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    Alannie’s POV

    I ran through the terrain that was unfamiliar to me. My tongue still tastes the sweet blood of a small deer I feasted on. I jumped over the fallen cedar tree and followed the small stream that led me back to the pack house. It was strange. I’ve never had freedom from someone else, I was always ordered around by others. Eric allowed me to do as I pleased. I still didn’t trust him. I haven’t said anything to anyone except him , the one thing I asked him in the infirmary. I finally healed a few days ago and spent my time running the pack’s territory and avoiding everyone at all cost.

    It was quite difficult though; avoiding everyone. The pack seemed to enjoy gossiping and hanging out in the pack house, where my room was. It made it extremely difficult sneaking in and out of my room. I felt uncomfortable here. It was like everyone stared at me and I stool out. I didn’t belong here.

    The pack house came into my sight and I trotted over to the tree I laid my clothes by. Well, they weren’t my clothes, they were Alex’s. I shifted back, feeling my bones’ unpleasant but not unbearable, ache. I quickly slipped on the Jean shorts and shirt and returned to the huge mansion.

    I opened the front door and was assaulted with the mouth watering smells of the pack dinner being made. I didn’t eat their food, I hunted for myself. I have survived this long without anyone’s help and I don’t depend on anyone for anything. I was doing just fine on my own.

    The smells got stronger as I walked past the kitchen, making me almost drool. The only time I could have a home cooked meal was when my father decided to buy little to nothing at the store, instead of drugs and alcohol. I had to cook for the both of us, if her didn’t like it, then I was in deep shit for a few hours. I could feel myself starting to hyperventilate as I panicked, I felt trapped. I was about to run to the staircase and the stairs, to the safety of my room. I could hide behind a locked door and try to drown out my memories there. The sound of glass hitting the floor and shattering broke my thoughts. I turned around quickly, now facing the opening of the kitchen. (Kitchen is above)”Eek!” A high, shilled voice squealed out. She had her back to me but twisted around to face me. She was pinching her nose between her her pointer finger and thumb in a over dramatic way. I wanted to laugh at her childish acts. “Who let a rouge in?!”She curled her face up in disgust. She had bright blonde hair and her blue eyes were brought out by her dark lashes. Her facial features seemed to be accented by a coating of makeup she wore. Although a bit revealing, her clothing truly showed how confident she was in herself.

    She looked me up and down and scrunched her face further, making crease lines in her foundation. I rolled my eyes at her and leaned against the arched opening. I’m not particularly scared of females. I still have my guard up and don’t trust them but in only scared of males.

    She dropped her hand from her nose and screeched again. I almost wanted to cover my ears. “Oh, I can’t wait for Alpha to get back tomorrow, I’ll make him dispose of you the moment he steps back on this territory.” I could feel my face fill with confusion, trying to mask my fear. That’s why they are acting nice to me, because Alpha is gone.”Oh Sweety, ” her voice pierced my sensitive ears as she tried to sugar coat her voice in a sickeningly sweet way, making her voice raise an octave. “The only reason he is out there is to look for his mate. He can’t find her and the moment he wakes up and realizes that he can’t, he’ll come running to me with open arms because he knows I’m the perfect mate for him.” Ah, I get it now, a bitch who wants the Alpha title for riches and power.She sneered at me and walked awkwardly towards me in her hot pink stilettos. Even with her four inch heels I was still taller than her. She had to look up at me slightly to get in my face. I felt my face itching to smirk at her trying to intimidate me. “And I won’t let some filthy mutt get in my way! Understand?”

    I covered a fake yawn and turned away from her, walking back towards the stairs. I heard her stomp her foot and walk the other direction, screeching at someone to clean up her broken glass. I made my way up to my room and locked the door.

    I felt the hot tears of terror roll down my face, letting out the fears of the Alpha returning home.


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