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    Bane grabbed my hand and led me to his car. It was when we reached the pack house that it occurred to me that I had no idea what to do. I had never been shopping other than for food. I’m completely out of my element here. I was internally wishing that Bane would know what to do. [However, wishing proved to be useless, since] Bane was as confused about shopping as I was.

    Clearly seeing how lost we were, a female assistant approached us, her tone was eager to help and I was happy that at least we had someone that knew what she was doing.

    “Welcome to Y&I clothing boutique, how may I help you?” She asked in a friendly tone, while eyeing up Bane with interest, which made me feel uncomfortable because even if I hadn’t known him for long I consider him a brother.

    “Um…. I need some clothes for my friend. Jeans, shirts, skirts, dresses, jackets, shoes, the works.” Bane told her “Money isn’t a problem.” She got very happy at that statement and went to get things for me.

    It wasn’t long until she returned, with an armful of clothes. My eyes widened when I noticed another girl also with an armful of clothes following her. My grip on Bane’s hand tightened when they came up at once, feeling uncomfortable around the two strangers.

    “Its okay Amelia, you’ll be fine.” Bane muttered to me, as the girls led me into the fitting room. They organized the clothes into outfits and told me to come out and show it to them.

    My first outfit was a white tee-shirt with a grey scarf, jeans with some rips on one side, a brown leather purse, sunglasses, hoop earrings, and leather sandals. I stepped out of the fitting room, then the ladies gave me a thumbs up and I smiled at the easy acceptance I got from them.

    We did this again with every outfit, they hardly ever rejected any of them, and before I knew it, we were making our way out of the store. “Thank you, please come again!” The assistant told us, happy at the sale she made.

    After we left the clothing boutique, we went to get school supplies for me, we also went to the office depot and the apple store where I got a new phone, computer, IPod, and new things for my desk. The only thing I hated about it was that Bane wouldn’t let me buy anything on my own.

    “Hey, you hungry?” Bane asked turning his head towards me while we walked around the mall. I shook my head, not feeling hungry, I had a slice of toast on the train with some water.

    He frowned. “I didn’t want to say this, but you’re way too thin. I wanted our Pack doctor to look at you, but I thought shopping would relax you and stuff because you know……. You’re a girl.” He ended lamely. I couldn’t help, but laugh at the sheepish expression he kept sending my way43

    Bane grabbed my hand and brought me to the food court. After looking around he led me to a Subway stand.

    We returned to the Pack house not long after eating, and I had never felt so stuffed in my life. I was must have fallen asleep sometime during the ride home because I woke up in my room. I still couldn’t believe that I had my own room. Sighing, I cuddled up into my bed, loving the soft feathery feel of it.

    As I laid there, a million thoughts raced through my mind. What was my old pack doing? Did they even know I was missing? Does Hilton miss me? Do my brothers miss me? And these questions led to more questions. How will they survive without me? I did all of the taxes and bills, laundry, cooking, cleaning, homework, and every other domestic job in that Pack. How will they survive without me?46

    A knock on my door carried me out of my thoughts.

    “Hey sleepy head, you feeling okay?” Bane asked, walking into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed.

    “Ya, I just feel a little nauseous.” I answered.

    He frowned “Well the doctor’s here to see you” He told me looking over me worriedly. Facing towards the door he said “Come in.”

    Entering into my room was a fair man. I’m serious, he had fair hair, fair skin, and even light blue eyes. He looked like a nightlight with arms and legs.

    “Hello, my name is Dr. John Gupta.” He told me in a light voice. Seriously, where did this guy come from? Did the mother ship forget him here when they were picking up ET?68

    “Hi, my name is Amelia Armentrout.” I greeted him halfheartedly, not in the mood to be poked and prodded.

    “I’ll be just doing a regular check up to see if you’re healthy.” He began [just as Bane left the room.]

    By the end of the checkup, I felt thoroughly violated. I was poked and prodded in places I never even knew existed.

    “Okay Amelia, there’s nothing serious, it’s just that physically, your muscles are depleted and body is exhausted.” He said, sounding hesitant. “There is one more thing I need to do. I need a blood sample to see blood pressure and such”.

    Nodding my head, I held out my arm for him. He brought out a needle, and I thought I was going to faint. “You’ll feel a small pinch…… And then we are done.” He rambled a little “I’ll have the results back to you tonight or tomorrow at the latest. There you go.” He said placing a Band-Aid on the crook of my arm “I’ll take my leave.”

    He left shuffling towards the door. I sighed, leaning back up against the pillow as Bane came back into my room.

    “So, you okay?” He asked coming in quietly. I nodded my head.

    “The doc said and I quote ‘physically your muscles are depleted and body is exhausted.'” I recited. “And speaking of the doc. Where did you guys get him, from light bulbs ‘R’ us?”

    Bane laughed out a booming laugh. “No, though he does look like a human flashlight.” I began to laugh with him too. I heard a commotion outside and immediately I was on high alert. The door banged opened and I was expecting Hilton and my brothers to storm in and drag me back to ‘The Pack’, but what I wasn’t expecting was six guys to barge into my room with a trolley full of breakfast food; pancakes, toast, bacon, eggs, orange juice, and a truck load of Bacon! I love bacon.

    I love bacon even though when I lived with my former pack, I seldom got to eat bacon.

    “Welcome to the family!” They chanted together. Tears gathered in my eyes and a smile graced its way onto my face. They moved the trolley next to me.

    The twins popped up. “We’re sorry, about making-” One said.

    “-You cry-” The other told me.

    “-Earlier” They finished together, looking at the ground and hands [scratching the back of their necks, looking nervous]. I smiled at them.

    “You two didn’t do anything, I’m just really feeling emotional right now.” I tell them in a voice that’s hardly a whisper. I looked at my twined my fingers.

    “It’s okay-“

    “-We’re just happy-“

    “-That we didn’t upset you.” The twins said, sounding relieved. Why would they be relieved that they didn’t upset me? I gave them a bemused look.

    “It’s because you’re our sister now.” Joseder answered from the doorway. He was leaning against the door jamb, looking at ease.

    I looked at them all in shock. I was their sister? They willingly admitted that?1

    I gave them watery smiles. “Thanks you guys… You know, for taking me in short notice and all.” I spoke to them.

    Bane got up and was about to speak when Joseder cut in. “It wasn’t a problem at all, we really want you to live with us. We helped Bane get this room put together. All of us helped.”

    “Yeah.” Piped in Bryan. “Don’t feel like a burden because you’re not. Bane has told us that you’re a great cook. You can cook for us, if it makes you feel better. None of us can cook.”

    Staring at them in shock, I nodded my head not knowing what to say to them. “Thanks, I really appreciate what you guys are doing for me. I owe you guys a lot.”

    Cane or Camden glared at me. “You don’t owe us anything, you’re family.” Cane/Camden wagged their finger at me.

    Nodding my head, I pulled back the covers to get up and noticed I was still in some of my old clothes. “Hey, what time is it?”

    “It’s still Thursday the 15th, though its 6am. Now you’ve been with us for at least 9 hours.” Answered Joseph, speaking for the first time since I’ve met him.

    “Really? It feels like it’s been days.” I say in wonder. They chuckled at me, causing a blush to appear on my face. “Do you guys mind if I change real quickly? I want to get out of these clothes.” They nodded their heads and left the room.


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