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    Stories 38
    Chapters 258
    Words 762.7 K
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    Reading 2 days, 15 hours2 d, 15 h
    • Chapter 2 Cover
      by admin Okay. Find a place, hunker down, wait for someone to find him. He can’t be the only person to make it here from his universe, right? The Guardians might be somewhere nearby. Maybe Dr. Strange, too. He just has to find a place and standby until someone finds him. And they will find him. Because the thought of being the only one to survive Titan, the only one to end up here, is too much for Peter to bear. The rain starts to pick up when he leaves the burned out store, plastering his…
    • Chapter 1 Cover
      by admin Peter crouches on the edge of a dusty ruin, watching Quill and Tony discuss (well, ‘discuss’) plans for taking on Thanos. It seems to be going well, but they’re just out of reach of his super hearing to really tell. At the very least, no one looks like they’re going to start throwing punches again. A shadow falls across him, and he looks up. “Oh. Hey, Dr. Strange.” “Mr. Parker,” Strange says with a gentle nod, coming up to stand beside him. He’s been withdrawn and resigned…
    • Chapter 1: A Bird’s Peace Cover
      by admin Two Steps From Hell - After the Fall The forest was alight with the sounds of nature, a choir made out of the humming of cicadas and bright chirping of birds flying in and out of their nests, their plumages a beautiful mix of the colors of early spring. It was that time of the year when mothers taught their offspring to walk, run, and fly, no matter what species they were. Tiny birds would flap their wings in effort, little rabbits would hop tentatively after…
    • Chapter 2: Fear Like Fire, Burning Cover
      by admin Brand X Music - Last Chance Jimin remembered the first time he'd ever heard about pirates. It had been years ago, before his mother had passed, even before he’d found the Rune of the Canary in the forest. He’d been a mere five years old, too young to listen to such terrible stories, but the other boys in the village had made him stay, refusing to let him leave halfway through the frightening tale of a pirate crew that had stepped ashore on an island…
    • Chapter 1 Cover
      by admin Peter was fairly new to the Avengers, new enough that he still worked as a sole unit in fights. He wasn’t used to having teammates, and often, he couldn’t bring himself to ask them for assistance. Each opportunity for Peter to prove himself, he seized eagerly. He continued to fight mostly individually in the field, without regret, without asking for assistance. Peter could do this. Until he couldn’t. Flat on his stomach, inside a space barely small enough for a child, Peter took in a deep,…
    • Chapter 4: Medical Camp Cover
      by admin As the company made their way to Dale, they tried to stay joyful and were cracking jokes. Bofur had managed to get the entire group to laugh at some, while other jokes caused a few groans. Even Gandalf had joined in, joking and laughing along with the dwarrows. As they approached the city however, they fell quiet. The gravity of the situation had started to weigh down on them, and not even Kili could find something to smile about. They walked through the gates, navigating through the many bodies and debris…
    • Chapter 3: Back In The Mountain Cover
      by admin Bilbo had collapsed again, but this time Thorin had managed to wrap his arms around the small hobbit before he could hit the ground. He wasn’t sure what to do, so he went to lay Bilbo down on the ground until he started convulsing and foaming at the mouth. Panic tore through Thorin like a knife, and he could hear Fili and Kili yelling in Khuzdul. He shot his head up at Gandalf as the wizard spoke, “We must get him to the elfs, they are better prepared than we are!” Protests broke out from the…
    • Chapter 2: The Meeting Cover
      by admin They really needed to clear a way to get out through the front, Bilbo thought to himself. He stumbled a few times on the rocks leading down the mountain path, his body still trying to fully come to. If he hadn’t been watching his feet to see where to step, he would have noticed Thorin slightly turning back every time the hobbit made so much as a noise of annoyance. They managed to safely make it down the path, and started to make their way to the front of Erebor. It didn’t take long, and as they neared…