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    I was startled awake. I groaned at the pain that shot through my ribs from sitting up so fast. I was still sore from the beating I had received 2 nights ago after dropping a plate. That’s how it was here. I was the youngest, both of my parents were dead because of me. My mom died when I was 3 while trying to protect me in a rogue attack. Soon after that, my dad killed himself because he couldn’t bear living a life without my mom. Since then I was blamed. As soon as I was old enough I began to do all the chores for everyone.

    I looked at my alarm clock and inhaled sharply, shooting out of bed and racing downstairs. I should have been down here an hour ago making breakfast.

    “Where’s breakfast,” my sister was standing by the counter glaring at me.

    “I’m sorry Piper,” I muttered.

    She scoffed as she walked past me, ramming her shoulder into mine.

    I quickly got to work, making pancakes and eggs as quickly as I could. I smiled softly to myself as I stirred the eggs, thinking about finding my mate today. Once a she-wolf turns 18 she is able to find her mate and she will finally shift into her wolf.

    No one ever said anything to me on my birthday, but everyone made sure to wish my twin brother Austin a Happy Birthday every year. I had gotten used to it tho.

    I finished making breakfast and left it on the table, going back to my room.

    After getting dressed and ready I gathered my stuff before I walked to school and started the day as I usually do; keeping my head down to avoid eye contact and my headhones in to the ignore the insults that were constantly thrown my way.

    I sat through my first 3 periods in the way that I always do; staring at the wall while ignoring everyone and everything. I passed my classes so I didn’t need to listen to the teacher and I didn’t care enough to listen to the gossip everyone whispered about.

    Lunch usually consisted of me sitting as far from everyone as possible, eating as quickly as possible and leaving as quickly as I could to avoid being noticed.

    Today was different.

    As soon as I walked in the door I was hit the most disturbing smell rather than the usual smell of school food. I stopped in my tracks and looked up for the first time in forever. I scanned the room, trying to pinpoint where the smell was coming from, more importantly who it was coming from. Then I saw him

    It was as if the world had stopped, it was just him and I and no one else existed in that moment. Then I realized exactly whose green eyes I was staring into and I could feel my heart drop into my stomach.

    Elliot Longman, the Alpha’s son. The person who initiates most of the bullying. The person who is constanlty reminding me of how worthless I am and how no one will ever love me. How could he be my mate?

    Elliot slowly walked over to me, not breaking eye contact. I started to think that maybe he would love me now, maybe he would save me. Everyone else would love me too, I would be a part of the pack.

    Oh how I was wrong.

    As soon as he was close enough he grabbed me by my hair and yanked me up so I was eye level with him. I had to stand on my tip toes to avoid getting the hair ripped out of my head.

    All I could do was stare at him as he shook his head angrily.

    “This would never work. You are weak and pathetic, you can’t be my Luna,” he snarled. No amount of insults or hits from him could have even come close to the pain I felt in my chest from what came out of his mouth next.

    “I, Elliot Longman, Reject Hannah Field as my mate and Luna.” He let go of my hair, letting me drop to the floor. I stood up and looked around at everyone staring.

    I looked back at Elliot as I wiped a stray tear that had fallen from my eye, “I, Hannah Field, accept your rejection.”
    I felt something in my chest completely break as I turned and ran out of the cafeteria. And I kept running, out of the school until I was back at the house and in my room.

    I didn’t let myself cry out. I wanted to, but he is not worth my tears, no one in this pack is.

    I flopped down on to my bed, grabbing a notebook and pen out of my school bag.

    I’m leaving. I don’t know if anyone will ever read this or even care, but I can’t find it in me to care. I am so much more than just a runt and I will prove that. Goodbye Elliot, I hope it was worth it. Goodbye Piper and Austin, you have showed me that even family doesn’t mean anything.

    I left the letter on my bed and gathered my clothes. I owned so few that I could fit them all in one bag. I looked aroud my room one last time and grabbed my bag before going downstairs. I walked around the downstairs, looking at all the pictures that were hanging up. I wasn’t in any of them. I grabbed a small one of my parents off the wall, stuffing it in my bag.

    I walked out of the back door and ran to the woods. I glanced back at the house I grew up in one last time, taking a deep breath before taking off into the woods.

    I ran as fast as I could to the border, taking a deep breath before stepping over it.

    I could feel the pack link disappear, leaving my mind feeling somewhat empty yet peaceful.

    Goodbye Blood Longman.

    Now, I was a Rogue.


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