolf is such a bad ass that it’s helping me heal a lot faster. Where are you now?” I grinned and felt the…
    • Chapter 5 Cover
      by soul-beauty It was starting to get late, it seemed like I had been talking to Fort for quite a while now. He was openly flirting with me and didn't seem ashamed of it at all. It was both a little disconcerting and flattering at same time. 'I think I should go and find Sarah, she's probably looking for me now…' I said as I realized I had totally ditched my friend just to talk to this guy. It felt a bit like I was doing something wrong. In fact I didn't understand why I had followed him up here in the first…
    • Chapter 4 Cover
      by soul-beauty When Dannis drove us to school that morning he kept casting me concerned looks and I knew it was because my eyes were a little red and puffy… It hadn't gone away even with the shower I took. After Jennifer had gotten out of the car I hurriedly told him: 'Sorry Ely… I can't come on that date, I'm very seriously grounded.' Then I got out without waiting for his reply. When Sarah saw me that morning the first thing she did was hug me, very tightly I might add. It did make me feel a little better and…
    • Chapter 3 Cover
      by soul-beauty Sprawled on my back I stared at the white ceiling, at least my bed was comfy. I had finished unpacking all my things and played with Andy for a while. Taking him out of the nannies hands, she didn't seem to mind and he definitely didn't. He really didn't like her. It was after dinner and for me it had been served up in my room. I was still banned from my step mothers sight apparently… I didn't really find that a punishment, I didn't like seeing her either. At nine exactly my phone…
    • Chapter 2 Cover
      by soul-beauty I had to hold back a groan as the girl standing right next to me introduced herself to the class, my class. She did it with such an air that told me she'd done it plenty of times before and reveled in the attention. Little attention seeker she was. The too small red dress she wore said it all, it screamed it at me from a mile away. She was definitely the type of girl I tried to avoid as much as possible during daytime. At night… Maybe if I was very desperate for a meal, but even then I didn't like…
    • Chapter 1 Cover
      by soul-beauty I was woken by my alarm at 7 o’clock in the morning. I groaned loudly as I fumbled to turn the annoying sound off. Since I was not quite familiarized with the furniture setup in this room just yet, at last, I had to give up and get out of bed. The alarm was balanced on an unpacked box near the outlet not within reach of my searching hand. I groaned again. First day of school. First day in the new house… How could I forget? Although my very pleasant dreams about sunny white beaches and the small…
    • Chapter 5 Cover
      by soul-beauty "Wha-what!?", I asked him completely shocked. Grandpa, in jail? MY GRANDPA IN JAIL!? "But- I… how?", I asked him again with wide eyes. He looked at his food, so did Julian. Helen looked very uncomfortable. "Yes Lijah, why?", Alex asked him. "You-you don't know?", I looked at him. He shook his head. "I knew that he was in jail, but I never knew the reason. Baley and Helen never told me. And the last time I saw grandpa was 5 years ago. I don't even properly remember his face", he told…