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    Today I have to go to school. Not that I want to go but it was Kyle who forced me to go.

    “Do we have to go?”I tried to complain. He chuckled and nodded.

    “Yes, we do. I want you life to be normal.”He said, putting on his shirt.

    “My life will never be normal.”I pointed out. He chuckled and walked over to me.”I live with a bunch of wolves and my mate is one as well.”

    “Okay, Semi-normal.”He pressed a kiss on my forehead.

    “Ready?”He asked.
    “Fine.”I huffed and slipped on my sneakers.

    “But don’t expect me to be happy about it? Don’t forget that still I’m mad at you.”I walked out of his room. He easily caught up to me.

    “Aw. Don’t be mad at me.”He pouted. I ignored him and walked into the kitchen, where I saw Bella and Paul smiling.

    “Whats wrong?”Bella asked worried.

    “Madeline’s mad at me.”He stated and I glared at him. His parents chuckled.

    “What did you do this time?”Bella asked. He shook his head.

    “I didn’t do anything.”

    “Just buy her something, it always works. That’s a free little tip from your-“Paul whispered to Kyle. He smiled at the idea. Bella and I glared at both of them as their smiles faded.

    “Men.”We muttered before Paul could finish.

    “I can’t believe you said that!”Bella looked at her husband with disbelief. She glared at him and he looked like a dear caught in headlights.

    “I’m sorry, sweetie. I didn’t mean it. Please forgive me.”Paul begged. I saw Kyle smiled with amusement.
    “You’re sleeping on the couch tonight.”Bella informed him, with a mischievous look on her face.
    “What? No! You can’t do that!”He argued, his eyebrows furrowed.”I’m the man of the house!”

    “Well the man is going to be sleeping outside, like a dog!”

    Kyle chuckled at his father.

    “I don’t know what your laughing about. But you’re going to be sleeping alone tonight.”I gave him a dirty look.

    “Wait. No! I don’t know what I did wrong!”He called out as I walked away.

    “Then you better figure it out yourself.”

    “You can’t ignore me forever.”Kyle frowned at we walked to my locker. I could feel everyone staring at us.

    I glared at him as Fred and Daisy approached us.

    “What happened?”Fred asked.

    “Kyle is being an douche.”I told them, rolling my eyes. I heard some people gasp and start whispering.

    “Hey!”He exclaimed with his hands up surrendering.

    “I’m not talking to him.”I informed them and reached out to hug Fred but was pulled into a hard chest.

    “Mine.”He growled, glaring at Fred who looked like he was about to pee his pants.”Just because you’re mad at me doesn’t mean you can touch others. Especially other males.”

    I sighed and leaned back into his chest, knowing that I was not going to win this one. I felt him relaxed and held me tighter. Daisy gave me a questioning look. The bell rung and he was still not willing to let go of me. Daisy and Fred walked to class. So did everyone else.

    “We ought to go, Kyle.”I turned around. He smirked down at me.

    “Not until you gave me a kiss.”He said.I shook my head and tried to get out of his grip.

    “Okay then I’m not going to let you go until you gave me a kiss.”He smirked. I sighed knowing I won’t win this. I nodded and stood on my tip toes. He leaned down a bit and our lips connected. My hands went to his neck.
    One on the back of his neck and the other gripping on his brown hair. His tongue slid across my bottom lip asking for entrance which I granted. After a few minuted we pulled away and walked to class, hand in hand.I walked in the classroom before him.

    “Why are you late?”The snobby teacher asked me. I opened my mouth to answer but was cut off.

    “None of your business.”Kyle growled. The teacher’s eyes widen and he nodded. Kyle pulled my hand towards the two seats in the back.

    “Mr. Carter what are you doing here you’re not in this class?”The teacher asked.

    “Does it matter?”He retorted, narrowing his eyes at him.

    “No it doesn’t, Alpha.”He bowed his head and walked to the front desk. Kyle was still glaring at the poor man. I grabbed his hand and I felt him relax.

    “What are you doing here?”I raised my eyebrows. His brown eyes snapped to mine as they soften and he grinned at me. It funny how his emotions work. One minute he’s glaring at someone and the next he’s looking at me like he won the freaking lottery.

    “So I can’t go to class with my wonderful mate?”I blushed slightly and shook my head.

    “That’s not what I mean. You’re suppose to be in a higher class plus you already learned all of this.”I told.

    “But I want to be with you.”He pouted and I giggled, gently at his face.

    “Okay but only in this class.”

    “Fine.”He agreed and kissed the top of my head.

    I walked to the girls locker room with Daisy who was smiling at me like a creep.

    “What?”I asked. She just continued to smile at me.

    “Nothing. Other than the fact that you’re finally with Kyle Carter, the big bad Alpha.”She teased. I rolled my eyes opening my locker. I grabbed my gym clothes which were really tight shorts and a loose T-shirt. I hate it but we have to wear it.

    “Whatever.”I said after I changed into the tight shorts.

    “I hate this!”I complained. Daisy smirked at me and put on her loose shorts. When we were getting the uniform she got shorts a size or two bigger so they were loose on her. I wish I would have done what she did.”We should switch pants.”

    “No way. I don’t want anyone staring at me like I’m a piece of meat. Plus I’m sure Kyle would love to see you in this.”She winked. I blushed cherry red and shoved her, slightly.
    “Shut up.”

    “Yes, Luna.”She laughed as we walked into the gym. Girls ran around wearing tight shorts that they purposely got sizes smaller than their original size. Boys were eyeing almost every girl in the girl. We had to share the gym with the seniors this term. I spotted Kyle and he waved at me. I flashed him a smiled.

    “Ladies and Gentlemen we will be playing Volleyball. Boys vs girls.”The coach blow his whistle. Daisy and I glanced at each other with a evil smirk. The boys are going down. The girls walked to one side of the net while the boys were on the other.

    “You’re going down.”I smirked at Kyle who was in front of me.

    “Whatever you say, buttercup.”

    “Arg! I hate that nickname.”

    “Then I am going to keep calling you that.”He smirked.
    “I won’t be spending the night if you keep calling me that.”I narrowed my eyes at him. His eyes widen and he shook his head.

    “Okay. I’ll stop.”

    “Wait! What am I saying? I’m the Alpha.”He huffed.

    “Now, I’m definitely not going to spend the night.”I said. He looked at me with a smug look.

    “I’ll have to tie you to my bed.”His eyes were dark as he looked at me up and down. I glared at him and he smirked. Game on!

    Turns out that the girls won and the boys lost. Our team used our advantage in being a girl to tease the boys and get them distracted. Daisy and I were like the captains of the team. The boys were surprised.

    “I can’t believe we lost to a bunch of girls!”Mars exclaimed. He was other one of Kyle’s friends.

    “Believe or not. You do know that most of the girls here are fifteen. What does that mean, Daisy?”I sent her a knowing look and she smirked.

    “You guys lost to a bunch of little girls.”

    They gave us an evil look before Kyle grabbed me and Fred grabbed Daisy.

    “What are you doing?”I asked worried.

    “Nothing, baby.”He threw me over his shoulder and I squealed.

    “Kyle Paul Carter! Put me down!”I yelled as he spun me around.

    “Arg!No!”I screamed. I felt like I was going to throw up. He set me on my feet and I fell down.

    “I feel sick.”I laid down on the cold floor. The world was spinning and my head was killing me. I hate being spun around. I closed my eyes as I felt myself being pulled up.

    “No,no no. Put me back down. I need to feel the ground.”I said and was put back down.

    “Madeline, are you okay?”I heard Kyle’s voice.

    “Do I look okay?”I asked him sarcastically.

    “Fred! You son of a bitch!”


    I opened my eyes and I felt everything stop spinning. I sat up and grabbed Kyle’s shoulders.

    “Never do that again.”


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