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    Taking the last tin of lasagna, I walked out of the kitchen so the other Pack women can take it to dining room and act like they cooked it.

    I enter Xav’s room, carrying a small plate [of the cooked meal] and a tall glass of water with me. “Knock, knock.” I say as I enter with a soft smile.

    “Hey Amy, come on in. I just finished my homework,” Xav says as he closes his spiral notebook. “Thanks for helping me study before my test yesterday, your notes helped me a lot.” Nodding, I place the glass and plate in front of him. I smile warmly at him, feeling glad that I helped him with his homework.

    “Hey Amy. Do you wish you could go to school again?”

    I freeze for a second at his question, before softly replying, “Yea, I do, but I can’t. I don’t have the time to go to school and finish all of my chores.” He frowned at my answer. He opens his mouth to speak, but I cut him off.

    “Xav, finish your lunch please,” I plead with him.

    He sighs but nods his head anyway. “But-” he says “You have to eat with me.” Raising an eyebrow, he glares playfully at me, a smile on his face as he bargained with me.

    I give him a smile in return and eat some food with him. When he finishes eating I get up.

    “Okay, bedtime.”

    He pouts, “But Kaaaii! I’m 9 years old now. I don’t need a bedtime.”

    “Yeah, that pout backs up your statement.” I tell him laughing. His pout droops even more, “Okay, okay, my little man time to go to sleep”

    “I love you Amy, I wish you were my sister.” He whispers.

    “Me too, handsome.” I whisper back, “But I thought I already was.”

    “You are. We’re just making this official now though.” he said smiling at me. I close Xav’s door behind me softly after I give him a peck on the cheek.

    Heading down the hallway half blind, I did not notice anyone was in front of me. I collide with a hard chest almost falling to the ground, although an arm wraps around my waist and holds me to a warm chiseled chest.

    Tingles erupt from our touching bodies. We both gasp and look into each other’s eyes.

    His eyes are a light gray that look as though they are staring into my soul. His skin is a light tan that makes him glow. Dark brown hair sits tousled onto his head. His light pink lips are full and parted and look so soft and moist that they sing to me.

    “Mate,” we whisper together, his voice dark and masculine. The only one thing that ruined the moment for me, is that my mate is Hilton Carter. His arms tighten, bringing me flush against his bare chest.

    “Mine,” He mutters.

    Using his index finger, he lifts my head so our eyes meet. I feel so warm, and the touch feels so right. Lowering his head to my ear he begins sucking on my earlobe. I let out a moan, which makes him smirk against my skin. He pushes me against the wall and starts to intoxicatingly kiss down my neck and to my chest.

    He begins to lift my shirt and I feel like I am on cloud nine. For the first time, I feel alive. Trailing his hands down my back, he lifts me up, wrapping my legs around his lean muscular waist. He opens a door and suddenly I am on a soft bed.

    I begin to moan when Hilton starts to suck on my neck where he would mark me as his. His hands freely roam my body before finally stopping at my breasts. My body feels like it is on fire.

    He starts kissing up and down my jaw when I start to roam my hands up and down his chest. It feels so right being here like this with him.

    When his soft lips met mine I felt like I died and went to heaven–I felt beyond amazing. Soon, we were both naked with Hilton pressing into me. Our lips move in sync as Hilton bites my lip for entrance, which I gave him gladly. We continue to kiss, making my body tingle and sing.

    Finally Hilton thrusts into me, causing me to grip and pull on his hair because of the pain. He thrusts in and out of me slowly, each thrust bringing me pleasure.

    “L-Hilton Faster…….. Please,” I hiss breathlessly to him through my teeth. He starts to thrust faster, bringing me closer to my climax. We both moan and finally came together. Dropping my legs onto his bed, we both pant heavily. Pecking my lips once more, he gets up and begins to get his boxers and sleep pants on again.

    I lay there frozen on the bed. Isn’t he supposed to say something to me? Looking at me again, he sneered at me.

    “What are you still doing here?” Hilton snarls, disgust in his eyes. Shocked, I just laid there. “Well,” he drawls out, “why aren’t you leaving yet?”

    “B-but, I’m you M-mate,” I whisper unsteadily to him, shaking slightly.

    “No, you are not!” He snaps at me. I jump up and started to crawl backwards with fear emanating off of me in waves. “It was just a mistake, get the hell out of my room. The moon Goddess wouldn’t damn me with a disgusting obese mate like you! I Hilton Reyes Carter reject you Amelia Rose Armentrout.” He says, snarling at me. His eyes turn into a dark gold, expressing how close his wolf was to the surface.

    Pain erupts in my heart as my wolf howls in agony from getting rejected. Each move I make causes my heart to beat with distress.

    As quickly as I could, I get dressed and run out of the door. Tears are streaming down my face as I head downstairs.

    I walk down the stairs to the basement, my sobs breaking the silence. Opening the door of my cell I sut down on my bed, crying softly into my hands.

    You know what we should do? My wolf whispers to me, her voice breaking as she feels the rejection. It’s time to finally make our life OURS. I nod my head, drying my tears.

    Sitting down at my desk, I take out two pieces of paper and begin to write.

    Dear Benjamin,

    I’m so sorry for leaving you like this Xav, I really am. I never wanted to leave you. You are the only thing in this Pack that makes my life worth living. You were the one that always got me smiling and laughing. I hope you know how much you mean to me.

    You will forever be my little brother. Don’t let anyone tell you that you are weak because you aren’t, like I told you this morning. You are funny, charming, and handsome, and so much more. I will always be proud of you and what you become in life. I’m not leaving because of you, but because my mate rejected me. I knew this might happen, but I had no idea it would hurt this much.

    As a parting gift I am leaving you the necklace my parents gave me for my 6th birthday. I was hoping I would be here for your 10th birthday, but I don’t think I could survive here till then.

    You will always have my love. I hope to see you again. I’ll always love you and I’ll always be proud of you, little man.

    Love, your sister,

    Amelia Rose Armentrout20

    I sigh as a lone tear falls on the page. I put it in an envelope and label it ‘Benjamin.’

    Dear Pack,22

    I have no idea what I did to deserve the way you have treated me, but I’ve had enough. I am making my life mine again.

    The last straw was my mate rejecting me.

    If you were to ask me why would I even think about leaving the pack, I would answer with a ‘why not?’ My brothers can’t even look at me much less help me when I get abused by the pack members–wait no, you people should not be called a pack. The definition of a pack is family and home, which this place does not and will never have for me ever again.

    I hope I never see any of you again.

    Your Faithful servant,62

    Amelia A.

    I wrote ‘Pack Letter’ on this one.

    Placing my last letter in its envelope, I start packing my clothes into an old duffle bag. I gather all the money I’ve saved, which is about 50 dollars, and a debit card I got when my parents died. On it is about one thousand dollars my parents left me, and about another two thousand I got when my grandparents died. Quickly sending Bane an e-mail telling him I’ll be joining him and his pack, I put my laptop into my duffle bag to. I shoulder my duffle bag and headed upstairs.

    Going into the kitchen, I pack some food and place the Pack letter on the marble table. I head upstairs to Xav’s room quickly before I make my way out.

    When I reach Xav’s door, I feel a rippling pain run through my spin. I grit my teeth knowing only my mate cheating on me could bring me this much pain. Tears flood down my face. I straiten my shoulders and enter Xav’s room, trying to ignore the sounds coming from the door next door.

    Mine and my wolf’s heart would break every time I heard moans, both from Hilton and his bed buddy of the night. Closing my eyes, I enter Benjamin’s room, quietly walking towards Xav.

    Kneeling down next to the little man, I place his letter on his night stand. I slip off my necklace and carefully place it in the envelope.

    I kiss his forehead, whispering “I love you, little man,” into his hair and stand up. Looking at Benjamin, I feel sorrow at the fact I was leaving. He lightly snores and turns over scratching his arm unconsciously. Smiling at him I left.

    Walking out into the hallway again, the noises from Hilton’s room attack my chest. I close my eyes and lean against Benjamin’s door. Opening my eyes, I start walking again.

    I go to my old Acura and start the car, not looking back as I drive away from my sorrows and pain. I knew I would survive because I AM stronger than them.


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