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    Author’s POV:
    We all know Red. Opps, I mean Lily.

    The girl who was taken away from her family. The girl who was innocent and beautiful. The girl who was mercilessly abused. The girl who was forced to grow by the monsters of this cruel world.

    The girl who lost all her hope.

    Hope to survive, hope of being loved, hope of being taken care of, hope of being wanted by someone.

    She didn’t have any reason to be alive. She did not want to be saved, just to be broken again.

    But now, now all she feels is happiness.

    She has found her long lost brothers or we could say her long lost brothers found her. Whatever suits you best.
    Now she’s complete. She’s found her missing piece, her twin brother, Alex.

    He’s the Mac in her cheese. The peanut butter of her jelly. The ketchup in her French fries. The Nutella on her dull bread.

    You-you get what I’m trying to say, right?

    Now our dear Lily is ready to face the world. Alongside her brothers and best friend, nothing could stop her.
    Or could it?

    She thought life was perfect now. Everything, she had everything that she’s ever desired.

    A family, a Mudtmas tree of her own, an actual room, Nutella, Oreos, a terrific halloween costume and most importantly…. Love.

    But life isn’t fair…. is it?

    You have to pay a price for everything you get.

    She just didn’t know the price would be too big.

    The West Brothers vowed to protect their beautiful Lily. They would go to the depths of hell, just to keep her safe. They would make each and everyone pay, for whoever caused their baby sister pain.
    But, how will they save her from her own self?


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