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    “We’re married so it’s natural to sleep together. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about.”


    Ken shivered and buried his face in the pillow.

    “I’m still embarrassed….”


    Where did the fierce Ken from the original story go? Instead of a ferocious guy, a lovable child was sitting in front of me. Would this little rabbit really turn into such a man in 10 years? Human growth was truly mysterious.

    “Come here!”

    I couldn’t leave him like this. I took the pillow he was holding away and tightly held his hands.

    “As a newlywed couple, I suggest we sleep together from now on.”


    “Is there a problem? Do you perhaps not like the idea?”

    “N-No… but are you comfortable with this arrangement?”


    “Are you fine with us sleeping together?”

    “Of course I’m fine. I’m fond of you.”

    Ken opened his already huge eyes wider and couldn’t say anything while his whole face reddened. I clasped both of his hands

    “How is it? Do you feel comfortable?”

    The pain of the curse would go away when he held hands with Vicky, the heroine, in the original novel, but…

    My power didn’t seem to work very well.

    Now that I had been transmigrated to this novel, I wanted to help Ken, who would live in pain until he met Vicky, but I didn’t have the power to do so.

    I let go of his hand and flung it under the quilt, but suddenly, Ken hugged me from behind.

    “Don’t let go!”


    “Your hand. Tina’s hands are warm, so don’t let go.”

    I couldn’t see his face because he hugged me from behind, but I could hear the quiver in his voice. He was sobbing.
    Such a crybaby.

    “I’m not going anywhere.”


    “Yes, I just came down to get my pillow….”

    Then, Ken’s face flushed red and he quickly climbed back onto the bed.

    “Don’t you want to sleep with me?”

    “That’s not it… Well, are you really okay with it? To sleep with a monster like me…”

    “Your Highness! Don’t say that. You’re not a monster.”


    “I told you before, didn’t I?”

    I took his hand and looked straight into his crimson eyes.

    “Don’t worry. Your curse will be lifted eventually.”

    “My curse?”

    “Yes… On your 18th birthday, when you reach adulthood, your curse will eventually be lifted. The days won’t be as dreadful in the future, so don’t be too discouraged. You don’t need to mind what other people say. Just treat their words as mindless chattering.”


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