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    I did a big shout out to myself in my head when I finally find my classroom. Fortunately, I’m just on time. I enter the classroom at the moment when the late bell rings. The class is filled with students, but a few chairs are still empty. Some of them are staring into space while the others carry a bored look. When I walk towards Mr. George’s desk, everyone looks up and stares at me.

    While I thought Mr. George was going to be and old teacher, he’s actually pretty young. He’s probably in his mid-twenties. Surprisingly, he is pretty hot, too. But I’m not interested in him. Firstly, he’s too old for me. And secondly, he’s my teacher. He has short light brown hair and blue eyes. His face looks handsome and he has a nice build as well. No way. How is it possible that even the teachers here are hot, too? I don’t think I can handle all that pressure.

    I approach him as he has his feet propped up on his desk. He is staring at his mobile phone and his fingers are busy pressing on some buttons. I guess he is texting to someone. It comes to my surprise to know that the teachers at this school are this relaxed and care free. The teachers at my old school were so different. I look at Mr. George, but he still hasn’t noticed me. He is still texting on his mobile phone. I clear my throat to draw his attention. He looks up slowly, and when he sees me, realisation comes across his face.

    “You must be the new student!” He says, “You are… Jessica, right?”

    “Just call me Jessie, Mr. George.” I reply with a smile. A smile appears on his face as well.

    “Alright class, be quiet.” Mr. George makes an announcement to the entire class. “This is the new student, her name is Jessica, or you can call her Jessie.”

    I turn around to look at the whole class and give a shy wave to them. Some students smile at me while some guys examine me from the top to the bottom. Disgusting.

    “You may have a seat over there.” Mr. George says as he points at a desk near the windows. “We’re just waiting for some students.”

    I sit down in my seat, a sigh escapes my lips. I close my eyes for a moment just so that I could regain control of myself. Alright, Jessie, calm down and you can do this. You’ve been doing great so far, actually. Be strong, and keep your head up. I think to myself.

    “Jessie! You didn’t tell me you had this class, too!” I hear a familiar voice talking to me. It’s from Jennifer and she’s sitting next to me.

    “Oh, hi, Jennifer, I didn’t notice you were here.” I say enthusiastically with a smile on my face.

    Five minutes passes and yet we still haven’t started our class. I can’t help but ask Jennifer, “So who are we waiting for?”

    “The Avalon Pack.” She rolls her eyes at this stupid name. I’m in confusion and she continues to explain, “Those four boys who are routinely late. It’s not that all member of their group love being late for classes, but do you get it?” I nod and she continues. “Anyway, our class always start late because of them. I want to get into a good university, but with them being late everyday, my lessons are cut short.”

    “So why don’t you guys bring it up to the office. If they keep being late like this, the office could just give them a fail and then they’ll be gone for good.”

    “No, it’s not simple like that.” She sighs again. “The problem is, they are the richest group in the school. And guess what? The leader of this group, his father made a large amount of donation to this school. He literally paid for everything here.”

    As we speak, the classroom door suddenly bangs open, and I see the four boys comes in one by one. All of them look gorgeous, and I notice that one of them is the guy who shoved me down earlier this morning. I quickly look down just so that I’ll go unnoticed.

    “Oh, speaking of the angels,” Jennifer says sarcastically. Her voice is loud enough so the four boys can hear her, “They are finally here, grace us with their presence.”

    “Sweetheart, I know you miss me so much.” One of the boys smirks at her, “But there’s no need for you to share your excitement with the entire world.” I notice his hair is black and his skin is creamy. He has gray eyes which look mysterious. His shirt is rolled up to his elbows and his black jeans fits his body nicely. He surely knows how to dress up “decently”.

    Jennifer crosses her arms over her chest, “Shut up, Nell, it’s disgusting.”

    “Oh, it’s Nelson, baby. Only my friends call me Nell, or, do you consider yourself as my girlfriend already?” Jennifer rolls her eyes again.

    “Jennifer, Nell is so jealous now because he say you kissing James this morning.” Another boy says. He has rusted coloured hair and brown eyes. The entire class is laughing because of what he just said. I saw Jennifer’s face is turning red in embarrassment. I wonder what they are talking about. I must get to know about this later when I have time. After all, I am a curious girl and I love gossip.

    “Could you please be quiet, Perry?” Nelson growls at his friend.

    “Everyone, be quiet.” Mr. George finally scolds the class, but I sense the light humour in his voice. “Where have you been this time, boys? I hope you could explain to me, Mr. Smith.”

    The guy who shoved me earlier this morning shakes his head and says, “Mr. George, you know I’m not responsible for our matter.”

    “Come on, Harrison. When will you finally learn how to be a leader and how to take responsibilities?” Mr. George says.

    So, his name is Harrison, I see. I love his name. Wait, what? Why am I thinking like that?! I quickly shake off the thought in my head, then look back at the group of boys, specifically, I’m looking at Harrison. He is probably the sexiest one out of the four boys. He has a nice lean body that can be number one on any slut’s list. His jet black hair is styled messily and my hands are itching to run through it. His eyes are deep blue and they have a story behind them. I can’t help but stare at them, wondering what they are trying to tell me.

    Harrison notices me staring at him. Ugh, even I don’t realise that I am staring at him! What’s wrong with me today? I notice a look of comfort comes across his face, but soon, it is wiped away with a smirk.

    “Love what you are seeing now?” he asks me teasingly.

    “Well…” I smirk back at him and say, “Yeah, I love looking at trash.”

    He looks shocked when he hears my words. Then entire class goes quiet, everyone turns their attentions towards me. Then suddenly, I find Nelson and Perry standing in front of me.

    “So, you must be the new girl! Betty told us about you yesterday!” Nelson says, “It’s great to see you. My name is Nelson and you may call me Nell.” He passes his hand and I shake it. I notice Jennifer scoffs at him, it’s probably because he just told me to call him by his nickname.

    “Come on, babe, you don’t need to be jealous.” Nell says as he turns to Jennifer.

    “Hi, I’m Perry.” The other boy says to me. Perry smiles at me and shakes my hand. Apparently, they don’t take their good looks for granted and they aren’t those boys who flirt with girls every second as if their life depends on it.

    “Hi, my name’s Jessica. You can call me Jessie. It’s nice to meet you guys.” I say politely as I give them a genuine smile.

    “Alright, class begins!” Mr. George calls out enthusiastically as many students start to groan.

    Nell, Perry and Harrison takes their seats respectively while the last one of them stays behind and talks with Mr. George quietly. He is good looking a well, and I think he somehow resembles Dan Stevens who is my favourite actor.

    The guy walks to his seat and he notices me staring at him. So he smiles and winks at me. Then, he takes his seat next to Harrison. I look down at the floor, feeling my cheeks are getting hot slowly.


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