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    Alannie’s POV

    The man was intimidatingly tall, maybe 6’0, compared to my height of 5’6. His frame was broad and you could see the muscled through his shirt. He reeked of dominance and that made me even more wary of him.

    My muscles were tense because of my protective stance. I watched him warily, waiting for him to hit me or yell at my for trying to escape. He raised his hands and I instinctively flinched and squeezed my eyes shut, preparing for a blow. I waited for a few moments, but a hit never came. I cracked open my eyes and saw that he had both hands in the air in a ‘ I surrender’ pose.He was analyzing me with curious eyes.” I’m not going to hurt you.” I didn’t believe him and there was no way I could trust him. I didn’t respond , just keeping my eyes on him, waiting for him to do something. “I’m Eric, beta of the Mountain Ridge pack. You can call me Casper.” He held my hand for me to shake but I stepped back, trying to keep a good distance between us. When I didn’t shake it, he sighed and dropped his hand. “What’s your name?” He asked. I didn’t answer. He sighed again and ran a hand trough his hair. Just then a girl walked trough the door and I back up, not liking being outnumbered. I tensed up even further. “I couldn’t find the doctor.” The girl said.

    My ribs burned ached from my pounding heart and heavy breathing. Sharp pain was running up and down my leg from standing on it. I groaned in pain as my back came in contact with the wall because I kept backing up.”Hey, why don’t we sit you down and we can talk.” He started to walk towards me again but I growled at him, warning him to back up. He took a few steps back and turned to the girl at the door, “Could you give a minute?” The girl nodded and walked out the door. I watched it carefully, making sure she actually left.”It’s okay, that was just my mate, Alex.” I limped back over to the bed, dying to sit down. He pulled up that chair I was about to smash the window with and sat across from me. Silence filled the room, neither of us knowing what to say.

    The more I looked at him, the more I noticed that he was attractive, not my type, but attractive. He had dark, messy bronze hair and light brown eyes. He had a defined jaw and a straight nose with thick eyebrows.

    “W-why am I here?” I asked. It hurt to talk and my voice was slightly hoarse from the lack of use. He looked at me in shock, not expecting I would talk.” I found you near the pack border two night ago. A rouge was about to attack you but I intervened. You looked pretty beat up so ,I-erm uhh put that shirt on you and carried you back here.” He was blushing slightly. I nodded, not saying anything else. We were back to silence.

    Just then, an older gentlemen walked in. He was wearing a white lab coat and some scrubs. There were some blood splatters, I felt my eyes widen and I back up a bit.”Beta Eric.” The man acknowledged Eric as a sign of respect.”Hey there, Sweetheart. I’m Dr. Brown. I was the one who fixed you up.” I didn’t answer him. ” I will have to look at your injuries to see if they heal properly. Is that okay?” I hesitated but eventually agreed. I wasn’t okay with it though, He unraveled the bandage on my leg, twisting it back and forth to get a better look at the stitches. He then moved to my torso and I saw Eric look away to respect my privacy. The doctor did the same thing and wrote some things on a clipboard. He pulled two orange pill capsules and handed them to me. “You are good to go but I need you take that pill one a day,” he pointed to one of the containers ” to make sure you don’t get an infection and that one,” he pointed to the other ” when you feel any pain.” I nodded. He smiled at me, nodded his head regarding Eric, and left the room.
    “Would you like to take a shower and clean up?” I nodded again. I was covered in dirt and blood, some of it was not my own. “Okay, I’ll have Alex come in, give you some clothes, and show you to your room.” His eyes went a little unfocused, which creeped my out. A few minutes later, the girl returned with stack of clothes and a wheelchair. “I’m Alex. She said with a cheery voice. “Your name is Alannie right?” I nodded. She helped me into the chair and wheeled me to an open door.

    Inside was a beautiful room with a queen bed and a nice view of a forest filled with pines. She wheeled me to a door and inside was that bathroom.

    I didn’t know how to work the bath so Alex helped me. She gave me some body wash, shampoo, conditioner and fresh towels and left the room.

    I sat in the warm tub watching the clean water turn pink from the dried blood of the ones I killed.


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