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    I sat with my morning cup of coffee, wrapping myself tighter in my robe as the chilly air cooled the room. I couldn’t believe how cold it was getting. I held onto my warm mug tighter hoping the warmth from my fingers would help unfreeze the rest of my body.

    A knock sounded at the door, “Come in, Mr. Greggs,” I called out from my couch. It was too cold and too early to move my limbs.

    The door opened and in popped Mr. Greggs’ balding head, the rest of his body soon following suit. He wore a grey button down shirt and black dress pants, a black belt looped around his waist. He was ever the formal dresser. I suppose that’s what fifty years of working everyday for a paper company did to you.

    “Good morning, Amy,” he greeted.

    “Morning,” I replied, willing my body to move. I limped to the kitchen – not quite understanding where the limp came from – to pull a mug out of my cupboard. I poured a cup of black coffee for Mr. Greggs before handing it over to him and hobbling back to the couch.

    “How’s your new job going?” He walked over and sat on the opposite end as he took a long sip. How the man could drink black coffee was an enigma to me. When he first started to pop by every morning, he’d pull a cigarette out to smoke with his coffee, claiming the two paired well together. I hassled him so much about smoking he resigned to not do it in front of me anymore.

    “It’s good. A bit of a challenge so far in bonding with the client, but I’m hoping that’ll change.” I took another sip.
    “You’ll figure it out. You know how to get under people’s skin,” he rolled his eyes while I gave him a long look, “What?” He asked taking a sip from his own cup.

    “Is something going on between you and Ms. Smith?”

    He spluttered into his mug, a bead of black coffee trickling down his chin as he reached for a tissue to wipe it, “Where on earth did that come from?”

    “She knew about my job interview,” I shrugged.

    “Well, she didn’t know from me. I can’t stand the woman. Besides, if I did have a female companion, the last thing I’d do is talk to them about you,” he stood up, taking his cup to the sink.

    I pursed my lips at him, “She’s pretty cute, you know.”

    He groaned, “Well, this was pleasant as ever,Amy. Thank you for the coffee.” He opened the door to walk out.
    “I think you’d make a cute couple!” I shouted after him as he began to walk out.

    “You need a boyfriend!” He grumbled.

    “I’ll live through your budding romance!” I called back as I heard him sigh in frustration. He’d be back tomorrow.
    I stood, up stretching to get some movement in my body. I didn’t have to go to see Sam until this evening, which gave me a lot of time to meet up with Cole for yoga. I dressed quickly in my workout gear before throwing a sweater on top to combat the cold and running out the door and down the steps, narrowly avoiding Ms. Smith who was hassling another tenant.

    A puff of smoke blew forward as I breathed out, which told me all I needed to know about the weather today. I speed walked the rest of my way to the gym, trying to quicken my escape into a properly heated room. I loved Mr. Greggs, but the ventilation in that apartment sucked. I guess that’s why it was the only apartment I could afford in a shoddy neighborhood.

    I pushed the door open roughly, Cole waiting for me as usual.

    “Morning!” She exclaimed skipping over to where I stood putting my sweater and keys into a locker.

    “Morning,” I replied grumpily. I’d consider switching my days and nights if it gave me Cole’s sunny disposition. I sincerely doubted anyone could achieve that level of zen though.

    “You’ll never guess,” she bounced up and down on her toes, “my boss loved the underground, illegal fighting story and they’re going to headline it on daytime television. Can you believe it? Daytime television! As in when the sun is out and shining!”

    “That’s amazing, Cole! Let’s hope that’ll get you to a daytime position as well.”

    “That’s the hope. But, it also means that it’ll shine a light in that kind of fighting and hopefully get cops more involved,” she said frowning, “I can’t imagine what happened to that kid happening to anyone else.”

    I frowned as well at the memory of Kaz’s bleeding and battered body. It was difficult to see. I was comfortable treating wounds as a nurse but I certainly couldn’t stand to see Thiago pounding on Kaz like that. Treating the aftermath of a physical affliction and seeing it take place first hand were two very different experiences.

    I don’t think a person with a single shred of humanity in them could bear to see it. Yet, there the crowd stood, cheering Thiago on. I shook my head in an attempt to rid myself of the memory.

    “I think I’ll kind of miss my screwed up schedule,” Cole chimed in with unsurprising positivity, “Though it does mean I can finally get a boyfriend and live a normal life.”

    “What a tough decision to make,” I remarked sarcastically. “You’ll get a daytime position, I just know it.”

    “Fingers crossed.”

    “Welcome, class! Are we ready to warm our bodies up?” There’s no way Jim didn’t know what he was saying when he said it. His bright, innocent smile would suggest otherwise.

    Cole burst into laughter, “I can warm his body up for him,” she raised her eyebrows at me suggestively.

    “Every class, Cole?” Jim asked in exasperation.

    Cole raised her hands in defeat, “You asked for that one.”

    Jim ignored her and sat on the floor crossed legged and shut his eyes, “I would like to take a moment to center our chakras. Feel the harmony inside of you.” He peeked an eye open at Cole who was about to butt in before adding, “Don’t. That was too easy.”

    I nudged her before whispering, “Why don’t you ask him out?”

    “With my schedule? It would comprise of booty calls. I’d make the perfect mistress.” She rolled her eyes.

    “I think he likes you.” I whispered back.

    “You think so?”

    “He’s always staring at you.”

    “Ahem!” Jim interrupted glaring at us from the front. “This is a quiet class.”

    “Sorry, Jim.” We replied in unison.


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