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    I had to hold back a groan as the girl standing right next to me introduced herself to the class, my class. She did it with such an air that told me she’d done it plenty of times before and reveled in the attention.

    Little attention seeker she was. The too small red dress she wore said it all, it screamed it at me from a mile away. She was definitely the type of girl I tried to avoid as much as possible during daytime.

    At night… Maybe if I was very desperate for a meal, but even then I didn’t like her scent very much. Too many chemicals from the perfume sprayed on her skin and the soaps and creams she’d used…

    Currently she was smiling flirtatiously at me every other word while still managing to wrap every single male in the classroom around her little finger. Except me of course.

    She was skilled, I had to give her that but that didn’t mean I liked her and definitely not that I was impressed. She probably had a tiny bit of Siren blood in her somewhere. The heritage unknown to her but she deftly took advantage of it.

    A knock on the door made me smile, finally an excuse to get that Jennifer away from me.

    ‘Come in!’ I called, groaning internally when I heard the girl population in my class sigh collectively at my words. Damned accent! I should have just gone for the American accent even though I hated it with a passion.

    The door opened and someone stepped into the room, I couldn’t see who, seated on the edge of my desk behind Jennifer as I was, but a delicious scent assaulted my nostrils.

    Jennifer stiffened and I was sure she was glaring at whoever it was, her shoulders tensed, like an angry cat.

    ‘Why don’t you sit down Jennifer?’ I said smoothly, gesturing towards a seat as I spoke. Jennifer whirled around to me, her blue eyes sparkling, a pout on her full lips. I suspected she thought it looked seductive but it didn’t do anything for me.

    Disappointment flew across her features but she masked it quickly, sauntering to a chair in the front, swaying with her hips in such away that I briefly wondered how she managed to walk at all. It just didn’t look natural to me, still, the boys in the room seemed to like it, all eyes glued to her.

    I turned to face the newcomer and then wished that I didn’t. I must have looked like a fool, my mouth falling open just so I could taste her scent better. It was her that I’d smelled before, so delicious that it was almost mouthwatering.

    Except that the thought alone of biting her for food felt repulsive. A different kind of delicious… She was small but her legs were long and clad in very snug black jeans, small feet encased in black, worn looking all stars.

    She wore a black sleeveless shirt and a silver necklace but I couldn’t see what exactly, she had her arms crossed in front of her. Clutching books to her chest as if she thought she could hide behind them.

    Her skin was golden, like the sun itself was captured behind it. She seemed to almost glow with it and I felt such a strong urge to reach out and touch her. To run my hand across that perfect skin, to make her moan my name. I had to clutch the desk tightly to keep myself from actually doing so.

    She had long auburn hair, cascading around her in wide natural curls, more evidence that the sun lived inside her. Her eyes were a golden brown color and I realized that both summer and autumn were seasons that described how beautiful she looked.

    She had literally taken my breath away. I had to force myself to restart the unnecessary motion of breathing. I couldn’t go around scaring the kids here.

    Her eyes were just so amazing that I felt like I would never be able to look away. The longer I looked the more they seemed like endless pools of molten gold, shining with such allure. Pulling me in and telling me they would never let me go.

    The tingling spreading through my body along with the lust uncurling in the pit of my stomach like an angry beast woke me up.

    ‘You are late, care to explain why? And while you’re at it, introduce yourself too,’ I wanted to snap at her, for making me lose my cool, but my voice came out husky and strained. I knew what it meant and it scared me.

    ‘I got lost… I’m new here. My name’s Brittany Baker.’ Her voice was like nothing I’d heard before, so melodic and sweet that it send a shiver down my spine. I hoped nobody saw that.

    She was uncomfortable with all the attention she was getting, I could tell, the way she’d glanced around at the classroom. The urge to alleviate her suffering was instant but I still managed to sound sterner then before:
    ‘Have a seat Brittany, don’t let it happen again.’ I nodded as I spoke the words, pleased with myself for sounding so collected now.

    Only then did her words sunk in, Brittany Baker. Oh no… She had the same last name as that Jennifer? They were siblings? Impossible.

    Brittany, such an old fashioned name. It suited her in a way, it made her stand out from the rest of the girls these days. I knew I’d never call her Brittany if I didn’t have to though. My tongue already yearning to call her Brit or Brittany.
    She had walked to a seat in the back, right beside Sarah and I recognized the mischievous look in my sisters eyes only too well. At her wink, one that told me she knew exactly what I’d been thinking when I first laid eyes on Brittany, I scrambled to a standing position and started class.

    I couldn’t concentrate very well, not with that goddess sitting in the back, spreading that delicious scent… I couldn’t understand how none of the other boys seemed effected by it. They still only had eyes for that Jennifer.

    ‘Mr. Clitton, can you explain me that assignment again?’ asked Jennifer halfway through my class. She was leaning forward on her desk so her breast pushed up, revealing more cleavage then I was sure I was legally allowed to see on a student.

    I swallowed my annoyance and carefully explained it to the entire class again. Not even once stepping closer to the blonde as she flirtatiously batted her eyelashes, enticing me to come closer.

    I only had eyes for Brittany though, she didn’t look at me, her face constantly flushed as she blushed furiously. It made her even more beautiful.

    Every now and then it seemed like she’d gathered enough courage to peak up through her long lashes and look at me. Every single time my eyes met those golden orbs of hers and I couldn’t look away.

    I had never been so happy as I was today when I finally dismissed my class for the lunch break. Although it also made me sad because it meant that angel would be leaving me too.

    She was one of the last to leave and before I realized what I’d done I’d grabbed her wrist. It made her freeze in her tracks.

    The shock of actually touching her skin was so intense it nearly had me staggering. It was a good thing the desk was at my back or I really would have. Lust slammed into me as if the floodgates had been opened.

    I was almost instantly hard and craving for her body, my eyes surely darkening to black. I knew I had to look away, away from her golden orbs but it seemed an impossible task. My mouth felt parched, I wondered what her kiss would taste like.

    She was trembling, her eyes wide, her mouth slightly opened to show me the tempting moistness inside. Oh damn all seven hells! Someone stop me before I really do kiss her right here on the spot.

    ‘Mr. Clitton?’ Sarah’s voice interrupted us just at that moment. Bless my sister!

    I let go off Brittany’s wrist instantly, stepping back a little; ‘Don’t be late again, next time will land you a detention.’ Oh why did I say that? I sounded so harsh and gruff, she was going to hate me for sure!

    Her eyes had widened further at my words and I could tell she was shocked. I hurried to ease her mind: ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure you wont get lost a second time.’ I added a wink for good measure, to show her I wasn’t all that serious.
    She nodded slowly, her mouth closing with a snap, as if she only now realized it had been open. ‘It wont happen again I promise Mr. Clitton,’ she said with her melodic voice. Then she hurriedly sped from the room.

    ‘You are in deep shit, brother,’ was all Sarah said to me as she followed the angel. She cast me one look over her shoulder that told me we were going to have a very long talk on the way home. I wasn’t sure I was going to like it.
    I wasn’t sure I cared though… Because all my mind was screaming was: You found your mate! Your Soulmate! Follow her! Get her! Make her yours! Mark her!

    It took a lot of effort to remain seated on my desk, like I usually did. It took a hell of a lot of effort, my body yearned to go after Brittany just as much as my mind. I really needed to calm down first though.

    I sat down heavily in my chair.

    I found my Soulmate… And she’s a student and I’m her teacher! She’s a human and I’m a vampire…

    All I knew was: She’s going to be Mine.
    I sat with Sarah at a table during lunch, it kept all the curious people nicely at a distance and I rather liked that. It didn’t appear like Sarah had much friends but she didn’t care much about that…

    To my surprise the only one who joined us at our table was the guy with the Mohawk. The one that didn’t speak all that much and wasn’t interested in Jennifer. He cast me a curious glance and then looked at Sarah but he didn’t utter a word.

    Sarah introduced him as: ‘This is Bob, don’t bother trying to get him to talk. He hates talking,’ she rolled her eyes at the boys stupidity or something of the like.

    Then compared my schedule to hers smiling when it turned out we had two more classes together. Even more shockingly: Bob peered over my schedule and then said he had the only other class left with me. He cast me a friendly look before saying: ‘At least you wont be alone in any of your classes now.’

    Sarah winked at me, ‘Wow your being nice Bob, since when did that happen?’ But the sarcastic comment didn’t phase the boy, in fact he just shrugged and went back to dis interestingly fussing with his food. Wasn’t he hungry?

    I talked with Sarah for the rest of the lunch break until I heard the conversation at the table over getting louder. It was the table Jennifer was sitting at and she was definitely the center of attention. A large crowd surrounding her.

    ‘Nothing is impossible!’ I heard Jennifer scoff, she still did it beautifully of course. Nothing she did on purpose would ever make her look anything but that, she made sure of it.

    ‘He will be Mine, by the end of the month he wont be able to resist,’ my step sister continued, twirling a strand of blonde hair around her finger. I wasn’t sure who she was talking about but I had the feeling it was Mr. Clitton, our English teacher.

    As if to confirm that thought Jennifer said in response to someone: ‘No one is able to resist me girl, not even Mr. Clitton.’

    Sarah made a choking sound and one look at her face told me she was trying to hold back a laugh. Shaking her head the pretty brunette exchanged a look with Bob, intertwining the fingers of her hands in a curious way while nodding in my direction.

    Bob stiffened and then looked at me, as if seeing me for the first time. Then he nodded slowly as if he could see what she meant.

    ‘Guys?’ I asked them wonderingly.

    ‘Nothing hun,’ Sarah said with a smile, ‘I just find it so funny that your step sister thinks she can get our brother to fall for her.’

    Brother? Is she talking about Mr. Clitton? I nearly spit out my drink as I stared them. I hadn’t even realized Bob and Sarah were siblings!

    ‘Mr. Clitton is your brother?’ I asked, shocked.

    Bob nodded, a smile on his lips as Sarah said a little crankily: ‘Yeah… It really sucks you know! Your own brother teaching at your school. I never get a date, all the boys are scared of him.’

    That just had to make me laugh and Bob joined in: ‘Can’t be that bad Sarah… At least you don’t have a step sister who steals all the boys away.’

    ‘True,’ she smiled at me but her eyes were twinkling as if she knew something I didn’t again. Then she said: ‘I think we’re going to be best friends.’

    The rest of the day passed by in a blur, it was great having either Sarah or Bob around. It meant I didn’t get lost again and that the teachers didn’t bother me either. Except one class, the rest of my classes were all without Jennifer.

    I found my thoughts wandering though and as I doodled through most of my classes I realized that I’d been drawing the same thing over and over again.

    A pair of stormy gray eyes.

    I couldn’t be falling for my English Teacher… That was wrong. I couldn’t be! It was even worse that he was apparently the brother of the two people I’d become friends with today.

    But the tingling sensations I’d felt when I first laid eyes on him… Or the shock of electricity going through me when he grabbed my wrist. That was something I’d never experienced before.

    Or the fact that it was so hard to look away from his eyes once they’d captured mine… He’d been staring at me, I knew he had been, Sarah had definitely noticed something between us. She’d been smirking at her brother and me the whole time.

    When school was finally over I waved at Sarah and Bob as they sauntered over to a flashy red car that looked very fast and expensive. They stood waiting next to it so I knew it belonged to Mr. Clitton. I wasn’t surprised, he seemed like the type to like fast cars.

    Dannis was already there too, waiting with the car, so I made my way over to him. Trying my best to ignore the stares and glaring at those who did try to approach me. It seemed like with Sarah and Bob gone their protection was too.
    When I reached Dannis he smiled at me and opened his arms for a hug. It wasn’t very professional on his part but I guessed he saw how harried I felt. Offering some comfort.

    As I hugged him I felt immediately a little more relaxed and I smiled at him gratefully. The sudden feeling that someone was glaring at me made me whirl around though. Only to meet those stormy gray eyes from all the way across the parking lot.

    Mr. Clitton was standing right next to his car, his fists clenched. I didn’t see Sarah or Bob so they must have already been in the car. Was my English teacher seriously glaring at me because I’d hugged the driver?

    Dannis suddenly draped his arm around my waist, the gesture a little defiant as if he was doing it on purpose to vex Mr. Clitton.

    ‘Well, that’s one teacher who doesn’t seem to like you…’ I heard Dannis say as Mr. Clitton finally turned around and got into his car. He sped off a little recklessly, especially for a teacher.

    ‘I was late for his class because I got lost,’ I offered as an explanation. Shrugging out of Dannis’s embrace and hurrying into the car. I was glad to be finally out of sight of everyone. I really, really hated attention.

    It took a while before Jennifer showed up but I didn’t mind, it was fun talking to Dannis. He was very easy going and relaxed. He made me laugh at silly jokes and I felt really at ease around him. So at ease that I even started to forget about Mr. Clitton and his beautiful stormy gray eyes.

    When she did show up she still wasn’t alone, there was one boy carrying her backpack. He was cute but certainly not handsome, I guessed he only got to carry her backpack because she felt sorry for him.

    Two more guys flanked her, both buff and handsome, obviously they would be part of the football team or something. Three more girls were with her and they all looked a little green behind her back. I guessed that would be her new ‘besties’ as Jennifer called her fake girl friends.

    She kissed the two football players each on the cheek as she said goodbye and then turned to hug all three girls giving them air kisses. That was a habit I really didn’t get, all those girls hated each others guts yet they pretended to love each other….

    Jennifer slipped into the front seat at long last and imperiously told Dannis to start driving. She barely spared him a glance now, lost in thought? It was unusual behavior for her but I didn’t comment.

    Instead both Dannis and I remained quiet, sharing the occasional glance through the rear view mirror. Once he started pulling funny faces though… It was hard not to laugh. I had to slap my hand across my mouth to keep from making noise. I didn’t want to wake the beast.

    At home Jennifer left the garage in a hurry, her usual gracefulness disappearing completely. But I took my time, sharing a few more jokes with Dannis, most of them about Jennifer. Then I said goodbye and followed my step sister into the house.

    I could not believe my day had gone so well, making two friends at school and possibly a friend at home as well. Dannis was extremely nice and funny. Then I remembered the date I had promised to go on with him… Did he want to be more then friends?

    Immediately I remembered Mr. Clitton and I felt my cheeks tingle as I blushed. That would never work out! It would be much better if I’d set my eyes on Dannis instead… Although he was a little old for me too.

    As I stepped into the house I heard yelling, it was clear it was Jennifer. She always screeched at the tops of her lungs to her mother if she was upset with something. I wondered what that was… I hoped it had nothing to do with me.
    ‘Brittanylee!’ My little brother squealed as he sped around the corner to hug my leg with a death grip. I couldn’t help but smile.

    ‘Hey Giant,’ I told him as I affectioAlexly rubbed his head. His golden brown eyes stared up at mine with such intense happiness that I knew he’d had a horrible day.

    His nanny came around the corner then, an elderly woman with a stern face this time. She looked a little flustered, I guessed it was from having to chase my impulsive, hyperactive little brother.

    ‘Oh there you are Andy,’ the woman panted as she spotted us.

    I saw him scrunch up his face as he tugged on my shirt, telling me to get down to his level. As I bend down he whispered in my ear: ‘I don’t like her! She’s mean!’ Of course he whispered loud enough for the nanny to hear. She scoffed as if she’d heard it a few times before and didn’t believe him.

    I patted his head, ‘Don’t worry Hay, it’ll be fine I promise. I won’t let anyone hurt you.’ I wished someone would look out for me as well but I knew that was just wishful thinking.

    As if they’d heard me think it my step mom suddenly yelled: ‘Brittany! Get over here now!’

    I couldn’t help but flinch, I knew Jennifer had been screeching about something I’d ‘done’. ‘Sorry Giant, I gotta go. Talk to you later kay?’ I told my little brother, ruffling his dark hair again. ‘Behave okay? I’ll read you a story tonight.’
    Andy nodded his little head, his face scrunched up. ‘Careful Am, Stephanie is unhappy,’ he whispered before following his nanny meekly back into the kitchen.

    I breathed in deeply and followed the sound of my step mothers voice into the living room. There Jennifer was staring smugly at me, her arms crossed in front of her. Stephanie, my step mom was glaring at me.

    ‘What the hell are you thinking Brittany! You can’t go around flirting with a teacher! I didn’t think even you would sink that low!’ My step mother screamed as soon as I entered.

    Oh… so that’s what I’ve done! Jennifer just totally turned that around. The bitch.

    ‘I didn’t do anything,’ I said, it was a lame defense but I knew it was useless anyway. Jennifer had fed her mother so many lies by now and she’d back them up, that anything I said would only make things worse.

    She continued on a rant, accusing me of all kinds of slutty things I’d apparently done during Mr. Clitton’s class. Worst was that she finished with: ‘Because it seems I just can’t trust you, I’m making sure you get transferred to a different teachers class!’

    Shocked I stared at her. ‘You can’t do that! I didn’t do anything wrong! Jennifer was the one doing all that!’

    ‘Don’t you lie to me!’ Stephanie hissed slapping me hard across the cheek. Her other hand came up to grab onto my arm tightly, squeezing so hard that her nails dug into my arm, piercing the skin.

    ‘Go to your room and don’t let me see you again!’ she added as she shoved me towards the staircase. When she let go she stalked out of the living herself, not checking if I obeyed her or not.

    Jennifer smirked at me triumphantly from across the room, ‘He’s going to be Mine. There’s nothing you can do to stop it!’ It didn’t take a genius to guess she was talking about Mr. Clitton.

    ‘You know he’ll lose his job right? If people find out…’ I told her. Feeling angry at the hot jealousy spreading through me. I wasn’t going to see Mr. Clitton again and she would have all the time to sink her hooks into him.

    It was ridiculous because I would never want anything like that from a teacher anyway. It was after all not allowed…
    Jennifer laughed, ‘I know Brittany, but I don’t care!’

    I could only stare at her in shock for a moment before I hurried up the stairs to my room, I couldn’t stand to be near that girl any longer. Behind me I heard her say, loud enough for me to hear: ‘He’s going to be Mine. Remember that!’


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