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    I was stunned by this unexpected encounter. My wolf was screaming inside of me. I was happy that I smelled my mate, but I knew, something bad was about to happen.

    “Hello? Lily! Did you hear me?” Hannah shouted while snapping her fingers in front of my face.

    “Ah. I’m sorry Hannah.” I said uncertainly.

    “Why did you just zone out like that, Lily?” She asked me with a suspicious look on her face.

    “I – I uhh-” As I was trying to find an answer, the bell rang.

    “Okay, Hannah, time for classes now. Let’s go.” Well, I guess you can say I was saved by the bell.

    We walked to our homeroom and sat at the back as usual. As we entered our class, the scent grew weak and I was relieved. But I also felt a bit sad.

    “You have just missed our mate.” My wolf said to me. She sounded quite disappointed.

    “Come on, we will find him now or later. After all, we are in the same school!” I replied. She rolled her eyes and went back into my mind.

    I listened to our homeroom teacher, Mrs. Brown, welcoming us back as sophomores. After that, I looked out the window and I saw a pair of green eyes watching me.

    This must be some sort of illusion! I shrugged it off. After homeroom, I headed to my locker. Half way there, I smelled that scent again. I picked up my pace and soon, I felt a pair of hands grabbed my wrists and lammed me against the lockers. I felt a lot of sparks and shocks. A shiver went down my spine. I quickly looked up and then…

    I saw my mate.

    Abbott Davis.

    The future Alpha of the Sliver Angel Pack.

    But when I looked into his green eyes, I saw nothing but disgust and anger.

    “You, listen carefully ‘cause I’ll only say it once.” He said in a cold tone. “I know what you are thinking right now. But I tell you, you are NOT my mate. I am the future Alpha of our pack, and I need someone who deserves to become my Luna. And you are not one of them.”

    I gazed upon him silently as he continued to say.

    “I, Abbot Davis, future Alpha of the Silver Angel Pack, hereby reject you, Lilian Rodriguez, as my mate.” After his declaration, he just stood there with a smirk and thought that I would breakdown to tears.

    But instead, I replied him with three words only.

    “Well. Just go away.”


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