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    The next day, I reached the town Bane was talking about and I was starstruck by the beautiful scenery.. The sun was just coming up and casted a beautiful red orange glow on the lake. A light breeze rattled, swayed, and shook the leaves. Clouds reflected in the water, creating a hazy illusion. It was a perfect sight to mark my first day of freedom.

    I walked down the stone steps of the train station into the fresh crisp air. Stepping out of a car nearby was a man with brown hair, and excitement bubbled in me as I ran towards him.

    Getting to him, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly. Tears began to fall from my eyes as I cried on his chest. His arms wrapped around me securely.

    “Whoa, hey there speedy. I know I’m devilishly handsome but you didn’t need to jump me.” Bane jokingly muttered into my hair causing me to giggle slightly, lessening the grip of my legs from around his waist even though I had no clue how I had ended up there in the first place. I laid my head down on his shoulder and sniffled a little before I let go of his waist and whipped my eyes on the sleeve of my jacket.

    “Finally, I thought you’d never get here!” He said with fake pout on his face and his hands on my shoulders. Picking me up again, he twirled me around, I felt a flash of nausea then it disappeared. “You look way more angelic in person.”

    I blushed at his comment and looked down at my fingers, twiddling them, a nervous habit.

    “You’re a good liar.” I told him, looking back up at him giggling, and then looking back down.

    “No, I’m not.” He said tilting my chin up, so I’d look him in the eye. “You’re gorgeous.” I blushed as he took my bag and placed it in the trunk. “Here, come on. We got a long ride ahead of us.” He said opening the door for me.

    “And I thought chivalry was dead.” I said joking with him. After talking to him through e-mails, I felt close to him. Chuckling, he got in the car too.

    “It is, but why not bring it back? A girl as dazzling as you should be able to experience it.” He charmingly stated, a grin on his face. A blush grew on my face again. My fingers twiddling.

    “The Pack is really excited to get to know and meet you.” He began starting the conversation. “My Beta and third command, Joseder and Camden almost got in the car with me to come and get you.” He told me, laughing.

    I wasn’t laughing though. My fingers began to twiddle faster at the thought of meeting other people. “Are you sure that you want me in your Pack? And that your Pack is okay with me being in the pack?” I questioned him softly, afraid of the answer.

    “Like I told you, we’re happy to have you in the Pack–no ecstatic that you’re joining.” He answered. “I know you’ve told me that your Pack was abusing you, but what did they do to make you fear everybody and make you so self-conscious that you have trouble accepting help like you don’t deserve it? Well news flash Amelia, they are the ones that don’t deserve you.” His grip tightened on the steering wheel as an angry look entered his eyes.

    I stared at him open mouthed, shocked that someone cared so much for me that they got angry. No one had ever stood up or had ever gotten angry for me. Tears burned under my eyelids, but I refuse to let them fall.

    I smiled at him as bright as I could and answered him. “It doesn’t matter, I just want to forget and move on with my life.”

    The rest of the ride was spent in silence, both of us lost in thoughts.

    When we got to where I assumed was the pack house, I was in shock. The Blood Moon Pack house was HUGE.

    “When you’re done ogling at our Pack house, you might want to see the inside too.” Bane told me chuckling.

    I sighed, then nodded my head. “A-are you Sur-“

    “Amelia! If I wasn’t sure or if I didn’t want you in my Pack, do you think you would be here now? Do you think I would offer for you to stay with my friends and family?” Bane asked interrupting me.

    I shook my head slightly in awe, this was the second time he stood up for me. He nodded his head and opened the car door and slid out, then walked around to my side of the car and opened the door for me.

    “Well come on I got a room of impatient wolves waiting to meet you” Bane said as we walked towards the door. Entering the house–no, mansion–air left my lungs. The entryway was elegantly decorated in various shades of brown, blue and white.

    Bane lead me through the mansion to the living room where a bunch of people were waiting for me. There was only one emotion running through me right then.


    Apprehension, because I was expecting rude looks and glares, crude comments, and a punishing hand, but all that I met was friendly glances and curiosity.

    “Amelia, these are a bunch of people from the pack.” He said motioning to the two pale haired, pale blue eyed female and male. “These are the twins Camden and Cane Smith.” I nodded at them shyly, [getting a smile in return]. “This is Joseder, my beta.” He gestured to the tall black haired, dark eyed guy who was smirking at me. “This is Caine,my brother.” Pointing out the brown haired and brown eyed boy next to him. Now motioning over to the black haired green eyed guy. “This is Joseph, my third in command.”

    “Joseder is the only one other than me that’s 18 years old. Bryan is 17, the twins are 16 like you, and Joseph is 17. Joseder and the twins are siblings. And everyone this is Amelia Roes Romano.”

    “Nice to meet you.” I whisper quietly looking down at my twiddling fingers. Suddenly, I was squished in a hug between two other people.

    “We’ve always wanted a little sister.” Either Camden or Cane said. “You are too adorable.” I didn’t know what to say, but I never felt so happy in my life. A tear fell down my cheek. Then another and then another.

    He took in my appearance and then left me. “Hey, what’s wrong?” One of the twins asked me, ignoring him I turned to Bane.

    “Hey, umm… I think I’m going to take her up to her room.” Bane mumbles, pulling me out of the twins embrace. He wrapped his arm around me, leading to a set of stairs. “I’ll show you your room Amelia.”

    Bane led me to a baby blue door. My favorite color. Opening the door, I gasped. The room was huge. A queen size bed in black with white designs was in one corner, with baby blue drapes hanging from the bed posts. The wall behind the bed was a cerulean blue. The furniture in the room was a dark cheery wood red, a desk was in another corner with drawing utensils on it.

    My favorite part of the room was the balcony. I could see the lake sparkling and the whole forest. “I remembered that you like to have a view.” I heard Bane mumble to me shyly.

    I turned towards him and hugged him. “Thank you so much Bane! No one has ever cared so much for me.” This time I wasn’t crying, I was smiling.

    “It’s not so hard to be nice to a girl like you.” I look at him confused. “You’re smart, funny, witty, and beautiful.” I blush fiercely and look down.

    Suddenly, I chuckled a little. “You barely even know me, yet you treat me better than my own family. Strange right?”

    Bane looked at me “No it’s not. What they might have or have not done to you was wrong in every sense of the word”.

    “I’m sorry, it’s just that no one has ever cared so much about me before.” I mumbled into his shirt. He sighed and patted my head.

    “Well, I’ll let you settle in and everything and take a bath, but after I’m going to take you shopping.” He said, changing the topic which I was happy about.

    “Okay.” I said to him, picking up my bag that was on the floor and headed towards my bed. Looking back at him, I smile. “You have no idea what this all means to me.”

    He smiles slowly then nods and closes the door behind him.

    I straightened my back and started to unpack. Most of the clothes I packed were torn and baggy, I threw most of them away.

    I took one of my only good pair of jeans and cut them up so they were dark blue shorts now instead. I placed my white tee-shirt next to them, took my towel and went for my shower. Getting done with my shower, I got dressed, placing my credit card and 50 dollars into my back pocket.

    Shopping here I come.


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