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    “Tina, what’s wrong? Does it not taste good?”

    I quickly relaxed my rigid expression and smiled brightly. I didn’t want to worry Ken over nothing.

    “No, it’s delicious. Try some of these mushrooms.”

    “But I don’t like mushrooms…”

    “You have to eat it for your health.”


    As I held the mushrooms in front of him, Ken begrudgingly opened his mouth. When the spoon went into his mouth, he had a slightly dismal expression, which soon turned into a big frown. He reached out for the nearest cup of water and gulped it down in one go. I held his hands to calm him down.

    “Ah! Ha- hands… this is not the bedroom!”

    Husband, what are you talking about during a meal?

    “Don’t just swallow it down with water. Make sure you chew it first.”


    He turned his head to the side to avert my gaze as he nodded softly with his cheeks all red.

    “You can drink water now.”

    I was going to take the cup from him, but Ken grasped my hands tightly.

    “What’s wrong?”

    “My hands are warm….. I feel at ease now that you’re holding me.”

    If Ken felt comfortable, did I truly have some power of light?

    After finishing the meal, I went back to my room and immediately called for Brown, the chief servant of the Gare Prince’s palace. The man walked in with a prideful stride. I could tell that he was arrogant just from his expression.

    “Your Highness, what brings you here?”

    “The quality of the meal was very inadequate.”

    “Ah, so that’s why you called. It’s not an emergency.”

    “There is a problem with the Gare Prince’s meal. Isn’t this an urgent matter?”

    Brown smirked arrogantly. His lips moved very faintly, eyes slightly narrowed and his head tilted to the side almost unnoticeably. It was so subtle, yet Tina had caught a glimpse of it and was now extremely infuriated.

    “Your Highness, you’ve just arrived, and you didn’t know many things, but the budget set aside for the Gare Prince is not very adequate. What else can we do if His Majesty doesn’t give us more?”

    Brown lied smoothly without any feelings of remorse. This place was not glamorous enough to be called luxurious, but it wasn’t so desolate that there wouldn’t be any meat sent over every now and then.


    “I was worried about you being too young, but I’m glad you understood.”

    “I will dismiss you.”


    Brown’s arrogant expression distorted. Instead of dealing with him any longer, I turned around and gave my orders to Edon, the knight who was standing next to him.

    “Sir Edon, arrest Brown Hamel under charges of embezzling the Gare Prince’s budget and imprison him. “

    “What do you mean embezzlement? Do you even understand what that word means?”


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