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    “Who stole my pant?”A female student shouted from the next block.

    Wonder shall never end. Girls never cease to amaze me, how could you steal a fellow girl’s panties?It isn’t even that surprising, if care is not taken, they won’t hesitate to steal a whole human being in this hostel and yes, without that person even knowing.

    “What kind of question are you asking? Where did you put it? If not that you are careless, how would it have been stolen?” A girl shouted at her from a room next to hers.

    A fight was soon to ensue, no doubts about that.

    “What’s your problem? Did you steal it? I did not even face you and you are just driving one way with that your big mouth, did I call your name?” The girl looking for her pants said.

    “Are you talking to me? You are very stupid!” The other girl said as she moved closer ready to pounce on her.

    But before the fight could get out of hand, one of the hostel prefects came in to stop their rants, and that was how they ruined our morning show for us.

    “Amy, won’t you go and take your bath before those women come and chase us, do you want to be punished?” My roommate who was an S.S 3 student said as I quickly obeyed, rushing into the slippery public bathroom in which I met over twelve students taking their bathe.

    Some were singing making the bathroom sound more like church than a bathroom and others were busy gossiping as loudly as they could.

    This was a daily routine for Hostel Students in Royal Priesthood high School…


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