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    Ken had never left the palace before in his life as he was the heir to the curse. The people of the South were in a state of uneasiness and opposition because of the Gare Prince’s curse.

    Such a prince couldn’t leave the palace and go out in a leisurely manner.

    For Ken, the square was an unknown territory. It was a place that he could only think of in his imagination, such as the Valley of Chaos or the Snow Mountain in the north.

    Furthermore, in novels, the square was always described as the source of all kinds of problems that lead to problematic events.

    “Don’t worry, our security is the best on the continent. Besides, Sir Edon went with her.”


    “Is there anything else that’s bothering you?”

    Ken’s dim expression didn’t lighten up, so Hans was also worried.

    “Tina won’t leave me, right?”

    Ken continued to pour out worries.

    When Tina first helped him take a bath, she hesitated when Ken told her not to leave him. It was only for a few moments, but Ken kept thinking about it.

    Ken was afraid that she might suddenly run away one day.

    His life was a series of losses.Not long after his birth, his mother died and his father abandoned him. The servants also despised him.

    Sure, his father showed sympathy, but when he saw the cursed inscriptions, he, too, ran away. Ken was so used to losing. Despair was his long-time friend.

    But when he thought about Tina leaving him, he was scared and his heart felt like it was being torn apart even if he just thought about it.

    Hans smiled as he looked at the young boy standing with his head down.

    There was a sense of fear in Ken’s eyes. It was a better sign than his usual worn out expression, though it would be better for him to smile instead.

    “Your Highness, don’t worry. She will never leave you.”

    Hans said with confidence.

    Hans had observed Tina carefully. The world was rife with groundless rumours surrounding the heir of the curse. Regardless of gender, age, status, they made up rumours simply because the cursed inscriptions looked ominous.
    However, even though Tina was young, she was not swayed by those false rumours.

    Hans thought his loyalty for the Gare Prince was second to none, but he reflected on himself after seeing Tina.

    He had been defeated. 

    “Should I check on them…?”

    Ken’s eyes glistened.

    Soon, when Hans said she was okay, his expression visibly brightened.

    Hans wondered how worried he must have been…

    He hoped the two of them would be happy for a long time.

    I went to the blacksmith with Lesley and Edon and asked him to make a cauldron. The blacksmith was intrigued and filled with the spirit of taking on a challenge after hearing my explanation and seeing the cauldron I drew.

    I didn’t think they would be this enthusiastic, but he was really friendly and helpful.

    When I came out from the blacksmiths’ place after completing my request, Lesley asked, “Your Highness, will you stop by somewhere else?”


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